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Mooninites's avatar


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Mooninites's Mobafire Blog

07 Dec
So I've heard a particular member from Mobafire use this term quite often (cough cough tosh). And I've always kind of ignored it as untrue. There's no doubt there are some people on this website that have absolutely no game knowledge and don't really understand how to play League. But the again, this website is devoted to helping people learn to play league. It's not exactly uncommon to hear negative things associated with Mobafire especially in the League of Legends community as a whole. I think that's partially to do with the prominance of websites like and which...
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21 Nov
I'm really excited for Season 3, a new start, new elo, new changes. So far most of what I see I really like. There are a number of things I'd like to see stay (such as Ionic Spark and other things I'd rather not see implemented, but for the most part I'm happy.

Many people don't think supports are going to be that much better, but I'd suggest the opposite. The gold flow on live summoner's rift is currently 1.3 gold per second, in the PBE it's sitting at 1.6. I've heard that they compensate this by reducing the gold that minions give but I'm not entirely sure. In any case, this is a...
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01 Nov
said patchnotes can be found here

For now I'll skip Zed because quite frankly we won't really have an understanding of how he operates just looking at numbers. I will say however, assassins are never very appealing to me and I would say most players agree that in this meta assassin based champions aren't appealing. From what I understand Riot is attempting to fix that by changing around the way MPen and ArPen work, so that they work more favorably.

Moving on to champion/general/item...
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07 Oct
Tier 1: Master Yi, Diana, Ryze, Nidalee, Blitzcrank, Cassiopeia, Jayce, Lux, Karma, Janna, Kog'Maw, Cho'Gath, Varus, Ziggs, Zyra

Tier 2: Xerath, Galio, Alistar, Malphite, Irelia, Katarina, Teemo, Vladimir, Morgana, Nautilus, Heimerdinger, Ezreal, Soraka, Kayle, Gragas, Singed, Ahri, Zilean, Caitlyn, Rumble,

Tier 3: Oriana, Corki, Anivia, Nunu & Willump, Urgot, LeBlanc, Amumu, Sona, Draven, Viktor, Twisted Fate,...
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29 Aug
So as many of you know Nidalee is my favorite and probably best champion. If you don't know well now you do. Most of the games you see me play Nidalee I do pretty well, although I'll admit I do lose with her from time to time, and she certainly has her counters. But like all specialist players you can make champiosn work even against hard counters, although I will admit this is a less frequent occurrence lately as Nidalee seems to be falling off popularity as people have moved on from FOTM AD Nid and she's generally not regarded as a strong pick anymore, especially not AP. While...
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