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Fiddlesticks Build Guide by FULLTANKJESUS

Jungle Play Fiddlesticks. Escape Elo Hell. Simple.

Jungle Play Fiddlesticks. Escape Elo Hell. Simple.

Updated on April 13, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author FULLTANKJESUS Build Guide By FULLTANKJESUS 17,319 Views 0 Comments
17,319 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author FULLTANKJESUS Fiddlesticks Build Guide By FULLTANKJESUS Updated on April 13, 2018
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Phase Rush
The Ultimate Hat
Gathering Storm

Presence of Mind
Coup de Grace


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


Oh hi. My name is FULLTANKJESUS and this is my Fiddlesticks guide.

So you think you're READY to play Fiddlesticks huh?!
Well good, cause he's a fun champ.
However he is not like the other champs, he has a certain pressure that cant be matched.
He's the type of champ you don't think about until he's on the other team and you think to yourself...please don't be good.

I've been Playing Fiddlesticks for over a year and have found it easy to climb with him if you know what you're doing. And since most players don't know, I wanted to make this guide to share some of my own insight and experiences.
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Pros / Cons

+ Long Butt CC
+ Good Sustain
+ Mobility w/ passive and ult
+ Mind Games w/ his kit
+ Great Team Fight Presence
+ Hard To Accurately Ward Where He'll Ult From

- Squishy
- Easy to counter jungle
- Weak ganks until 6
- cant think of anymore
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Jungling/My Path

After clearing Blue and hitting Level 2, It's important to assess the situation. If your enemy jg is a heavy counter jungler like nidalee, udyr, lee sin. Put a point into q(fear) for safety if they come.
If their enemy jungle is someone who most likely not to invade like a yi, amumu, or you get the idea. Take e(Dark wind) to throw the crow for extra damage on gromp.

I'm not saying that this is the best route to take. But this is the best route for me. Cause even though Fiddle gets his pressure hitting Level 6. You can still gank and get rewarded for it. Hard farming until 6 is always a good option, but the difference between a good fiddle and a great fiddle is recognizing his potential at all stages of the game. His fear and silence can leave an enemy laner stuck walking for close to 3 seconds with nothing to do at lvl 4.

With that, there's no reason to not try something because Fiddle also has excellent recovery. His ult is so dangerous that he could be 2 levels down and still get a kill or get your team a kill.

So hard farming is a win, and trying to gank is a win. Just feel him out and figure out what's best for you.
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Ranked Play/Stages Of The Game

How do I explain this?...oh right, with words.

Early game- Look for easy ganks. Enemies that are less mobile, low health, no flashes. Lvl 4 I like to show up to a lane to burn a flash or a 2. Fiddle's fear is POWERFUL, no reason not to show up somewhere with it. But typically your main goal is to hit 6 and get solo kills.

Mid game- As the game moves into mid game, your ults become more meaningful. Instead of 1 kill, you should be looking at 2 if not 3. Even if your bot lane loses and the enemy rotates mid, you can still hold mid lane with your ult alone. Try to use vision control to hide your ult's channeling because it can and WILL be disrupted if given the chance.

Late Game- Your ult should hit 4-5 people. Both teams will normally be grouped. Find the carry and end them. The biggest problem on the enemy team is your target. use your abilities on him/her. Then when you're about to die, Zhonyas and let your ult finish the remainder of its duration. But don't wait too long to activate it, cause you can die really fast.

End Game- say gg and I'm sorry my Fiddlesticks destroyed everything you love.
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My Thoughts/Explanations

I mentioned it in the notes above but I'll say it again if you don't want to click on the little arrow.

The Ultimate Hat + Presence of the mind= Ult Cooldowns
55.1 Seconds Without Any Cooldown Reduction
36.72 Seconds With Max Cooldown Reduction

Phase Rush
Aery and comet are great for poking but we want prolonged damage overtime. Use the Movement speed to keep everyone you can in your Ultimate without being close to them.

My vote is with the sorcerer shoes. I know, i know, other fiddlesticks want the Mobis for positioning. Plus with his passive, fiddle has good mobility. BUT, Damage is what's winning games nowadays. I don't like it, and id like to play the strategic Fiddlequicks but you're more likely going to win by nuking/melting the enemy team. This is my own opinion, and both boots can work well.

3 camps, then back for Dorans Ring
I discovered this on accident. I do this because i was messing around with friends one game and forgot smite. So I took Dorans ring instead and found that it was clearing better than the JG item! (minus the exp) So I don't buy potions starting off because his sustain is good anyways, clear 3 camps and you can afford Dorans Ring (extra health, damage, and mana regen) AND a control ward! This not only helps your clear speed, but it sets you up for an early gank. Lets face it, no one expects to see a fiddle pre-6 so its very surprising to see one gank lvl 4 and have the damage to back it up.

Sweeping Lens
Stick with Warding Totem until you can upgrade to Sweeping Lens. Sweeping Lens gives you power over the vision game. It's very important for them not to know where you are. Like I said, your ult has a channel that can be disrupted and sent to cooldown. So don't even give them a chance.
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Conditions and Mechanics

1v1's - The only time you really want to fight a single other person solo would be when you have your ult OR there is a minion wave, jungle creature, or something nearby for your crow(E) to bounce off of. Otherwise your E becomes a one time hit and chances are you wont win that trade. However if you do find yourself in that situation of no ult and nothing around, E for silence, Drain until your passive comes up, Q(Fear) and then get away.

1v2's - This is when conditions are best. Cause most of the time the enemy team will group and let the crow bounce freely. Use your fear to CC the carry OR anyone that can interrupt your drain(W). Accompanied by an ult, this should kill your target. Wait for them to extend, or waste a gap closer, or an ability that could save them. Then go in.

1v(4-5) - You want them grouped tight. Like attacking one of your towers, or dragon, or baron. Even if they're defending their tower, you want it so they're right on top of each other. The idea being that even if they flash or use a gap closing ability, they will still catch the tail end of your ults damage. You're creating the most damage you can overtime. You should go in when it's ideal for your team to follow up. The enemy engages, Your team engages, or the enemies protection leaves them for a second to ward. Use this ult to scatter them, separate their team and cause chaos. You will probably only get to R, Q, E, then zhonyas. Rarely can you drain in this situation for cc, utilities and disengages. But normally this is enough to dismantle the enemy. Seriously, it doesn't matter how far your team is behind, whether 2 of your team are dead, or anything. A fiddle ult is a game changer.

-You can use it to kill the bigger jg creatures faster.
-Use enemy minions to help kill the enemy.
-Use the jungle creatures to help kill an opposing jungle

- Hide in the fog of war until the enemy is so deep he has no where to go
- Can ult bot/top lane from their own jungle by bypassing standard ward placement
- Keep them in the ult and Zhonyas before you die. PLEASE Zhonyas BEFORE you die.

- Use it on the biggest problem in the team fights. Whoever is doing work.
- If they have a high movement speed champ, use it on them and theyll run the other direction just as fast.
- If you are doing good damage and the enemy has little to no escape, save it for the end of your ult to secure the kill or escape if you need to.
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Fiddlesticks Outplays and Funny Moments

This video demonstrates some outplays, devastating Fiddle Ults, and how funny it can be to play Fiddlesticks. I made this for my personal stream and youtube channel but it gets the point across on certain ways to use Fiddlestick's kit.
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Summary and Conclusion

THANKS FOR READING! My name is FULLTANKJESUS and this is my guide. I love playing Fiddlesticks, and there is nothing more satisfying than landing that game changing ult to win a game. He's hilarious to watch, annoying to play against, and has nice burlappy skin. What's not to love?!

If you have any questions or comments, you can catch me on Twitch where I stream. Currently I am doing an "Unranked to Diamond... or die trying" stream to show off the power of the Fiddle! I am not actually Diamond tho, which makes them victories so much sweeter am i right!
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