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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Mechanics

Posted in Champions | Tags: Yasuo 3,080

  • circubed


    I want to improve my Yasuo mechanics, any tips for him?
  • Answers (3)

    Pure Panphobia (33) | December 8, 2017 8:14am
    Runes: Press the Attack, Triumph, Legend: Alacrity, Coup de Grace, Sudden Impact, Zombie Ward

    Take Steel Tempest level 1, then Sweeping Blade, then Wind Wall. Max Steel Tempest first. Then max Sweeping Blade.

    It's important to know how the champion works, which comes mostly through actual play experience. Important things to remember are: (1) multiple uses of Sweeping Blade increases damage of the next use, maxing at 50% more damage after the second consecutive use. (2) using Sweeping Blade and immediately following the input with Steel Tempest turns it into a circular aoe, rather than a straight line skill shot. (3) Cooldown reduction is fairly unimportant on Yasuo, as Steel Tempest's cooldown is reduced by building attack speed.

    There's a bit more to know in regards to combos and such, but it's honestly a ton of information. After you feel comfortable on the champion, I'd suggest going to YouTube and looking up ArKaDaTa, as he has short how-to videos on Yasuo's more advanced techniques.

    As far as a build goes, start with Doran's Blade, 1 Health Potion, and a Stealth Ward. I'd generally recommend rushing a B. F. Sword and then a Phantom Dancer, then at least getting a Cloak of Agility if not just outright finishing Infinity Edge. You can also reverse this by rushing Phantom Dancer first and then Infinity Edge. After that, don't build anymore Critical Chance items. From there you'll need to get boots, I'd recommend either Berserker's Greaves or Ninja Tabi. The rest of the build is pretty situational, but you'll need at least 1 Life Steal item, which I'd recommend either Blade of the Ruined King or Bloodthirster. Guardian Angel, Frozen Mallet, Maw of Malmortius are all good offensive/defensive options, or if you need to be tankier Randuin's Omen and Spirit Visage can be built as well. Mercurial Scimitar is also viable if there is heavy CC on the enemy team. Here are general recommendations for a build:


    Vision is important. You want to make sure you keep a Control Ward near your lane to spot out enemies moving toward your lane so that you can fall back if you're too pushed up, and keep your trinket wards out as well. You can be quite easily ganked, especially when you're inexperienced, because your mobility is only able to take you into enemy units.

    Focus on farming. Until you get comfortable with Yasuo, the best plan is to play safe and prioritize farm over kills. If your jungler comes in or another laner roams up and you think a play can be made, go for it. If the enemy shoves you under tower and stays overextended, push them off and get aggressive. Playing passively and focusing on CS and not overextending will keep you from feeding in the early game, while giving you enough gold to stay relevant moving into mid game, where you'll have the support of your team. Remember that 15 minions is roughly equal to one kill. So if you stay 20CS ahead of the enemy and don't die, you'll be ahead. If you are 20CS ahead and die once, you'll still be slightly ahead. Your goal should be at least 70CS at 10mins.

    Hold your Wind Wall for important abilities. Even if you fall behind, you can still be a huge asset for your team. You have a form of Crowd Control that isn't broken by Cleanse and your Wind Wall can save your team from fight winning ultimates such as Miss Fortune's Bullet Time or Ashe's Enchanted Crystal Arrow. You need to make sure you have your Wind Wall available if fighting champions with abilities like that.

    You are NOT a hard engage. You can set up engages by landing a good tornado from your third Steel Tempest, and your Last Breath is a great follow-up to a hard engage, but you are not a tank and you should not hard engage and put yourself in a bad position. 1v1 you can engage, of course, but in team fights you should be a secondary engage or a setup.

    I hope this is helpful for you. Good luck and have fun. And always remember that if your team is flaming you too hard for learning someone new, press enter and type "/mute all" so your morale isn't affected.
    Pure Panphobia (33) | December 26, 2017 5:49am
    You're welcome :)
    circubed (4) | December 25, 2017 4:01pm
    Thank you!
    FOKEN | December 30, 2017 1:15am
    what i usually do is ask another friend to pick a champion randomly and practice 1v1 until you master your champion against almost everything. he doesn't need to be good with all the champions, he just needs to play competitive and try to be strong against you. so as well, he will learn other champions, and you will improve yasuo. hope this is useful, somehow.. cheers
    PsiGuard (1495) | December 4, 2017 3:00pm
    Yasuo takes a lot of practice to master, good luck learning him! He's a pretty exciting champion to play once you're proficient.

    • Make sure to auto or Q after your knockup before you press R when possible so you can fit in more damage.
    • Keep track of which minions you've recently used E on so you still have options to back off after a trade.
    • Play aggressive (if you can) when you know for sure the enemy jungler can't gank you. Junglers tend to like ganking Yasuos because they are often reckless.
    • Prioritize B. F. Sword and then Cloak of Agility rather than Pickaxe because Yasuo gets double benefit from crit.
    • If you're following up an ally with a very short knockup/knockback just spam R. If it's a long knockup, wait a moment to get the most out of the CC and then press R.

    Those are all the general tips I could think of. Good luck practicing!
    Pure Panphobia (33) | December 8, 2017 8:19am
    "Make sure to auto or Q after your knockup before you press R when possible so you can fit in more damage."
    If you hit a ranged knockup, the most damaging combo out of it is to E > Q the knocked up enemy before pressing R. If Q cooldown isn't low enough yet, E > Auto works as well. If you wanna practice something really flashy, you can ranged knockup the opponent, E > Q to a minion, and press Flash toward the opponent as you start the Q animation and then press R. You can also use this to land your dash knockup. It takes practice, though. I'd suggest the practice tool.
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