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Support The Most Disgustingly Thorough Nami Guide of All Time

Support The Most Disgustingly Thorough Nami Guide of All Time

Updated on July 15, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author The VIllain Build Guide By The VIllain 1,699 Views 0 Comments
1,699 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author The VIllain Build Guide By The VIllain Updated on July 15, 2022
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Runes: 80% of Games - Aery + Precision

1 2 3 4
Summon Aery
Manaflow Band
Gathering Storm

Presence of Mind
Legend: Tenacity

+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
Summoners - Ideal
LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Champion Build Guide

The Most Disgustingly Thorough Nami Guide of All Time

By The VIllain
About Me
Hello, I'm Vìllain and I am a Diamond Nami one trick. In the last 4 seasons I have played nearly 1200 ranked games on Nami on my main account (and several hundred on my alternative accounts).

The real question is why did I write this 50000 character plus guide on Nami other than liking the champion?

I wrote this guide because I am bad at video games, have a consistent 80 ping, have repetitive stress injuries in both wrists, have a full-time job and family, and still generally have no idea about most of the things people seem to think matter for improving at league but still somehow made it to Diamond which I realize is a goal for a lot of the other bad players out there. I am convinced that with the information in this guide anyone can improve their level up to a similar level as mine and can do so without having insane mechanics or understanding wave states or other core macro concepts. I hope that you enjoy the guide and I would love to answer any questions you have in the comments.
Laning Partners
S Tier:

Lucian : This is the classic. I frankly have grown tired of it since many people pick Lucian just because you picked Nami and not because they are good at him but it is hard to argue that Lucian's passive and entire kit don't benefit greatly from Nami. We make his ult easier to land, he give him more ability, we proc electrocute like Zeus himself throwing thunderbolts from the heavens. A good lucian and nami are at an advantage in most lanes so if you can find a good Lucian duo you can make the magic happen. Crucially, I recommend you and your lucian both take E level 1 assuming you actually know what you are doing.

Xayah : Xayah works excellent with electrocute and regular variations of Nami. All of her spells get great value from our E and the bonus damage, slow, and movespeed we provide facilities her mobile playstyle. In addition, the sustain we provide helps a champion who otherwise doesn't build a ton of lifesteal. This combed with her snares combo means we have a great chance of landing our bubble and ultimate which is where we find most of our value. Xayah is also great at deflecting ganks post 6 and with the aid of our ult is even safer. I would say she is in many ways a more effective choice the Lucian for a similar style of lane.

Zeri : Zeri, prior to her recent nerfs, was outright broken with Nami. Zeri needs bonus damage, sustain, and the ability to win trades based on movement speed. Our passive and E give her speed and slow our enemies, our W provides the sustain. Zeri is fantastic in teamfights and that is really where Nami thrives.

Jinx : Jinx greatly benefits from movement speed and the ability to hit enemies with her rockets, our E and passive give her bonus damage, a slow, and bonus movement speed which set her up to do that. Crucially, her traps synergize well with bubble and wave. If we use our E on her when she ults cross map we are likely to get an assist or two throughout a game.

Vayne : Vayne wants to have sustained auto attack up time and out position her opponents, we give her the movement speed from our passive, the bonus damage from E and its slow, and provide her with healing as is necessary. On top of this, if she successfully condemns it does a great job of setting up our bubble and ultimate.

Cassiopeia :
I actually think this is the most underrated duo partner for Nami. If Nami takes Mandate and maxes E (whether you run electrocute or not) you give Cass the movement speed swings and slows that she needs to effectively land her abilities, She is one of the best champions in the entire game at using our E and her ult is fantastic for setting up a CC chain with our bubble and wave.

A Tier:

Draven : Draven as a champion in isolation should be S tier, the problem is the baggage that comes along with him. His kit does fantastic with Nami as we give him additional movement speed and a slow which allows him to take the prolonged trades he is looking for and allows him to more easily dodge incoming responses. The problem is that playing Draven is in many ways a symptom of chronic mental illness. In a Draven matchup your ADC will likely insist that you take Ignite so he can take Exhaust and be a 1 v 1 god in the side lanes for the mid-game. This poses a problem for us, our standard play during skirmishes and team fights is to use our ignite and then stay at a range bouncing our W off of our ADC to give them HP, move speed, and land some poke on our enemy, CRUCIALLY we have 0 control over whether or not our W will bounce to an enemy after casting it on an ally in a fight. This interaction combined with ignites means that there will 100% be some points in some games where you steal a kill from your Draven AND THEN IMMEDIATELY LOSE THE GAME BECAUSE YOU HAVE PUSHED THEM PAST THE POINT OF NO RETURN. I think Draven Nami with two well-adjusted players with strong mental is an outstanding top 5 lane pairing but I think this represents less than 50% of my Draven lanes.

Ezreal : Ezreal is great at proccing our heal and his Q combod with our W gives us effective trades against enemies via poke. He also wants to generally scale in lane as opposed to going all in over and over again and that is in line with how we want to play the lane as well. You can also get value occasionally from using your E on him after he has fired his ult cross map to secure yourself an assist.

Kai'Sa : Kaisa wants a support that gives her sustain, helps her position, and bolsters her ability to proc her passive, our entire kit fulfills these functions by giving her move speed and slowing or knocking up our enemies.

Samira : Samira is our hardest counter so taking her out of the enemies hands gives us great value. On top of this, Samira is able to extend the value of our Q and R via her Kit and is able to deflect spells for us such as Morgana Q or Nautilus hook that might otherwise be a major threat. She also greatly benefits from being able to stick to the enemy which both our E and passive help with.

Tristana : Tristana gets great value from our E and its synergy with her E and her W is a fantastic tool for getting value from our W since when she jumps in if we time our W properly it is highly likely to heal her, bounce to an enemy, and then heal her again. Tristana also crucially has disengage which means when comboed with our Q and R she makes a great partner for deflecting all-ins, dives, and ganks more broadly. She also has agency to push the wave without our help which can swing some otherwise difficult matchups.

Yasuo : Nami has two knockups, Yasuo has his ultimate. On top of this, if Yasuo is on your team he is not playing for the enemy which takes away one of our biggest threats in his wind wall counter. Additionally, he benefits from our E and the additional move speed and sustain we offer.

B: Tier:

Varus : Varus has various builds and each one has some effective synergies with our kit. His poke build goes well with our E since we can use it after a projectile has been fired to guarantee we get value. His on hit/atk speed builds also proc our E effectively and benefit from an enemy being slowed. Crucially, regardless of which build he goes if he is willing to ultimate to begin a CC chain he makes landing our bubble and wave exceptionally easy.

Ashe : Ashe can be fun to play with because if she is willing to Arrow to begin the initiate she sets up our bubble and ultimate for a long CC chain, we also get synergy with both of us having slows and she isn't the worst at proccing our E. A slow enemy is an easy enemy to CC so Ashe is definitely an option.

C: Tier

Miss Fortune : MF plays around her ult being setup by CC, we have some of the most difficult CC abilities to land in the game, the fit isn't great here.

Twitch : Twitch likes our E but otherwise isn't ideal, he is just a worse version of several of the champions mentioned with better synergy.

Caitlyn : Caitlyn wants someone who can help her push the lane, Nami is less than ideal for this. There is some synergy with our Bubble/Ult and her traps but in general it is not a match made in heaven.

Absolute Dog Water Tier:

Jhin : Jhin is the worst ADC to play with Nami. I covered this under threats. You have 0 synergy and in many cases opposing goals for how the lane should play out.

Kalista : She throws you, the squishy Nami who has dedicated their life to effective positioning straight into the entire enemy team, she isn't great at proccing electrocute and she doesn't combo well with your Q or R.
Counters to Nami
Samira - Her windwall equivalent spell Blade Whirl negates our entire kit. Wave? Blocked. Bubble? Blocked. You buffed your own autos or your ADC’s? Believe it or not, also blocked. Not to mention she is effective at dodging abilities and quickly closing to distance before one shotting squishy champions. She fundamentally changes how we have to approach playing Nami and for that reason I think she is worth a permaban.

Yasuo - His windwall is the single most broken spell in the entire game, it absorbs an infinite number of ranged spells for its durations and for whatever reason he seems to be able to cast after it appears our bubble or wave has landed and still negate the effect. If in a teamfight even the tiniest portion of your ultimate hits his windwall it completely disappears, he also has excellent ability to run us down and stomp us into the ground.

Zyra - Zyra’s snare outranges us and her ultimate plus snare combo essentially one shots us from a range where we have no ability to land our bubble to disengage. She controls the bushes in lane and frequently will set us up as we attempt to ward.

Brand - Brand is very similar to Zyra in that if he lands his CC we are liable to die. On top of this, his burn damage makes it difficult to sustain in lane which constantly exhausts our resource pool forcing us to take less than ideal resets or simply die.

Leona - Her ability to engage from a range with both her E at which activates quickly leaving a limited window for us to land our bubble and interrupt it as well as her ultimate which can snipe us from ranges we would ordinarily feel save in more or less guarantee death for us unless we position perfectly.

Blitzcrank - Blitzcrank is the hardest hook champ for us to deal with. While Naut and Thresh also have hooks they operate differently at a mechanical level. Thresh and Nautilus go to you but Bltiz brings you to him. Naut and Thresh hook therefore give us time to land a bubble just before they reach us, Blitz leaves no such window AND has a silence to negate our kit. His Q outranges our W which makes it very difficult to cycle our manaflow band and gives him universal control of bushes and easy picks on us should we try to roam for wards.
Support Laning Matchups
As a general trend, I want to explain three concepts I learned in my coaching from LohPally.

1. Super Skill

In lane match ups a huge part of success is playing around the "super skill" this is typically a CC or Engage skill that once it is on cooldown makes the enemy much weaker for example, Blitz hook, Zyra snare etc. I just wanted to clarify that so when I use the term elsewhere it makes sense.

2. Maintaining your line

This refers to making sure you are constantly at a relatively fixed, relatively close distance to your ADC. This facilitates the famous trade triangle where you and your lane partner can both focus on targets who miss positions but also prevents people from engaging on you for fear or entering into said trade triangle.

3. Movespeed Swings

Self casting our W or E will give us a brief burst of movement speed, use this to dodge skillshot in a pinch. I personally bind selfcast W to C and selfcast E to V to make this easier as someone with small hands.

Hardest Matchups:

Leona - Take the defensive rune setup and stay max range, if you have low ping/good reaction time you can disrupt her Zenith Blade as it is about to connect and then flash or run away. This is very much a matchup played around flash, if you don't have it you need to be far back at all times and when she is 6 you especially need to maintain your distance.

Blitzcrank - Take the defensive runes and play around the hook, ideally you want to keep minions between you and him at all times in order to make his job harder. The real difficulty here is not making positioning mistakes relative to him AND your ADC, if you ever break the line he is liable to press W and catch you out.

Zyra - Consider taking the defensive runes. Playing against Zyra is similarly about her super skill Grasping Roots when this is on cooldown the lane is incredibly easy because we can easily exchange poke and out heal but given that this skill is longer range than all of our basic abilities it is critical that we play around it. One key elements is never standing "in front" of Zyra (this also applies to Brand and other Poke Champions) you want to sort of stand diagonal from them on the opposite side of the lane, so if they are in the middle bush on the bottom side of the lane and you are on red side then you want to stand on the top side of the lane by the closest river bush. Another huge tip is to be incredibly careful on your ward timings as Zyra players love to snare and ultimate squishy targets when they try to ward tri bush or other bushes. Keep your health up, use your refillable and you can make it through this lane with some effective positioning.

Brand - Consider taking the defensive runes. Brand plays exceptionally similar to Zyra so much of the advice above applies. Play around his Sear which if you are already Ablaze will stun you and result in you being promptly one shot. Stand diagonal, stay healthy, and land bubbles when he has expended his cooldowns.

Pyke - Pyke is all about level 2. Pyke will almost always get level 2 before you and will almost without fail immediately Phantom Undertow plus Flash and then Bone Skewer and Ignite or hook and then do the previously mentioned combo. If you don't die at level two this match up becomes much easier but because of the frequency with which Pykes can land it the match up can quickly go in his favor. Additionally, don't even attempt to throw your bubble on Pyke unless he has already used his dash and make sure you are constantly keeping your heal on cooldown so you aren't at risk of his execution. Bone Plating can be particularly useful in this matchup.

Hard Matchups:

Nautilus - Consider taking the defensive runes. Naut is another hook champion but with even more CC than average. The big difference between Naut and Blitz is our ability to cancel his Dredge Line before he can connect with his passive root. When his hook is down and he is not yet 6 he is very manageable because he is susceptible to poke however we have to make sure we know the cooldown to stay safe. Lastly, once he gets his ultimate we are dead in the water, anytime you are isolated you liable to be ulted so stay close to your ADC to discourage this and if you do get ulted make sure to create space to prevent knocking up your allies but still maintain range so you can proc your Guardian.

Thresh - Very similar to Nautilus as a result of his hook mechanic which we can disrupt. The difference hear occurs at level 1 where he can opt to either take his hook or his Flay. Frequently flay proves to be the more dangerous spell for Nami as it is far harder to avoid once we are within it's range. His ultimate The Box is a massive threat to us as if we are ever in a situation where he can Flay and ult or Death Sentence and ult we are very likely to die regardless of our runes and itemization. Play around the super skill to get effective poke but don't lulled into a false sense of security and forget he still has Flay

Swain - Another super skill champion. Play around the cooldown of nevermore, once he is 6 if we are ever within shorter than auto range we are liable to die. Taking grievus early can help in this matchup but otherwise, it is about poking and sustaining around nevermore and maintaining effective range including playing diagonally once again as mentioned for Brand and Zyra.

Vel'Koz - Velkoz is poke champion who can make it hard for us to out sustain his damage in the early game. In addition, post 6 once we enter into his ultimate range we are very likely to die. Fortunately for us he is not particularly mobile so a slow comboed with our bubble can spell his demise but this is easier said then done based on his massive range advantage. Play on the diagonal, keep your health topped off.

Braum - Braum's Unbreakable blocks our ultimate and also has an interesting interaction with our Aqua Prison, normally if someone moves closer between you and the bubble it will miss but when it comes to Braum if he moves in the path of the bubble with his Unbreakable active it will actually immediately trigger the knock up. Ult when the Unbreakable is down and don't let him trick you into thinking you are in a safe range because his Stand Behind Me lets him quickly cover distance before setting up a max range ult. At lvl 1 and 2 he can be a threat as well due to his passive which can very quickly be stacked and result in your being stunned and ultimately killed.

Morgana - Play around her Black Shield cooldown which is longer than our Aqua Prison. Try to bait out the shield and then bubble/ult the other laner. In addition, be wary of her Dark Binding which is very high range, once it lands she is liable to ult us causing major issues. Another challenge is her ability to shove lanes when paired with champions like Caitlyn forcing us under tower, in this situation do not try and hero bubble, instead just wait for assistance from the jungle or for a reset and then once the wave has bounced return to play as normal.

Even Matchups:

Lux - Dodge the snare, dodge the aoe slow, win the lane. It really is that simple, if you can dodge her skill shots by standing behind multiple minions or generally at a good range then this lane is simple, if you can't you are in for a world of hurt. Remember, our passive gives us a quick move speed burst so feel free to self cast E or W to dodge as is necessary or to help our laner dodge.

Karma - Dodge her poke, don't get snared, keep the health high, abuse refillable.

Lulu - Heals > Shields. Shields are inherently temporary which means we can play around the temporary HP advantage they grant, heals on the other hand last forever so abuse this by keeping our Ebb and Flow on CD. In addition, be aware that Lulu's Wild Growth IS A 7 SECOND 30-60% SLOW. People don't seem to know this, getting knocked up is absolutely the second worst thing this ultimate can do to you. If her polymorph is on cooldown we should be winning most trades.

Bard - Don't stand by walls or near minions/your teammate in order to avoid being stunned. Don't bunch up post 6 so his Tempered Fate can't hit everyone all at once. Be wary of him portaling in teammates from the wall by redside blue or the wall by blue side red. DON'T FOLLOW HIM INTO THE PORTAL.

Alistar - Bubble as soon as he connects with his W to disrupt the second part if timed properly, when he is walking towards you to W preemptive bubble. Otherwise, play around his W+Combo and harass the hell out of him when it is down.

Janna - Heals > Shields. Dodging her tornado is essential and requires us to understand where she initially placed it and maintain effective distance. She can be difficult to hit with our bubble and wave due to her move speed but if we can land either she is more or less guaranteed to die. Don't get baited into her Ultimate pushing you under tower her tower.

Renata Glasc- This is really about dodging her poke spells and landing your W for poke whenever possible. In addition, when she ults immediately try to distance yourself from any strong teammates or counter save in the same direction so there is no follow-up from her and her team. When she uses her Bailout immediately back away to prevent a reset saving whoever it was used on.

Senna - Senna has really bad movement speed so landing our Aqua Prison can be fairly easy when she attempts to Q followed by Auto to stack her passive. Grievous can make a difference early on here by cutting her healing allowing you the poke and sustain advantage. If we can dodge her W then the vast majority of the time she has very little kill threat.

Soraka - Stay at range, avoiding her starcall] and [[equinox by maintaining range is essential, getting slowed is fine but if silenced we are completely useless. If you don't allow her to land her Starcall then we actually win the sustain war, especially if we get grievous early. In teamfights she is a prime target for our bubble due to her low mobility and the fact she similarly gets better the longer the fights go.

Seraphine - Dodge the snare, dodge the ult, snd make sure to stay high health so that you can afford to fight back if she misses any poke. In the late game she is stronger than us a lot of the time so similar to Soraka if we see a bubble opportunity eliminating her as a squishy immobile champion with a lot of AOE and utility is a great choice.

Zilean - Zilean is another super skill match up, if you can avoid being double bombed then playing against him is fairly trivial. In general you won't be able to land bubble or wave unless he has already used his Time Warp. Another major key is playing around the ult, once he ults someone if they are below 30% hp it is generally ideal to try and wait it out by landing a bubble rather than risking the revive.

Nami Favored Matchups:

Pantheon - With the defensive rune setup Pantheon is a fairly trivial matchup. Pantheon's Shield Vault has a range of 600 and our Aqua Prison is 850 while our Ebb and Flow is 725, this means that as long as we are self-casting our W and immediately walking away he is incredibly easy to harass. His ability to block with Aegis Assault requires us to play around it in some minimal capacity but our cooldowns are lower so this is trivial.

Rakan - Rakan is another superskill champion using his Grand Entrance to close the distance, fortunately for us the range is only 600 (though this can be deceptive due to combing it with Battle Dance to quickly close the range gap). This is also dependent on if he is matched with a Xayah which increases the range of his Battle Dance. A lot of Rakan's are bad at choosing when to engage and a lot of their ADCs are even worse at maintaining a range that allows him to easily exit by dashing to them, if he commits with a W try to land a response Aqua Prison followed with a wave. Remember that he is a less than ideal target for our bubble unless he has used his W or E recently or has no nearby ally.

Rell - Rell sees very little play and is not effective at engaging against Nami. Her engage is very telegraphed and dependent on her being mounted, this signals to us to stay at range or be ready for a quick retaliatory bubble, when she is not on the horse she is essentially useless and lacks mobility making her an easy target to CC lock.

Taric - Taric is really bad against Nami, I go so far as to say this is potentially our easiest match-up. Taric's sustain from Starlight's Touch is gated by his ability to land consecutive auto attacks and our Aqua Prison Tidecaller's Blessing and Tidal Wave all make it easy to prevent him from closing the gap to auto or even land his Dazzle. Speaking of Dazzle the range is only 575 which is outranged by all of our abilities and when combined with the movespeed we give ourselves/our teammates and the ability to slow our enemies it is rarely a threat. In teamfights play around his ultimate but outside of that consider him inconsequential.

Yuumi - I consider Yuumi a relatively easy matchup. Yuumi has even more difficult mana problems than Nami and her only solution is to expose herself and try to land autos to get mana back via her passive. In addition, Yuumi wants to occasionally block skillshots to serve as an HP sink for her carry but doing so against Nami who has two ways of locking her out from re-entering can spell trouble. On top of this, taking Ignite or rushing Chemtech Putrifier mitigates a large amount of her effectiveness. One last trick is to be aware that if during her You and Me! you put a bubble along her travel path and she interacts with it she will be knocked up and have the spell go on cooldown making her an easy kill. Yuumi to me represents double kills, if you can kill her ADC you are virtually guaranteed the second kill onto her due to our effective CC and great use of grievous wounds.
Core Mechanics
1. The Secret to Winning Trades, using your W correctly

One of the most fundamental mistakes I see from Nami players is their use of their W. In the vast majority of instances where you are not using your Ebb and Flow on your teammate you should be self-casting it rather than casting it on your opponent, assuming we are not already full health. This because our W is weakened with each bounce meaning we want the heal to be the strongest portion as opposed to the initial damage our enemy takes. This is also crucial because if you are low health and use self-cast on your W MINIONS WILL NOT AGRO YOU. This is a mechanic many players are unaware of that can greatly increase our effectiveness on Nami.

2. Trading Part 2 - It's secretly all about autos.

The secret to winning trades on enchanters is autoing more than your opponent. It is that simple. Any time we are trading with our W we should be trying to weave in as many autos as possible, ESPECIALLY LEVEL1 where our autos actually out damage our W after just 2 landing.

3. Landing our W - Auto to check the range.

As a rule of thumb, if we can land an auto attack then our opponent is in range of our W. This lets us stand at roughly maximum range and self cast W as we walk back out of range while still securing the heal and the bounce to our enemy.

4. Landing our Q - E+W and E+Auto

Nami's Aqua Prison is actually really hard to land due to its slow speed and easy to see particle. One way to land more Qs is to make sure we proc the slow from our Tidecaller's Blessing using either an auto or our W before attempting to land the spell.

5. When Ganked: Wave Early, Wave Often

A huge mistake Nami players make is holding their Tidal Wave way too long when being ganked. As a rule of thumb if you see a gank coming on a ward close to your lane (the river brush or the tri bush) it is almost always best to just wave as early as possible, whether that means ulting the ganker or ulting your laning opponent's. Our goal is not to hit everyone, it is to make sure they can't all connect at once.

6. Wave before Q anytime you plan on using both

Another trick to landing Nami's CC effectively is that in any situation where you intend to CC lock your opponent it is almost always best to Tidal Wave before Aqua Prison since the bubble is harder to land, this makes us much more likely to actually connect with both spells.

7. Keeping your W on cooldown.

This is a really big deal that people don't understand. Assuming we or our teammate has lost health in lane and assuming we have sufficient mana we pretty much want to permanently being topping off our health and using our W for poke. Why do we care so much about being full health? The answer is because it negates all of our worst matchups, being full health limits the effectiveness of poke, being full health enables you to play aggressive against engage, there is no disadvantage to being full health unless it completely depletes our mana, as long as we have enough mana for a bubble we are almost always better off keeping our lane healthy.
Team Fighting
Most of Nami's value comes from team fights as opposed to lane which in part is why she has so few winning matchups in lane. When it comes to team fights there are three main things I want to focus on.

1. Where to Stand

In almost all situations you should be standing at the very back of the team fight. Nami is best thought of as stat well, your job is to give your team mates HP, bonus damage, and movement speed. This is incredibly hard to do when you are dead and you are incredibly easy to kill. As a result, we belong behind our ADC or whoever is in the back of the fight at roughly the maximum range of our E and W, yes that far back. You are completely useless when dead and the longer the team fight goes the more value you offer so prioritize living unless you dying will literally win the fight for your team or fundamentally change your odds of winning the game.

2. When to Wave

This is a difficult skill to develop as a major factor is just experience but to make it as simple as possible you want to start thinking of the answer to this question in the loading screen. Look at the enemy team comp, what are there movement abilities, gap closers, escapes. Your job is to wait until you see a few of those used or one really important one and then immediately wave in that general direction. Your wave is really slow and despite its size it is also very easy to dodge, making sure the movement cooldowns have been burned is essential to getting value from our spell.

3. Leveraging our passive

Nami is all about getting in and getting out. Since our passive and Shurelya's Battlesong both give movement speed and since our E slows the enemy we want to use our passive to swing fights, give the passive to teammates to help them escape and after cooldowns have been used give them the passive again so they can go back in. Keep your spells on cooldown, this is the fundamental goal of Nami.
Warding is a key skill to develop as a support so I wanted to briefly cover warding by both illustrating a few concepts about warding and then outright providing images based on where we should ideally ward.

1. When resetting post 6/after you have your 3 wards/after buying a pink don't go bottom.

This is the easiest way to get vision control, especially in low elo, when you reset don't rush bottom, go middle, and then ward the enemy jungle, the pixel brush, or the river.

2. Vision is all about lines

This will be illustrated in the included images but when you ward you want to setup your wards in such a way that it creates a nearly continuous line of vision as opposed to 3 different areas.

3. Redundant Vision is Useless Vision

We just about never want our wards to overlap each other's area, this seems self explanatory but a lot of people fail to account for this and simply spam 3 wards in a very similar area.

4. Ward over terrain

This is the easiest way to not die when warding as a squishy support, you should virtually always being warding overalls as opposed to actually walking into the area you are trying to ward.

5. When to ward

When it comes to dragon and baron my rule of thumb is that you should reset 90 seconds before the objective spawns so you have time to get back on the map and get the ideal wards described below.

6. Unlocking Warding

Push the mid wave! Vision is a step by step process and the first step is always either helping push out the mid wave so the enemy has to respond allowing you the free time to ward with your teammate or waiting until you know the opposing Jungler/relevant laner has shown elsewhere or is dead so you can safely ward.

7. Advancing your vision line

This is a really important element to understand, towards the end of the images below we see 4 that describe where to ward when we are losing and it is generally unsafe for us to go into our jungle or much further beyond. The idea here is that once we have established this line on our next base, assuming those wards have survived, we can then advance the wards to be the "less ideal versions" pictured above and similarly on the base after that we can hopefully establish the "ideal wards" described at the top.


In the images for our mid game wards you will notice that you always ward midlane, this is always our most important ward, it allows to notice when the enemy is rotating and identify when we can attempt to get agency on the wave which will then open up other options or establish "tempo" for us, which really just means being the team who gets to move first and make decisions rather than constantly be reacting.

Ideal Wards During Lane as Blue Side

Less Ideal Wards During Lane as Blue Side

Ideal Wards During Lane as Red Side

Less Ideal Wards During Lane as Red Side

Warding Baron as Blue Side During the Mid Game

Warding Dragon as Blue Side During the Mid Game

Warding Baron as Red Side During the Mid Game

Warding Dragon as Red Side During the Mid Game

Warding Dragon when losing as Blue Side During the Mid Game

Warding Baron when losing as Blue Side During the Mid Game

Warding Dragon when losing as Red Side During the Mid Game

Warding Dragon when losing as Red Side During the Mid Game
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