XeresAce wrote:
Why is lissandra top suddenly so stronk?
Just picked her in a ranked game to see what the deal was and she's... absolutely, 100% the same as before. You pick her top, you stop junglers with snare and get away with e, you do some fancy shmancy teleport ganks, if vs melee opponent you bully them to hell and back if not you just stay safe and wait for teleport plays and jungle follow ups... What's so revolutionary? or were people just oblivious again?
Just picked her in a ranked game to see what the deal was and she's... absolutely, 100% the same as before. You pick her top, you stop junglers with snare and get away with e, you do some fancy shmancy teleport ganks, if vs melee opponent you bully them to hell and back if not you just stay safe and wait for teleport plays and jungle follow ups... What's so revolutionary? or were people just oblivious again?
It's the usual: other champs are nerfed or become popular and since Ryze and Nidalee top are currently not at their best state - and Lissandra herself deals pretty well with various toplaners while maintaining really agressive CC and engage for later or for gank support - people have been picking her as one of the ranged toplane bastards.
Thank you Byron for 2014's loudest laugh up till today
FalseoGod wrote:
It's the usual: other champs are nerfed or become popular and since Ryze and Nidalee top are currently not at their best state - and Lissandra herself deals pretty well with various toplaners while maintaining really agressive CC and engage for later or for gank support - people have been picking her as one of the ranged toplane bastards.
Lissandra was considered a suboptimal top long before Ryze or Nidalee were top laners.
Vapora Dark wrote:
Lissandra was considered a suboptimal top long before Ryze or Nidalee were top laners.
So you're saying the meta didn't shift when Ryze and Nidalee became toplaners (and the rise of Maokai as well) nor did it shift after they both got the nerfbat? Also, she was considered much better midlane during that time (for soloQ that is) because of her sick ganks.
Good ranged toplaners are probably the most promiscuous at rotating among all lanes in terms of strength because they eventually get a nerfbat to the face.
FalseoGod wrote:
So you're saying the meta didn't shift when Ryze and Nidalee became toplaners (and the rise of Maokai as well) nor did it shift after they both got the nerfbat? Also, she was considered much better midlane during that time (for soloQ that is) because of her sick ganks.
Good ranged toplaners are probably the most promiscuous at rotating among all lanes in terms of strength because they eventually get a nerfbat to the face.
I'm saying that the top lane meta shifted partly because of Ryze and Nidalee because people realized how strong Ryze was as a top laner, and Nidalee got reworked into a top laner, and they both filled the "ranged top lane bully" role that had previously not been considered good competitively (except for Lulu actually). Now that the 3 of them are nerfed out of the top lane meta, you'd think that that would stop the "ranged top lane bully" role being popular competitively, and bring back the old AD bruiser meta. But no, as soon as the 3 champs that basically made that possible were nerfed, rather than being dropped completely, Lissandra is filling their boots instead. Lissandra, who's had pretty much the same kit since release. If she's a viable top laner now, it's because her kit was always viable as a ranged top lane bully. People just didn't realize how valuable that was until Ryze and Lulu were popular first.
In case I'm not being clear; yes, champions like Ryze, Lulu and Nidalee changed the top lane meta. But they did the same thing Lissandra does. Meaning Lissandra herself also always had the capability of changing the top lane meta along with them, but her strength wasn't noticed until now.
It's not purely about 'realizing how valuable ranged top laners were and not noticing lissandra's strength', it also has a lot to do with the meta in general.
Firstly, right now we see a lot more assassins and Lissandra is one of the few champions that has ways to deal with them - both for top and mid (which also explains why she sees play mid). She also works really well with assassin mid laners as she brings CC to the table which some assassin mids lack. Secondly, most matchups in competitive play work into her favour (like rumble, maokai) which was a little bit more limited in previous patches - in mid lane we're seeing a lot of low ranged champions right now which also works into her favour as she sucks against longer-than-average ranged champions.
I also have a feeling the sudden rise of morrelonomicon and downfall of athenes helped her a lot as athene's used to be trash on her.
It's not purely about 'realizing how valuable ranged top laners were and not noticing lissandra's strength', it also has a lot to do with the meta in general.
Firstly, right now we see a lot more assassins and Lissandra is one of the few champions that has ways to deal with them - both for top and mid (which also explains why she sees play mid). She also works really well with assassin mid laners as she brings CC to the table which some assassin mids lack. Secondly, most matchups in competitive play work into her favour (like rumble, maokai) which was a little bit more limited in previous patches - in mid lane we're seeing a lot of low ranged champions right now which also works into her favour as she sucks against longer-than-average ranged champions.
I also have a feeling the sudden rise of morrelonomicon and downfall of athenes helped her a lot as athene's used to be trash on her.
There's always been ranged toplane bullies, even before Lulu, Kennen and Vladimir being examples of, with other additions like Kayle, Jayce, Soraka, Pre-Rework Nidalee was also seen there and so was Lissandra before the meta shifted in favor of toplaners that did the same as her while pooping on her in either terms of scaling or power spikes.
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Just picked her in a ranked game to see what the deal was and she's... absolutely, 100% the same as before. You pick her top, you stop junglers with snare and get away with e, you do some fancy shmancy teleport ganks, if vs melee opponent you bully them to hell and back if not you just stay safe and wait for teleport plays and jungle follow ups... What's so revolutionary? or were people just oblivious again?