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Countering your main/mains?

Creator: Pølsemanden April 13, 2013 7:29am
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XeresAce's Forum Avatar
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 15, 2013 2:28am | Report
Pick a champ that can outsustain elise.
Ap-tanky nidalee ( rush chalice & spirit visage, heal through her poke and farm under tower, jump away if she tries to stun/spider bomb harass you)
Yoric (tear, visage, whatever. Farm with ghouls and heal all the harass off)
Irellia( only if you can play her well, early mag res, jump to minions a lot so she has a hard time clicking you, try and force some engages post lvl 9. still not a favorable matchup though)
Get a jungler with good cc that can use it after she jumps.
Maokai is not a good idea, she can just trolldodge his snare.
Maybe someone like xin that can slow her and then knock her back or q her
all in all shes a ***** to fight so have fun if you're vs her <3
also don't ever pick garen or darius or nasus or singed or whoever that's meele without a decent gapcloser.

Pick a champ that can engage twice. If she knocks you back with her ult once, engage again.
I.e: Leona, Dash to her, she ults, you ult walk up to her and stun her ( or her adc)
Blitz: Get too close for comfort, make her knock you away, then pull.
Thresh: Grab, get knocked back, FLASH AND DA BAWX

Don't listen to idiots, fizz doesn't counter you. You can bully him so hard early you don't even know. What you need to look out for is akali, kata( thought most kata's are bandwagon *****s and have no idea how to play her, they'll just jump and ult and suddenly they get stunned, E'd for half of their hp and walled inside ult with ignite ticking on them :D) and the like. Champs that can get out of your ult range before your e lands or champs that can dodge your q easily. Most ad casters aren't really a problem if you're careful. If talon jumps you, just wait the silence out and hit him with an e+r. Your e+r has a shorter cooldown so you can do it again before talon can combo you if he isn't careful( a talon of equal skill level should be a challenge, but he shouldn't be able to dominate you). Zed is ezpez unless he dodges a pointblank q with ult, also he probably cant kill you cause lolegg.

Either a high sustain support if you just want to live, or duo cc bot.
Varus/thresh(grabs and snares op lolnerf)
Ashe/Janna (all the kite, until their jungler comes and you get your *** stunned then knocked back then knocked up then slowed to oblivion)
Leona/draven(get jumped, get knocked aside, die, this combo has all the damage. Good luck fighting draven if he gets a kill ahead) etc

Expert advice from bronze I.
XeresAce's Forum Avatar
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 15, 2013 2:35am | Report
Thresh :
Go infront of his lantern when he throws it to save teammates.
It prioritizes to show champion so you actually hide the lantern and the enemy can only attack you and never be able to click on the lantern.

I never thought of this, thanks :D
Thanks to Koksei for the sig!
Scott Azrael
Scott Azrael's Forum Avatar
Jan 31st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 15, 2013 4:41am | Report

Diana :
Trade with her when her Q is down.(pre nashor)
Play Swain.
Gank her early with gap closing junglers that do alot of damage early game like Xin Zhao, Jarvan IV, Lee Sin, Jax .

The other thing I would add is don't let her get post 6 even in CS and kills/deaths. If you just let her safely reach 6 and CS, you are screwed. Honestly, even if she gets a kill or two behind but you don't have a large CS lead, she can still 100-0 you post-6. I had a game against an Ahri that got a kill on me Pre-6 but immediately backed and let me get back to lane around the same time she did. Once I hit 6, I baited her Q, hit my own and melted her. Then, I preceded to dominate her and whenever she tried to roam to get a kill, I followed and melted her and her adc or top. Morale of the story: bury her early and make sure your team watches for her ganking. You don't want them to give her the kills she needs to get back in the game.
luizdeh's Forum Avatar
Apr 2nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 15, 2013 6:47am | Report
My mains... are uncounterable!!!

Gragas: mobility, MR, HP, hard CC. Just had to get it out there for all those people wondering how to beat me lol. Surprisingly, not many people know how to counter him. Avoid barrels and poke him to death. If you can't zone him out, by mid game he will be able to burst almost anyone down. In teamfights always be aware of his positioning, because if R is up he can just take down a BUNCH of HP while displacing you smack in the middle of his team. Which can be good or bad, right Amumu? In lane, try to stay aware of his cooldowns and mana, especially early game, since his E is his only escape tool.

Miss Fortune: early ganks, deny farm, CC her squishy ***. A good MF will win lane almost always. She can push a lane hard, so without decent support ganking her can be quite easy with some CC. If you just try to deny farm eventually a Black Cleaver will come out and she won't bother carrying as much, just shredding armor and making life easier for others. A half-decent one anyway. Always expect a comeback from her.

Twitch: early ganks, deny farm, shut his *** down no matter what. Post-6 if you are not very far ahead I'm gonna start killing you repeatedly. Don't try to run, Expunge is always there just waiting to get that last hit. Seriously, best bet is to engage with some sort of CC and try to burst down or just not allow any engage at all and wait for teamfights or any situation when you outnumber his team. In teamfights that rule of 'kill whoever is closest' usually works in his favor, since he stands in the backline, uses Ulti and then HOLY **** TRIPLE KILL, Expunge, OMFG PENTA KILL.
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