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Kennen Build Guide by Ildigrub

ADC Shur i ken ADC: 8.16 ADC Kennen IN DEPTH (kind of) Guide

ADC Shur i ken ADC: 8.16 ADC Kennen IN DEPTH (kind of) Guide

Updated on August 19, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ildigrub Build Guide By Ildigrub 12 0 34,946 Views 0 Comments
12 0 34,946 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Ildigrub Kennen Build Guide By Ildigrub Updated on August 19, 2018
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Hi, I'm Shur i ken ADC. My name is a beautiful pun. It sounds like sure I can ADC, but it's spelled like shuriken ADC. I'm a little too proud of it, I spent hard earned Blue Essence on that. I've been playing a lot of Kennen ADC since the latter half of season 6. My name was Ildigrub back then, and I was a big time off meta normals player. I played very few ranked games that season, and a lot of them were malzahar jungle... I didn't win a lot... Last season I climbed out of the depths of bronze into gold 5. I got up to about silver 3 before I switched from Kennen ADC to Corki and Orianna mid. I rode the preseason confusion to Gold 1 before the ranks reset. At the start of this season, the preseason confusion and base stats screwing Kennen over made me play other champions and kept me in gold 5 for a long time. When the AD Kennen buffs came, I immediately started playing him. I peaked Gold 1 on patch 8.11 among the confusion and people using bad builds on now weak ADCs. However, once people figured out the crazy meta, I started dropping. I had still been building bork into crit, and with crit being so weak that just wasn't great. I stayed Gold 3, but then last week I was out of the country for 7 days and when I came back I spammed ranked games and dropped to gold5 and I now play in silver games.. I'll get back up there I promise.

Anyway, I have almost 1 million mastery on Kennen almost all from ADC Kennen or AD Kennen top. This means that I know what I'm talking about on the champion, not just some newbie who found a fun build that worked twice. I do acknowledge that my rank is bad and I am a bad player, but I like to think I understand itemization and the meta pretty well as I try to keep very close tabs on everything. is literally one of my most viewed sites and I always follow patch note analysts and the pro scene. I just want to say, the AD Kennen tops you have seen lately building like bork wits end mallet are not smart. You cannot expect to do damage with Bonus AD scaling when you don't build any bonus AD.... These players may be professional, but they don't play a lot of Kennen and most of them have performed poorly. Looking at Darshan, Whiteknight, Cuvee, and a few others...
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Why Kennen ADC???

WTF You troll, Kennen adc??? Hi, I'm Shur i ken ADC, and yes I can Kennen adc. Kennen is an interesting kind of pick. He plays out similarly to Xayah or Kai'sa. He has good kiting, he auto attacks to build toward cc like Xayah, he has great self peel, and mostly his abilities simply set him up to deal more damage with basic attacks.

Q: Okay, this ability isn't amazing. Before first back it's about the damage of one auto. This can be good for poking a little, but not big. It's main uses are last hitting from longer range in lane, and stunning. When you go for a stun combo, use this first as it is the only ability that can be minion blocked.

W: This is your bread and butter. It does lots of good things. It's important to max it first because every point in it increases the AD scaling on the empowered auto attack. At the 5th point, it scales 100% BONUS AD, which is some nice later game scaling on every 5th attack. You can of course use it for stuns, or just poke trades. If the lane is going well for you and they can't punish for it, E through the wave and W for some nice waveclear! It has a lot of range too ;)

E: This is one of my favorite abilities. It grants 330 movespeed on press and defensive stats, then after the two seconds or pressing it again, it gives attack speed (70% at 5th point). The cooldown is also incredibly short the more you put points into it. This makes it very similar to Kai'sa's E, but better for repositioning.

R: In lane, this is your big skirmish ability. It works wonders! In teamfights, you will die VERY fast if you try to engage with it. In some games you can use it for follow up cc, but typically you want to use it to peel for yourself and other backline teammates. With your ult and abilities, you can stun one champion two times in a row with pretty little delay between them.

Kennen is not the ADC you pick if you want to one shot people, or totally shred that Dr. Mundo. While he does scale to have nice late game damage, his laning is terrible really. He does however provide more cc than any other marksman. Nobody can stun as much as kennen unless it's varus playing against some disconnected Bronze 5 players. He also just has incredible safety despite only having 550 attack range (more than sivir, kai'sa, xayah, kog'maw without his W, Lucian, Vayne(?). less than ashe, varus, jhin, cait, kog'maw with his W.)
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Lane Phase

Laning phase is a struggle early game. You just want to pick up as many minions as you can, and don't fight unless they mess up bad. Ask your support not to engage in all ins for a while, but its fine if your support can take solo trades. Actually, you really don't want to be forcing fights at all unless you have a lead on them.

First back can end up being anywhere between 350 and 2000 gold depending on how your opponent plays the lane. The better your first back, the better the rest of the lane goes. If the lane is still pretty even at first back, buy longswords, boots, daggers, or t2 boots. You don't want to start a stormrazor and then get solokilled three times. Attack speed is great for damage anyway.

Once you get your stormrazor, you have strong trades with your empowered auto attack. By level 9 you should be able to win trades with just that and walking away. If you end up being forced into bork first, you'll want to trade with empowered auto, stun, two autos and run. Laning phase really doesn't last much longer than first item really, but getting into second item is always nice, still riding the first item spike of course.

If you get first tower, try to swap with your top laner. You should be able to take the top tower pretty quickly 2v1 or draw jungle pressure, and your top laner should have two or three levels up on their bot lane. If they try to take bot tower they are at more risk because they have already lost their own tower.
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Mid Game

Usually mid game is pretty nice for you. Unless they have a fed carry, you can do a lot in teamfights. You can also stomp skirmishes of course, and with a little help from your support can kill most enemies who would try to kill you. You can even 1v1 a lot of them, but 1v1ing as the ADC is always risky. You want to keep farming of course. It's very easy to forget to keep your cs up and fall behind. Look at ignored jungle camps (THE KRUGS) and sidelane minion waves for this. Don't farm so much that you miss important fights however. On your second item bork, you are a little less strong than you were on the stormrazor spike, but still doing nice. On guinsoo's second, you should be shredding pretty nicely. Once you get third item guinsoos, your damage is scary.
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Late Game

Here your goal is to never die. EVER. If you die, the game is in a bad spot most likely as you are the AD carry, unless someone else is really fed or something. You want to deal damage while staying away from enemies. On 550 range, this can be a little difficult. You want to stay back, out of range of the enemies and behind your team, until all the dangerous abilities are used. Things like Alistar combo, Wukong ult, Nocturne ult, Riven's W and Q, Orianna's ult, etc.
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Quick Discussion About Unmentioned Matchups

There aren't a lot of matchups listed because a lot of them are toss ups. Usually, the ADC matchup is not very important, but rather the support you're against. Your farm will be a lot lower versus a brand than against a Tahm Kench usually. Just in general let your support make plays and use your own judgement. 50/50s are not usually in your favor early on, and it's safer to wait for something like a 70/30.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ildigrub
Ildigrub Kennen Guide
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Shur i ken ADC: 8.16 ADC Kennen IN DEPTH (kind of) Guide

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