Blian wrote:
I've been taking care of my friend's EUW account and I must tell you I see that creature quite often in ranked. Less Diana tho.
Diana is just recently see play its still not played much. Korea seems be playing it at least in solo q. Shes has some bad match ups tho and is similar to kennen and only all in champ.
Cooper112 wrote:
Diana is just recently see play its still not played much. Korea seems be playing it at least in solo q. Shes has some bad match ups tho and is similar to kennen and only all in champ.
forgot to mention those cho's I've seen were AD ones and not AP.
Vapora Dark wrote:
Blian is bronze, I don't think people in bronze pay much attention to what Koreans do.
Vapora Dark wrote:
Blian is bronze, I don't think people in bronze pay much attention to what Koreans do.
despite of my divison you'd be suprised of my influence and knowledge in this game. and yes I do watch LCK and LPL as well.
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Also diana showing up mid lane at iem!