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Shouldn't really recommend last whisper and inf edge on nasus. its an item that really shouldn't be built on him.
Infinity edge is there "for the lulz". It's not something you should buy in a ranked match. I might not have clarified that properly though.
Also. Wouldnt want to say 150 are t4 stacks at 10 min normally its 200 you should have by then
I did have a few questions too. Like how do you justify buying a frozen heart, spirit visage etc when you're going to be wasting some of the cdr from those items... Like are there better alternatives if you are already maxed cdr?
This build assumes you start with 10% CDR, then rush either Frozen Heart or Spirit Visage, and 90% of your games you should get to 40% CDR with those two items. Then you just build Randuin's Omen/ Warmog's Armor/ Banshee's Veil/ Last Whisper/ Thornmail as you see fit.
I only focused on deeply explaining the main build path because otherwise the guide would be all over the place, and I don't know THAT much about alternative build paths for Nasus. I may add some kind of "spoiler tag full AD build", but I'd want to polish the how to play sections first.
Also how do you avoid pushing your lane when your q gets big enough to last hit really early? Do you still wait until the minions are almost dead from your minions before stacking?
I guess if your Q is big enough (say you first backed with 150 stacks by min 10) you can buy Sheen, start playing agressive, push the lane and help bot/mid. Personally I like to farm like a tryhard and lasthit as closely to zero hp as possible even then, to look for poke/kill when he gets close to farm.
I'm definetly going to add some spoiler tags explaining what to do in those situations (being well fed, losing lane badly, your team feeding, 2v1 lane swap), but I it'll be a while, as I'm working on a Fizz guide right now.
Also how do you avoid pushing your lane when your q gets big enough to last hit really early? Do you still wait until the minions are almost dead from your minions before stacking?
Second, it is possible to hit 1,000+ stacks and not have to do so in under 40 minutes. I was playing normals and it was a Nasus mirror lane in top and we pretty much ignored each other to stack. That game I got to over 1,300 stacks and hit level 18 super early (only the other Nasus was over 16) and ended up taking on a 3v1 from an Azir, some adc and the support and leaving over half health!
Haha, yeah, I guess it's possible, specially if the other team also has a Nasus. The problem is that playing versus a >600 stacks Nasus is reeealy boring, so people may surrender before the 1000 stacks. Having a Nasus on the other side gives that ray of hope of "we have that monster too" that extends the game a bit more. I guess if the other team is in a good mood they might keep playing.
Seriously though, thank you so much for this guide as it will really help me start to have some consistency in my Nasus play!
It's good to see that the guide is useful ^^.
I'm looking forward to updating runes+masteries, and maybe add some play patterns (got to 100-150 stacks by first back, before 10min, so buy sheen and play aggro) and common build alternatives. IDK if that would clog the guide too much, but I guess it'll make it more useful to more advanced players, so I may add it in spoiler tags.
Second, it is possible to hit 1,000+ stacks and not have to do so in under 40 minutes. I was playing normals and it was a Nasus mirror lane in top and we pretty much ignored each other to stack. That game I got to over 1,300 stacks and hit level 18 super early (only the other Nasus was over 16) and ended up taking on a 3v1 from an Azir, some adc and the support and leaving over half health!
Seriously though, thank you so much for this guide as it will really help me start to have some consistency in my Nasus play!
Enemy top laners usually try to push their wave into your tower before they go shop to deny you the cs that's when this top comes in handy.
That too ^^
I would add to the con-list about his lack of mobility which results in easily getting kited without wither and no escape abilitys except summoners( against 1 enemy you can just wither ofc and when you are strong enough you just smash your enemies :)
Yeah, somehow forgot to add lack of mobility to the cons. Pretty important for Nasus. Thanks for all the help!
I would add to the con-list about his lack of mobility which results in easily getting kited without wither and no escape abilitys except summoners( against 1 enemy you can just wither ofc and when you are strong enough you just smash your enemies :)