I'm having problems getting back to plat too since the start of the season. I'm currently 1-0 in my 1000000th plat 5 promo, it's getting frustrating because every fourth or so game is a 4v5 or just everyone gets disconnected in the game and there are so many trolls... I'm not playing at my best either, I really don't like the current meta but I'm adapting to it. Good luck mr Vapora and get back to plat fast =)
Thanks to FatelBlade, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, TheNamelessBard, GrandmasterD, aviseras and koksei for the awesome signatures
It took me about a week to get Gold IV from Gold V in Season 3, and now three months after being placed in Gold V again I can't ****ing get out lol. I think my win/loss is like -24 right now and I lost all four games I played today, two of which I played extremely well in. Basically I'm just saying to not get frustrated because there are much worse situations to be in, like mine for example. I haven't even bothered updating my ranked thread because there's no point in talking about how my bot lane went a combined 2-17 again lmao. Anyways good luck and anytime you're feeling down you can just be glad you're not in the same place as me haha
A +rep is always nice, and if I helped you out, do give one (or more) of my guides a read! Feedback is very welcome, and if you liked them give them a vote!
Had to lane 1v2 vs Zed and Lux. They both had stupidly long ranged poke which made it hard for me to farm, and as if that wasn't bad enough, their ****ing HP bars were blocking their minions' HP bars so I couldn't see when I had to go for a last-hit lmfao. Didn't die too much though and my team won elsewhere.
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IMO Duoing only works if you have some level of synergy. Fact is that once you duo, you get matched with higher ranked people to make up for the premade advantage which means it's only worth it if you're going to use that advantage.
Exactly what Vynertje said. If you duo, your roles that you each take have to synergize with each other (examples are jungle and solo lane, both bot lane) unless you guys are able to smash whatever lane you're in and prepared to outplay their duo or compensatory higher skilled players. If your roles don't mesh well and you guys can't snowball enough to 2v5 if necessary, it's not a very good idea.