Ahri - fine
Akali - buff gunblade
Alistar - fine
Amumu - fine
Anivia - fine
Annie - increase range of spell across the board by 10%
Ashe - New 'e' spell, please. Give passive flat increase to crit chance
Blitzcrank - fine
Brand - reduce mana costs by 10%, increase range of e back to launch levels, make R prioritize champions always
Caitlyn - fine
Cassiopeia - make 'w' come out bigger and in a cone, not a circle, maybe not expand as well
Cho'Gath - fine, would like to see his early sustain lowered a touch and his late sustain increased
Corki - reduce mana costs by 25%, make rockets reload much faster, reduce maximum capacity to 4
Darius - fine
Diana - reduce tankiness/resists to account for resistance stack meta (abyssal zhonyas)
Dr. Mundo - increase base armor, reduce health costs, rework passive to give more sustain early and less sustain late
Draven - reduce his level 1 axe damage significantly, have it scale to the same dmg at 5
Elise - fine, reduce the 'hang time' on rappel
Evelynn - increase base health and health gain per level, increase cd of hate spike early dramatically and scale to equal cd at 5
Ezreal - increase his AD scaling on his Q and reduce his base damage and AD gain to shift away from blue build
Fiddlesticks - higher starting armor, higher movespeed, decrease sustain from drain but increase the damage. rework passive to only affect those that fiddle can see, that can see fiddle, or that are being damaged by fiddle.
Fiora - rework
Fizz - Q no longer applies on hit effects
Galio - reduce mana cost of q to flat 60, reduce his other spells' mana slightly, make him immune to knockup/knockback when ulting
Gangplank - higher base AD and AD gain, instead of gaining 50% of his mana back, just make mana cost of Q 60% of original value with no return for cs
Garen - fine
Gragas - fine, would like to see e returned close to previous levels
Graves - fine
Hecarim - i wish his ult had some counterplay available, like he could be redirected by knockups/knockbacks, i don't know. hec ult has no counterplay
Heimerdinger - rework
Irelia - fine, would give back some of her natural sustain, but not too much
Janna - fine
Jarvan IV - fine, would reduce the ad scaling of his q a bit
Jax - fine
Jayce - reduce damage across the board by 15%, he's silenced for 1 second when he uses ultimate, like udyr
Karma - fine, make her q a bit more consistent
Karthus - fine
Kassadin - fine
Katarina - fine, make her AA a bit faster
Kayle - fine
Kennen - fine
Kha'Zix - they're nerfing him, i agree with the nerfs, too much damage and too much free waveclear
Kog'Maw - technically fine, just underpowered
LeBlanc - her armor is pitiful. she deserves some armor at least.
Lee Sin - fine
Leona - fine
Lissandra - fine!
Lulu - reduce q to 50 mana
Lux - fine
Malphite - fine, reduce mana cost on q by 15ish%
Malzahar - rework
Maokai - fine, don't know how to fix his jungle
Master Yi - meh
Miss Fortune - fine
Mordekaiser - rework. either he harasses and pushes and dies, or he gets pushed around in lane, you have to push to do anything and it's not viable in today's meta, and the hp pot nerf crushed him
Morgana - make her w do some lasting burn damage if people take 1 tick and walk out of it, she has no reliable way to harass in lane
Nami - fine
Nasus - fine
Nautilus - bleh, techincally fine. lower his scaling on his resistances a bit, he gets way too tanky way too quickly
Nidalee - rework trinity force, why does she lose her free resists at 6 when jayce doesn't, and elise SHOULD have lost hers because it's available to her at level 1
Nocturne - fine
Nunu - fine
Olaf - make w cleave like malphite so he can jungle, or give him back some of his values so he can top.
Orianna - fine
Pantheon - return mana on q for last hitting? will make him a great mid
Poppy - reduce mana costs across the board by 25-50%, increase base mana / mana gain per level, rework e for consistency.
Quinn - fine
Rammus - increase curl damage early so he can clear
Renekton - fine
Rengar - rework
Riven - increase cd of q and e by 15%
Rumble - fine
Ryze - fine
Sejuani - fine
Shaco - rework
Shen - fine
Shyvana - rework incoming
Singed - fine
Sion - rework incoming
Sivir - increase range by 50, reduce cd of e to a flat 12 seconds
Skarner - make MS persist if shield is broken, increase cd on shield by 25%
Sona - fine, i'd happily trade off 15% of her damage for like 8 more starting armor
Soraka - fine
Swain - fine, maybe higher base health and slightly lower health gain to compensate
Syndra - fine, make her throw a bit faster and more consistent. i find it difficult to hit with, especially with smart casting
Talon - rework inc
Taric - fine
Teemo - fine
Thresh - fine, reduce his AA damage by 10%
Tristana - fine, would LOVE if explosive shot was a toggle, but that will never happen
Trundle - fine
Tryndamere - fine
Twisted Fate - reduce base damage of q significantly, but increase the ap scaling. reduces his waveclear potential super early
Twitch - fine
Udyr - fine
Urgot - increase AA range by 10%, 10 more MS
Varus - fine, make his ultimate a bit more consistent
Vayne - fine, maybe knock a point or two off of silver bolts
Veigar - increase range on all skills by 10%
Vi - fine, i'd give her back some of her power since they nerfed lizard a billion times
Viktor - rework needed, or make his spells evolve like khazix
Vladimir - fine
Volibear - fine
Warwick - make him a top or a jungler, right now he's neither
Wukong - reduce the knockup time on his ultimate by 25%, increase his passive by 1, increase his damage values by 5-10% to compensate
Xerath - rework inc
Xin Zhao - fine
Yorick - fine, i'd like to see his ghouls returned to normal speed, they're useless ATM
Zac - make his passive work like heal: if he picks up a blob within 2 seconds of his last pickup, it heals for 50%
Zed - fine. glad he's not OP atm
Ziggs - make mines bigger aoe and deploy faster. make ultimate damage more consistent and increase ap scaling
Zilean - make AA more detectable and give it faster missile speed, reduce mana cost on his abilities by 10%, give him 5-10 more starting AD, I need to look at his MS values as well
Zyra - she's fine, but 10 more MS wouldn't hurt.
