I heard AD Kennen was the new Fotm in Europe or something. And yet something is bothering me about it:

They're building a squishy, glass cannon Kennen.

Being an avid Kennen player and such, blah blah blah theory crafting blah, I don't get why they aren't using Guardian Angel for survivability, and instead rush Phantom Dancer > Infinity Edge. I mean, WHAT THE FU-??? You max W first, but you don't get AD items to achieve the greatest synergy with it?

Second, I was browsing on Solomid the other day and I saw a guide maxing Q over E. WHY YOU NO GET RESISTS? You aren't even building a Gunblade for the AP >:O and you max it second? And they aren't building Health to use the Armor/Mres from Lightning Rush. Instead, they build more resistances, despite the diminishing returns...

So your final build makes a 2000 HP Kennen who runs directly into the middle of the fight, does minimal damage, and dies from some Ryze or Annie burst. So much for theory crafting :/
