Hey everyone, welcome back to my weekly blog, Item Insights. Today I want to discuss the position of Trinity Force. Let's get right into explaining what it does:

Inspirational video while reading

Cost: 3843
30 Ability Power
30 Attack Damage
30 % Attack Speed
10 % Critical Strike Chance
250 Health
200 Mana
8 % Movement Speed
UNIQUE Passive: Icy: Your basic attacks have a 25% chance to slow your target's Movement Speed by 30% for 2 seconds (20% for ranged attacks).
UNIQUE Passive: Spellblade: After using an ability, your next basic attack deals bonus physical damage equal to 150% of your base Attack Damage. 2 second cooldown. Does not stack with Sheen or Lich Bane.

So, plenty of stats. Basically what this item needs is an autoattacker, who also has some affinity with mana and AP. I'm thinking Corki, Ezreal, Jax, Irelia, etc.
But why is that it's rarely bought? I can't even remember seeing it in game or on a stream anymore...

There are actually 2 answers to this question.
First, there are so many stats on this item, that it severely narrows down the amount of champions that actually put all the stats to good use. Add that with it's cost (it's the most expensive item in game) and you can figure it out.
The second answer has to do with it's components and their other upgrades. Let's look at all 3 of them one by one:

Zeal. It also upgrades into Statikk Shiv and Phantom Dancer. Generally speaking, an AS reliant ADC (f.e. Vayne) benefits from them a lot more than from the stats TriForce gives. They're also a lot cheaper.
Sheen also upgrades into Lich Bane and Iceborn Gauntlet. Lich Bane really focuses on AP, and is therefore really good on APCs that go well with an autoattack in their combo, such as Lux and Diana. On the other hand we have the Iceborn Gauntlet, which works exceptionally well with a low cd kiting champion (like Ezreal) and also with more tanky champions that like cooldown reduction, such as Hecarim and Vi.
Phage lastly also upgrades into Frozen Mallet, which gives a lot more health and a guaranteed slow effect, instead of the chance on TriForce.

So there we have it. Due to some new items, Trinity Force has sort of become a lost child with no home. What do you think Riot should do to repopularize it? Let me know in the comments down below.

Also, please do give me suggestions of items you'd like to see me cover in the coming weeks!

Thanks so much for reading and until next week!
