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Nera's Ranked Journey!

Creator: Nera May 14, 2014 4:19am
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Nera's Forum Avatar
Mar 22nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 14, 2014 4:19am | Report
Hey guys!

I have done a few blogs post about my ranked journey but had never decided to put it in an actual ranked thread. Now is the time!(If i can actually think about print screening my games and posting them up) hopefully that habit will come with time!:D

So let's get on with it!

Main roles in order with champion most comfortable playing with.

Top: Singed, Trundle
Mid: Annie, Akali
Jungle: Evelynn, Trundle
Support: Soraka, Leona, will look into adding Braum he seems like he has my type of playstyle.
ADC: Ezreal, Tristana, Miss Fortune, Vayne

Current MMR: 1440 accorind toMy Lolking Equavalent of silver 1 19 lp

Highest MMR reached:1459 equivalent of silver 78 lp.

I initially started Leagues i would say about a year and a few months ago,like any new person to the game i didn't know much of what i was doing picking whatever i wanted and going to anylane,then some friends in real life whom i didn't know played the game showed me how the meta worked and what was what. My first real main was Lux and had fun playing her while it lasted meta shifts making it almost impossible to play her to her full potential.
At about level 20 is when my friend introduced me to Singed, i don't know how to explain it but as soon as i picked up the poison man its like i already knew what i had to do with him to win games and play well(at that below level 30 level of play anyways.) and i have him in my general roster since then as i just love to play him. I consistently played him well beyond my level 30's. At that time i also mostly played 3's and learnt most of my mechanics in that map.

When i was level 30 i was impatient to start up ranked, i had heard alot of stories of ranked and how it played out, but i have always loved competitive play and knew that part of league would fill up that void. And so the journey began, maybe not like i had envisioned it, but its how it played out. First 10 games were a blast and was hapilly placed in bronze 1 which for me at the time wasn't half bad. Although as i continued playing the game it was becoming increasingly difficult for me as i did not have the experience in-game to stay in bronze 1 and dropped all the way in bronze 4.

At the time i wasn't sure why i was having that much trouble until one day i was like... i'm always filling the role even though i'm not really good at that role, being forced to adc and support where i never quite felt in my zone. That is when i finally started to say in chat my prefered roles. It is at that time i was getting Top lane alot more often (like 80% of my games) and that is when i finally a very good increase in my play. It is also at about that time that season 3 was coming to it's end in around september november. My goal at that time was to reach Silver.Unfortunately for me i wasn't fast enough and peaked at about high bronze 2 low bronze 1. Shortly after,about 2-3 weeks after season 3 deadline) i finally reached that goal of silver 5 peaking at silver 4 when season 4 started.

Start of season 4 didn't start off to well for me,not as well as i wanted it to anyways,was still getting top but was always managing to get a decent counter pick against me making it insanely harder for me to farm up and do what i usually did while other lanes were losing finally getting placed back in Bronze 2.

I did not let that setback get to me though as in my mind i was like, i made it to silver once i can do it again. And so within a week i was back where i belonged in silver 5. The coming weeks were alot of grinding and peaked at silver 2 with basically only playing Singed. At that point the meta change came around making it extremely hard to play singed against all the Renekton, Dr. Mundo, Shyvana, and all those mega strong early game picks compared to Singed early game weakness. And so continued on playing taking a break from ranked and getting more picks that i felt comfortable with.

And so with alot of exploring through champs that i did or didn't have i picked up the troll and the little girl and her bear.

Shifting to playing more mid with Annie since her tibbers stun on 3+ people can break teamfights and win the game. With the bear and child i finally climbed out of silver 2 and into silver 1, and that is finally where i am currently at in this ranked journey!
My current goal is making it to Gold, that is my next major accomplishment and hope i can join you guys in the higher tiers of the league!

Hope you enjoyed the summary of my journey thus far and hope you continue to follow me on this journey!


P.S.: If you guys have any questions or recommendations for my builds and stuff as i post up the pictures don't be afraid to ask!
Joxuu's Forum Avatar
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Apr 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 14, 2014 5:39am | Report
I suggest using gyazo. You simply click gyazo, drag and draw your screenshot area, release mouse and it opens the picture in your web browser.

"A person giving you advice isn't perfect and has their own shortcomings but they may give you the piece that you're missing."
Nera's Forum Avatar
Mar 22nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 14, 2014 11:18am | Report
Ok so i lied i do play something else every once in a while when the occasion calls for it

Overall just a complete stomp from all sides of the map, What i could have improved... my csing. so below par for 20 minutes in the game and winning lane so hard. Then again soon as we had that much of a big advantage i just started roaming and getting objectives with the team,towers dragon and everything in between so we made do for this one.

See ya'll next time!


P.S.: Thx Joxuu for the website so easy to post the game stats!:D
Nera's Forum Avatar
Mar 22nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 15, 2014 9:56am | Report
So Here's second game.

Not my prefered role but ended up going support, usually bot lane in general i can't do much and lose the lane for us, though this time around i brought out Annie and see how i would fair with her. started out with the usual Spellthief's Edge and went on to get most of the early game kills leaving jinx to farm to her pleasure. I think in the midgame i could of died way less, at least almost each of my deaths gave us 2 kills or an objective or something of the kind. Later sold the Frost Queen's Claim for Abyssal Mask to somewhat combat the burst from Orianna.

Teamfights i would always focus on stunning Miss Fortune in her ult as much as possible to get that out of the way. Overall a closer game than last one but we pulled through once again :).

See you all next game!

P.S.: for those of you wondering i had to dodge a game yesterday and that is why i am at 37 lp instead of my 40. :)
Nera's Forum Avatar
Mar 22nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 15, 2014 11:42am | Report
Well... here's another one for today:D

What i could of done better this game: Not die 3 times in lane against a Fizz,makes life so much harder.

Overall except for everyone's early game and getting none of the dragon's while they took like 3-4 of them, we did ok.Soon as mid game came strolling around though we started to turn teamfights around quite quickly with the amount of crowd control we had. Thankfully Morgana didn't get the chance to land a 3-5 man stun while i was able to stun at least 3 of them each time.

Considering i got beat in lane im glad i was able to keep up in farm with the Fizz. In the first mid game fight i was able to secure a triple kill which pretty much brought me back into the game.

Hopefully this streak keeps up till after promo's! :D


P.S.: Sorry its bland text each time! Not so used to using bbcode yet. Should practice some of it i guess at some point...
Nera's Forum Avatar
Mar 22nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 16, 2014 9:56am | Report
here's the first one for today:

Let me just say that it was the first time in a very very long time where i just get completely stomped in bot lane. Accidently gave first blood really soon in the game getting caught by a Morgana stun, and that just completely destroyed the laning phase for Vayne and i. Soon after the entire team was flaming at me so to keep concentration muted them all for a while. meanwhile Vayne switches with Nidalee to top lane. Nidalee and i would just push the lane then roam,push the lane then roam as Morgana and Draven were incredibly fed. they got all the early dragons and were completely dominating early and mid game.

Fortunately for us,lee sin was always splitpushing, so my job consisted of stunning Morgana, Draven, Kassadin and just winning the teamfight that way. Kha'Zix would be around for the teamfights but he would only jump in once the rest of his team were stunned and almost dead so they had to back while we killed Kha'Zix. we would catch Lee Sin on his own consistently and completely turned it around when late game came around.

Late game we started taking back objectives getting a baron in the process. They had not properly watched the super minions in their mid lane who had destroyed one of their nexus turrets. 3 of them back while two of them stayed to stop the baron, we killed them then took the safe baron.i unmuted my teammates at some point in the late game when i was sure less hate was going around since we had started turning it around.

Not long after they surrendered blaming the Lee Sin for the loss.

What i could of done better: not get caught out from the start from a Morgana stun, especially with a Draven as the adc on their team. Also think of finding a good mastery/rune page for Annie support as i don't have that much knowledge on what she needs there.

Overall our last stand as a team paid off and we somehow managed to pull the victory, then again they didn't push they advantage to the fullest and we managed to come back from that.

anyways thanks for tuning in!

craftyender's Forum Avatar
May 15th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 16, 2014 10:48am | Report
Hey man,

someone on your front line should've built a frozen heart or randuins. since nobody did, you should've been since you were the main initiation on the team. because after annie does her stun she can get blown up pretty easily. so build a frozen heart or randuins (maybe randuins for the aoe slow after tibbers), and maybe build the ghosties for the slow, or mikhail's to get keep your fight going.

also, nobody on your team had exhaust, and considering they had 3 ad champs, and the fact that there were already two other ignites, exhaust is good. especially since draven (whom you laned against) is autoattack based moreso than the average adc.

I know ignite is great for kill bot lane, but exhaust is very good as well. ignite is offnsive only, while exhaust can be used offensively and defensively.

Good comeback, and way to adjust to conditions!
Nera's Forum Avatar
Mar 22nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 16, 2014 12:05pm | Report
Here's the second one of the day!

Well, this one was just a pain, Wukong connected late to the game and joined top lane shortly after only to die almost immediately to Pantheon. Then went on to blame Udyr since he was nearby and he should of helped, he would go back to lane and same thing would have over and over again. We would go over to help him and it would so happen he wouldn't get a kill and he would throw a fit because he "needed" kills to come back into the game. Overall he stayed top the whole game not participating in any teamfights. Troll monkey FTW.

Now then enough with the ranting, what could I have done better to help carry this game? With a fed Pantheon i should of be more careful in my warding and should of finished my zonyha's much earlier. It would of helped me when they were able to jump me as i would have been able to tibbers stun and zonyah's right away giving my team the time to come in and finish them off,sure i build Annie tankier than most but it is still not enough to handle a Pantheon. Also my farming was below par for a 40 minute game, still need to work on that. Another way we could of turned it around was actually to join Wukong in his journey to push top, it would of forced a 5 man teamfight where we had loads of cc to lock all of them.

Thats my second game of the day i'll see if i have time to do another one later on!
See ya!
Nera's Forum Avatar
Mar 22nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 16, 2014 2:12pm | Report
Thx Crator!:D Compared to me your the bot lane expertXD, looking back i guess i was the main initiator and should of been quite a bit tankier huh. either that or just take something like Leona instead of Annie might have been better for the teamcomp we had going. will keep that in note when having to support! thx for the feedback:D

Nera's Forum Avatar
Mar 22nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 16, 2014 2:57pm | Report
Played another game got eve jungle, not gonna bother posting it up was just a complete stomp on their part. imma take a break from ranked for tonight, just not playing to my usual par. standing at 47 lp
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