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Jhin Build Guide by krisroxas

ADC One-Trick Jhin Guide 9.2 - Low Elo God Mode Carry

ADC One-Trick Jhin Guide 9.2 - Low Elo God Mode Carry

Updated on February 2, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author krisroxas Build Guide By krisroxas 9,541 Views 0 Comments
9,541 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author krisroxas Jhin Build Guide By krisroxas Updated on February 2, 2019
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Runes: My Preferred Runes

1 2 3 4 5 6
Dark Harvest
Cheap Shot
Eyeball Collection
Ravenous Hunter

Gathering Storm
Absolute Focus


1 2 3 4
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Champion Build Guide

One-Trick Jhin Guide 9.2 - Low Elo God Mode Carry

By krisroxas
Hypercarry Jhin - Early, Mid & Late Game Potential
General Play Style: Intelligent Aggression

Jhin is my most consistent ADC for climbing because he's good at almost all stages of the game with the current solo queue meta.

Most teams pick squishy champions with average mobility, so that means you'll almost always be able to land skill shots and kill them with a high percentage.

People tend not to build tanks because they're not as fun, so you can exploit that.

If you're against tanks... Well, you probably "shouldn't" pick Jhin, but if you're like me and blind pick him then there are still ways to win and you should get a Last Whisper-based item and try to win early/snowball.

- You'll have a strong early game because you have so much damage and can get good trades
- You'll have a strong mid game because on 2 items you'll be able to burst people, even if you're behind
- You'll have a strong late game because a full build Jhin with Dark Harvest and Gathering storm can burst pretty much anyone
- If you play smart and as a team, you'll win most fights and get fed

- Jhin has some losing match-ups
- If you aren't good at CS'ing, harassment/poking, playing safe in lane then you'll lose your main advantages
- If you use flash or heal, you'll lose a lot of your safety
- If you blindly CS a side lane and don't group you'll probably lose the game because you'll either: get picked off, or your team will lose a team fight
- If you aren't good at kiting and team fight positioning, then you'll probably die a lot and lose any benefit that DH + snowballing gives you

If you die a lot, especially as the ADC, you're probably not playing very well.

So figure out how to stay alive. That's why other people build Fleet Footwork.

I just use other tools to stay alive (perfect positioning, strong laning, life steal, vision/map control).
Shotcalling, Leadership & Being A Team
Getting along with your team is an important part of playing League of Legends.

It's a team game, so even if one or several people... including you... have a bad start you can always recover.

If anybody is flaming you, then just mute them and focus on playing. It'll take up too much of your mental to worry about what they're saying.

That includes your team mates, and sometimes your support. If you have a toxic, annoying support then mute them and just try to play smart.

When you become the carry for your team, they start to rely on you as a win condition: if we protect Jhin, we can win the game.

Part of that responsibility also means becoming the shot caller. Ask for help to get vision, to roam with your support and snowball another lane/jungle, or if you win a fight then to take baron or towers.

You also shouldn't be afraid to ask your support and jungle to help you freeze or push a wave.

Communication is a fundamental part of leadership inside of League and outside of it.

Humans are social creatures. We function well because we can co-ordinate and pull things off as a group that we couldn't on our own.

So no matter how hard you win lane, you won't be able to win the game just because you're fed.

Win the game with 5 strong players working towards a single goal.

Sometimes that means playing selfishly, but you'll still need to help your team and prevent them from being tilted/giving up/playing from a disadvantage.
Dark Harvest Is STILL Crazy Good On Jhin
Dark Harvest (DH) has been nerfed to the ground, but it's still a viable rune on Jhin in particular. It's more of a niche pick for champions like Jhin, Karthus and sometimes Lux because it's usually their duty to clean people up in a fight.

You only get a few auto-attacks before you need to reload, so every shot needs to count. That's why I maximize attack damage. Other traditional ADC's maximize attack speed.

I think Precision (usually Fleet Footwork) is safer, but because of how heavily Jhin can win small trades and poke you'll be able to get DH stacks very quickly and spiral out of control.

I like that better in solo queue because I can get early advantages, have a strong mid game, and have 2 scaling runes (DH + Gathering Storm) for the late game.

So even though Fleet Footwork gives you extra health and mobility you can't get picks or win fights as easily, which is how I tend to win games.

Kill people, take objectives, end the game. I will be mentioning this concept a lot and it's just basic LoL gameplay.
How To Increase Skill Shot Accuracy (W and R ("Ult))
Playing Jhin well means hitting your skill shots (W and R).

If you manage to hit your W, they'll be rooted, so either you or your team can complete the kill.

If you manage to hit your R, you can slow or kill the enemy, as well.

So here's where you should aim...

- "Skill Shot Alley" beside their tower. Most people will run into the small choke point beside their tower, but it's stupid because you have a clear target: that small gap between the tower.

- Flowers. If they walk over your E flower trap then they're slowed. It gives you a more accurate shot if they're moving slowly. You can also throw it somewhere obvious so they avoid walking in that area, which narrows where they can safely walk and gives you a more accurate shot.

- If they used their dash. Ezreal and Lucian have dashes. If they just used it, it could be a great opportunity to root or kill them.

- Most people try to juke. If they're walking left, then aim slightly to the right so that it hits them when they walk back. This takes practice, but most opponents are bad at dodging.

- Sometimes aiming straight at them works.

- Be patient (especially with your 4th shot). If you can line up just 1 final shot, you can convert the kill, so don't rush. Take as much time as possible to get a great shot lined up.

- If you rooted them with W and they're low, immediately use R. They'll be stuck in place and won't be able to run away.

- The edge of the ult. On the left and right, you can hit people slightly outside of the ult's projected range. I don't know why Riot leaves it like that, but you can still hit someone if they're slightly left or right.
Jungle Leashing
Your jungle will almost always start bot. Just go ahead and help them so they don't complain.

All you need are 4 shots and a Q. (Make sure you Q early so you can regenerate your mana for lane).

You'll usually be done leashing as Jhin by 1m 37 seconds, but if you're slow then make sure you leave before 1:39 so you don't miss the first 3 minions.
Laning Phase
Assuming you've leashed correctly, you'll be in time to Q the first 3 minions perfectly and won't miss any CS.

Your game plan on Jhin is always to last hit (ie don't push the lane, unless you're forcing it under tower so you can back or want lane priority).

This covers general wave management, and you might be better off watching YouTube videos dedicated to wave control/management, but here are some tips:

1. Last hit and don't miss any CS. Slow, controlled.

2. Intimidate people with your 4th auto. When you have your 4th auto up you can bully enemies away from minions, and if they don't back off you can annihilate them without getting punished.

3. Run away after you've used your 4th auto. If you used it to kill a minion, just run. If you used it to poke someone, just run. You need to reload and are helpless without being able to auto-attack.

4. Slow push the wave. You want to crash the wave into the enemy tower so you get a preferred back timing. This works especially for Jhin because you'll have more opportunities to poke them with a 4th auto + Q, or a W to root them.

5. Get E at level 4. Most Jhin's don't do this because, but I prefer it because it gives me a certain level of zone control, poke (with W), and vision. It's also way better for clearing waves and getting great back timings than auto-ing constantly.

6. Use minions for protection. Most champions need to hit you directly with a skill shot, so if a minion is in the way then let them tank the shot while you auto attack.

7. Don't walk too far past your melee minions when you're trading. You'll start taking aggro from their minions and take unnecessary damage.
Mid/Late Game
If you've taken their tower, then leave bot lane.

If they've taken your tower, you can pick up some CS if they aren't pressuring you. Pick up the side wave then rotate to mid or top lane to help out the team.

Generally you'll want to stick around mid lane, but there are times when rotating to top lane first is a good decision. For example, there's no pressure mid lane and your top laner is smart enough to rotate to bot lane after you've taken the tower.

If you've taken the tower, then ALWAYS rotate. DO NOT STAY BOT LANE TO TAKE ANOTHER TOWER.

You will get caught out, die, and throw any lead you had. Stay safe in mid or top lane.

Your Goals:

1. Take Towers
2. Get Gold + XP (from minions)
3. Team Fight

1. Take Towers

It's usually a safe bet to take out all the enemy outer towers first. That gives you more map control, and you can take their jungle camps and starve them out of the game more safely. So if you've taken bot, then try and take top or mid lane.

2. Get Gold + XP

You never want to fall behind on Jhin. He isn't like Kai'sa, Tristana, or Vayne where he can scale up into the late game and rip through tanks. He "can", but it's not where he excels.

You basically want to annihilate anyone who walks up to you in just a few shots.

Staying alive as any ADC is fundamental, so you should just always want to focus on good team fight positioning, CS'ing, and prioritizing important enemy targets first.

3. Team Fights

I'm going to create another chapter for this because it's important.
Team Fighting
Outside of the laning phase, this is where you'll really start to shine as Jhin.

Jhin usually has a strong laning phase if you focus on wave control and short trades, but you need to transition that lead into a victory.

With any traditional ADC you'll mostly need to team fight, then take objectives, in order to win. Jhin is no exception.

Before You Start A Fight

Usually after the bot towers are gone, you'll be hovering around mid lane as an ADC so that you can go wherever you're needed.

I like to throw down some flowers (your E ability) to wave clear and get some vision of the enemy across the mid lane.

Poke. If you/your allies hit them then throw out a W and root them. This can usually initiate a fight, kill them, and then you'll have a 5v4 advantage. Otherwise, they'll just be lower on health and play more scared.

Initiating A Fight

Your W roots tend to cause a fight. Don't go for a full fight unless you have your team near you, or if for some reason you need to defend a tower by yourself. I'll have another chapter on playing defensively.

You don't usually want to start a fight with your ult, but situationally that can be good.

Your allies will usually start a fight. It'll be your job to jump in, kill everyone, and win the fight.

Who Should You Kill First?

Honestly, anybody within auto attack range that you can safely hit.

Ideally you'll be hitting the enemy ADC or a squishy assassin because they'll die the fastest. However, if there's only a tank near you and your allies need help then just attack them first.

Attack the closest, highest-priority target: squishy + high damage people.

If you're the only squishy, high-damage person left then you've done your job and probably won the fight.

Offensive Ulting

Sometimes you'll get a flank and initiate against enemies who are low on health, or just want to slow them down so your team can catch up to them and get the kill (your ult slows people).

Usually, though, you've just hit them really hard and they're low on health and trying to run so you ult them and finish them off safely.

If someone jumps on you to kill you while you're ulting, just cancel it and run away. It's not worth the kill if you have a chance of staying alive. If you're guaranteed death, then go ahead and trade your life for the kill.

Primary Priority Targets: Go for people who are low health first. Guarantee the kill.

Secondary Priority Targets: People who could run away. If your team is always killing someone who's guaranteed to die, you don't need to KS. Just slow down/kill anybody they can't reach.

Read the "How To Increase Skill Shot Accuracy (W and R ("Ult))" for more information.

How to Stay Alive VS People Who Dive You

With this play style, it'll be very obvious to the enemy that you need to die. You'll be up in gold, kills, XP, and have a bounty on you.

To defend against this you'll need to:

- Build Boots of Swiftness to run away (also good running towards allies to protect them)
- Stand with your team. If you're isolated and have no vision of enemies (especially bruisers or assassins you want to kill you) then it's more likely you'll die. Play selfishly and let your tanks and support defend you so you can kill them. If you die, then you probably won't win team fights, so let everyone else die first/defend you.
- Build safety items. Personally, I think I'm good at micro and kiting. I don't build safety items until later like Stopwatch, Guardian Angel, or Maw of Malmortius. However, if you really need it then get it early. STAY ALIVE AT ALL COSTS.
- Play Towards Vision. If you can't see something on the minimap, then roam with the jungle and support to put down wards. Make sure you KNOW where the enemy is.
- Flash and Heal. Only use these in an emergency. You can sometimes use them aggressively, but make sure you play safely until they're back off cooldown, otherwise you'll die and throw the game.
Playing Defensively/From Behind
War of Attrition

The point of a War of Attrition is to stall for time and avoid a decisive battle, giving you more opportunities to make a comeback.

Playing from behind is something you should always try to avoid, but it's an inescapable reality of playing team games: someone will mess up.

If, for whatever reason, you're losing the early or mid game then you'll need to play defensively.

- Stop dying.
- Let everyone defend you so you can carry.
- Play towards vision. Place a lot of wards and don't go anywhere you can't see by yourself.
- Don't get baited into bad fights. If your jungler is dumb and tries to 1v4 in the top river, don't chase after him - it's already too late.
- Don't walk alone into the jungle unless you know where the opponents are.
- Get CS and items. If you can get to at least 2-3 items on Jhin, you still have a chance to win team fights.
- If you win team fights, you can get gold, XP, and objectives, then go from a losing game to an even game.
- So play with the goal of winning just 1 or 2 good fights. That's how you'll make a comeback.(Or picking off their high bounty champions. If there's a fed Talon with 1,000 gold bounty and you can safely kill them then do it).

In summary...

- If you're behind: win a fight.
- To win a fight you need items.
- To get items you need gold.
- To get gold you need to kill minions, jungle, or get some kills.
- Stay alive.
- Losing Game > Even Game > Winning Game (one step at a time)

If Your Whole Team Is Dead, Except You

Slow them down as much as possible. They'll want to take towers or baron.

Let them take the baron. Just give it up. Otherwise, you're give 1v5 into the jungle alone.

At times you can get vision of the baron pit and ult to steal it away, but never let yourself get too close to the enemy.

You are a sniper, so don't let people get into melee range of you.

Defensive Ulting

- Defending Towers & Stalling for Time. As an emergency measure, you can ult the enemy from a safe position to slow them down. You'll fire shots when they're hitting the tower and potentially kill them. Many of them will start trying to dodge you, wasting their time, and letting your team mates respawn.

- Long Range Roaming Ganks. If you've cleared the wave bot lane, then instead of getting turret plates or poke damage, you can help snowball the mid lane or defend the jungler. Often there'll be fights in bot river or mid lane, so you and your support should leave bot lane and sneak up on people to get a 3v1 advantage. Just make sure you don't get snuck up on and killed - ult from safety and have lots of wards for vision.
If You're Even/Stalemate
Stick with your team, stay alive, and try to win a team fight or pick people off.

Then take objectives and win the game.
Final Thoughts
League is a game where you need to make smart decisions.

If you play well then you'll win more often than you lose, even if you think your team is bad.

So don't blame anybody except yourself.

If you play well, then you'll be able to lead your team to victory.

That means you need to have a lot of gold, be able to kill people while also staying alive, and playing well with your team.

And... don't just play for KDA. You'll usually end up with a good KDA, but that's not the only measurement of playing a good game.

Victory is the only thing that matters. That means helping your team mates out.
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