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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 6, 2016 7:56pm | Report

I had the inclination to dodge this one, but figured hey "it is soloqueue, you get to choose who your teams plays." Ezreal hey I wanted ADC how did I get Mid. Graves and Sona we are duo Bot together. I've found it is usually a bad sign when someone on your team wants a position they didn't get and is vocal about it. Also we had **** all for CC which is kind of important for Voli ganks in my experience. Yeah he can slow and toss people but he has to get to them first.

Graves dies, Ezreal dies, Bot lane dies. Bot lane comes back to lane and dies again. I die ganking Mid making the mistake of thinking Zac was gone but he either was waiting or got back in time to counter gank and Brand just clipped me with a spell at max range to finsih me off. Sad bear.

Sona. Aren't you going to gank Voli? Mute. Because it was just going to take too long to type out "I can't gank if you are dead."

Mid game they started getting sloppy and we picked some kills here and there, but their Lucian and Irelia were simply too fed along with Taric being rather well decked out with all the shiny gold he a***mulated helping crush Bot lane. Also Miss Fortune had awful positioning and weak kiting so that didn't help matters.

Lucian in post game lobby. "Sona. Learn how to support." Ouch.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 6, 2016 10:01pm | Report

With their Yasuo pick we didn't know who was going where. Teemo did not enjoy being vs Urgot and Fizz who spent his early efforts down their. I focused my attention on Mid and Bot. With Bot winning we were able to maintain dragon control the entire game. IIRC that netted us two Infernal Drakes which was a nice boost to our damage later in the game. We ended up splitpushing them into their base usually by sacrificing someone, but it paid off in terms of global gold and map control.

I had one screw up that got Talon killed with no kills in return as I had my chat window open trying to warn Bot lane that Fizz was on his way. Before I could figure out why none of my abilties were working Talon ended up getting taken out even though I was right there on top of him.

I also need to remember that Zac isn't out of the fight until they kill his blobblets. Had one time where I got popped but the rest of my team was able to clean up and I was trying to figure out why I couldn't finish my item. It was because Cell Division had allowed me to revive.

End game I had a beautiful engage vs them from over the jungle wall just in front of their base. I had tried to get that to happen earlier but they didn't take the bait or had a ward that spotted me. The second time was the charm and I splatted them against the opposite jungle wall and Talon got his ult off on their entire team. Leona nailed a bunch of people with her ult on top of it all. And with all the damage we had plus the Infernal Drakes they just melted.

Overall it was a good game that we had to work together to win. Thank you Teemo for not DCing after all the love from Fizz and Urgot.
Vapora Dark
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 7, 2016 2:00am | Report
i believe in u so ****ing hard right now
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 8, 2016 4:53pm | Report
i believe in u so ****ing hard right now

Thank you for the believes. Back in promos! And Rank 6 Mastery on Zac!

Yay. Champion Mastery Level 6 on Zac! Didn't get a whole lot done in the early game, but mid game got some nice engages that helped us mop the floor with their team. Fiora was getting stomped by Yasuo but I was able to come over after laning phase was over and turn that around because he kept try to force a slitpush when his team probably should have used his advantage and grouped, though to be fair I think our team fight was as good as theirs so that might not have been their solution either.

I am proud at myself for looking at my team's builds mid buy and opting for a Locket of the Iron Solari instead of a Spirit Visage based on the fact that their team had a good amount of AoE damage a good portion of which was magic damage. It came in handy to mitigate Annie and Yasuo when they went all-in. Looking at that is something I've been trying to work on as a way to get better at the game.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 8, 2016 8:43pm | Report

We were winning team fights and then we weren't. Not super keen on the Maokai build. I honestly didn't really notice him much in any of our fights, which is weird because he should be a big indestructible tree at the stage of the game we were we started losing fights. Big thing for me was when Thresh had enough shields for Jinx that she would survive my initial burst and then heal up with her two lifesteal items + Runnan's to apply all that lifesteal. Still think we should have been able to figure this one out, but we didn't so this goes in the D column.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 8, 2016 9:50pm | Report

Ezreal rocked the house. Our Bot lane got a lead with some help from me and Ezreal, but after that had some DCs one after the other. Jinx with at least 3 short ones and Leona with a relatively long one. Still Ezreal kept stomping away so I figured we had a decent chance. Shen was holding his own with Maokai and had some helpful Stand Uniteds to save people's bacon. Definitely felt like Ez carried us, but the rest of us did contribute.

Back in Silver 4.

Fiddlesticks feels good. Love that there is a decent amount of CDR in his build path with the changes to Zhonya's Hourglass and Abyssal Mask. Now if I can more consistently get his fear to hit. At 525 its range is shorter than any of his other abilities so it can feel awkward to use in conjunction with his other abilities and when you are pulling a gank off or diving in with your ultimate, you really want to make sure you get Terrify on the right target.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 9, 2016 9:36pm | Report

A lot of good individual play mixed with a smattering of team work. An on-hit Kog'Maw does digusting damage. LeBlanc got the ball rolling by getting first blood on Volibear, which was good because if she hadn't I might have tilted over that as I dropped a ward in his path because I ran into him when trying to make short cut through their jungle to try and avoid the ward that Nasus had just dropped. I pillared him and walked away and pinged him out plus dropped the ward. He still tried to gank LeBlanc and I thought she might actually die, but he went too hard and took some turret shots. LeBlanc then turned around and murdered Anivia after that and then did so repeatedly. That should be a match-up that Anivia whens so the Anivia was either really bad or the Leblanc was really good. Leblanc also helped get Gangplank rolling with a roam to Top and I babysat Bot lane which was struggling a little bit. Once GP and Kog came on line it was basically lights out given that Alistar was decent with his combos.

I picked Trundle as a counter to the Nasus. I was a little worried that with two tanks I might have a hard choice of who to hit with the nerf bat via my ult, but it worked out okay given that my other laners were doing well.

Slightly annoyed with myself that I forgot to upgrade my Sweeping Lens. We were fighting so much that every time I was back to buy it just slipped my mind as I had to buy in a hurry and run back out since the rest of my team was invariable in some skirmish somewhere on the map.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 9, 2016 11:06pm | Report

Thought my client had frozen but it was apparently just taking its sweet time getting us all synced. Restarted my client and then it wouldn't let me into the game I think because the game still hadn't actually started however said it was 3:40 into the game time, or at least that is what I thought it said. That had my nerves jolted a bit.

I went Top lane to gank Darius. There was a fairly large minion wave present so I was prepared to hang out a bit to let Pantheon clear it. However Pantheon decided at that moment to jump on Darius to stun him and so I though he was signaling it was go time, so I went in on Darius, however I didn't realize that Pantheon had no mana...again why did he go on him if he had no mana....Darius managed to juke us around by running in and out of the pushes and classic Darius managed to double kill us between his efforts and the minion damage. Arghh.

Ekko paid a lot of visits to Bot lane so I stole as much of his jungle as I could while he was off molesting my Bot lane since I was Top side.

Bot lane just got **** on and it really wasn't because of the Ekko is was because our Zac was not very bright and wasn't respecting the damage that Twitch can do over time, so he kept going in on them, getting slowed and kited to death. Lucian would try to help and then die too. You would think after the third or so time that they would figure out that their particular strategy wasn't working. Lucian actually had Twitch dead to rights at one point and instead of killing Twitch he turned on Tahm Kench (damn I forgot how frustrating that champion is to play against since I haven't seen one in forever) so Twitch got to continue farming merrily along.

Top side Pantheon managed to recover and kill Darius twice, but then Darius started killing him again.

Cho'Gath was doing okay Mid but I couldn't really spare him much attention since Bot lane was losing and Top lane was balanced on a knife edge and Ahri is just silly hard to catch once she has her ultimate.

So pretty much getting ****ped on early game. Then Mid game we brought it back to the point where we winning with some good picks and some overreach on their part. Then my team decides to take an idiotic fight around the enemy blue buff and pretty much gets decimated. And that is the point in the match where they were back in the driver's seat.

Late game we couldn't kill the Twitch. I could get on him, but then I would kited to death by Darius and Ahri or Tahm would Devour Twitch and that would be the end of that effort.

Lucian - Ekko is so OP. Me internally - our support never bought a Sightstone so Ekko was able to freely come pester you because you had no vision. And while his kit is annoying, in his current state he isn't OP we just got shat on early game and now we are behind so it feels like we are running into a brick wall because they are out iteming and outscaling us.

Roughly speaking the two people that they needed to get really fed got really fed. It was hard to go on the Twitch without getting caught up in the buzzsaw that Darius had turned into, especially with the way they played protect the Twitch in the later part of the game.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 12, 2016 8:42pm | Report

Let's see.

Handed every lane a kill or assist? Check.
Converted the double kill in Bot lane into a Dragon? Check.
Handed Top lane a second kill? Check.
Babysat the Bot lane when they got 4 manned. They still managed to get themselves killed when all they had to do was wave clear and Black Shield hooks. Check?

While I was murdering Viktor in Mid lane, Bot get dove again. Caitlyn "Stupid jungler. Can't you see?" Mmmm, I was busy. I already set it up so your lane was ahead. I can't be everywhere at once. So Mute.

I think that was the worst ADC I've played with in while and they had the gaul to be an *** about their own ineptitude. And it wasn't just getting dove. Cait's positioning was trash throughout the game. Lovely. My favorite play was when she chased down Vikor while Miss Fortune was taking our Innner Mid turret. Good job Caitlyn. You shut down Viktor at the expense of a turret you could have defended. Well played. smh.

We could have won this game simply by scaling with Nasus and Kayle. But gg. ff@20. If you don't want to play from behind either get better or don't queue up.

A mistake I made was running cross map to try and helped Caitlyn after Morgana got herself killed. Thresh Flashed after Caitlyn and caught her and killed her. I spotted Thresh recalling in a bush and thought I might be able finish him off, but he managed to get back to Miss Fortune and the two of them together were able to tag team me because Morgana stopped to clear the minion wave rather than assist me. smh.

I hate it when I have competent teams in normals to warm up and then go and play ranked and end up with a clown fiesta. I know it is random and at silver you are barely above bronze or may even be playing with people that are doing their placements, but my brain wants to think that people that are queueing up for ranked should kind of know what they are doing. Silly brain.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 12, 2016 10:07pm | Report

I set Aatrox up with at least two kills on Garen in the hopes that he could just split push them to death Top side. But betwixt Vi and Garen they were able to catch him and kill him so it turned into a Garen splitpushing us.

Lulu was zero help. She woudn't leave Mid even when she had her lane pushed and Bot clearly needed help and I asked them nicely to help Bot. I solo killed Katarina after her and Vi had cleaned up Lulu.

Bot....mmm, well you can see the score. I did get down their and we were able to kill Miss Fortune and Vi IIRC, but it didn't really seem to matter.

I am not sure what I need to do better. Whatever I end up doing doesn't seem to be the thing that might help us win the game of late. More ganking. Yeah, doesn't seem to matter how many kills I hand my laners. The other team just steam rolls us by grouping earlier or somehow turning around lanes that should be safely behind.

Objectives and towers. I try to focus them after we get kills or early, just helping my laners shove in waves so they can back, but half the time they don't choose to back, get TPd on and killed since they are half health and their lane opponent just bought after dying so they have an item advantage.

I could put wards in the enemy jungle. Doesn't help half the time. My laners still die to ganks that I clearly ping out are incoming or likely.

Even working on my predictive jungling by watching where the laners start or getting vision in the enemy jungle so I straight see where the enemy jungler starts and then warn my laners that a gank might be incoming soon.

I'm trying to apply what I know or can quickly figure out about a lane matchup and use that to influence my pathing.

I've let losing lanes continue to lose and focused on my winning lanes.

Like right now it is feeling like my play doesn't matter to the outcome of the game. I lose if I don't have a laner go 12+ kills by themselves. E.g. I have no or little impact on their lane because they are just handling their lane opponent by themselves.

This game I had two weird hitches in Zac's jump. Situations where I tried to go to max range and it felt like I clipped a wall and my leap only took me a short distance. I don't think it was a mechanical issue. I've played Zac quite a bit and I know how his jump works. But every now and then that sort of thing happens so maybe I need to figure it out. It may be terrain related. E.g. It looks like I should be able to pass there is a non-visble protrusion of terrain in the map mesh?

I am the only constant in my games, so it is something I need to fix with the way I am playing, but I just don't know what it is.

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