Hey guys,
even if it is 1a.m. right now I want to share this epic game.
Normally, I play support and jungle, sometimes even top or mid. AD Carry is the position I hate most because it sounds like "Oh, I'm gonna farm all day" but ends up in "Oh my god, I died again because I wasn't standing right".
The last game (about 10 minutes ago) I played Caitlyn as I also want to learn the basics of an AD Carry. (By the way, I played Caitlyn because she is free to play, I don't own her.) I started the game with a mood that we're gonna lose the game. When I saw Lulu and Draven were my lane opponents I knew that it's going to be bad for me. Draven almost killed me several times but my support- Karma was playing well enough to save me every single time. I personally think that this Draven got mad at this point and stopped playing seriously.

After about 30 minutes I got my first kill on Lulu, who was warding dragon. My first kill and at the same time my Phantom Dancer that I got after buying my Infinity Edge at about 20minutes. Now I got to that point where you just play and don't think about anything.
I farmed all day long, helped a bit out in teamfights and finally melted the tanks down with my Black Cleaver.

At the end of the game I possessed 8/1/10 stats and the following items : Berserker's Greaves, Infinity Edge, Phantom Dancer, Bloodthirster, Black Cleaver and Wit's End. Black Cleaver and Wit's End were really situational items because they had a Xerath dealing 700 dmg to me with his Q and only Pantheon was buying an Atma's Impaler for armor so I thought these would be a good choice.

I would really appreciate the help if somebody could look at the replay and tell me how I did and if the enemy was just bad or if I was doing pretty well.
Like I said, AD Carry is my most hated role because I can't position myself right in a teamfight.

If somebody wants to see the replay: I will upload it this afternoon (in about 12-13 hours) and send you the link via PM.

Thanks for reading this wall of text and sorry if it is written really bad but I am kinda tired and I think you all know, english is not my first language so there could be a few ( or even a lot of) mistakes in there.