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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 26, 2016 12:08pm | Report

In promos with one in the win column already. Hopefully the winning streak continues.

Uppermost Shyvana game. Stomp. I died once because I didn’t quite get to a fight in time and their team were all sitting around with no one left to kill except ME.

Vel'Koz game. My Mid still needs some work. My basic strategy is to not feed, get as much CS as a I can, and to help out where I can. No looking for fancy outplays. Our Volibear put us on his big bear back and carried us to victory.

Lowermost Shyvana game. Not as clean as my 16-0 game. My lanes were struggling a little more than that game. Thresh obviously did not know how to Thresh and admitted as much when asked.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 26, 2016 5:57pm | Report

Well, only 1 of 3 promo matches one. Followed the two defeats with a victory.

Top most Shyvana game. Their Gnar was AFK long enough for our Darius to take their inner Top turret. That kind of lead meant we really didn’t have to risk anything. Karma wasn’t happy about being against an Annie and it seemed for good reason as every time I showed up Karma was dying to Annie. Fortunately she would have already done most of the work and I got to clean up Annie a couple of times.

Middle Shyvana game. We had trouble coordinating for team fighting. I don’t recall Miss Fortune getting off a single good Bullet Time. Volibear was proving difficult to kill despite Flashing or Thundering Smash straight into our team. I over committed on a couple of plays around towers which cost me a couple of deaths. I felt like we were under a time crunch as their team was going to outscale us. Oh, Volibear camped Top hard where I spread my efforts around the map more. Turned out his strategy proved more effective.

Vel'Koz game. Our Evelynn behaved oddly. Some weird pathing. Chilling and farming when there were people in dire straights. She picked up some kills here and there but it was usually cleaning up one stray after we got our butts handed to us in a team fight and then she would inevitably get caught. And Lux seemed to survive **** that really should have killed her. I know about her shield and she was running Barrier but still, multiple escapes on tiny bits of health, which was somewhat frustrating. I opted for Athene's Unholy Grail due to all the magic damage they had and Zhonya's Hourglass due to the fact that Shaco get trying to jump on me. I really like the Move Speed quints on Vel, but I might try AP or Magic Pen and see how that goes.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 26, 2016 7:57pm | Report

Match History

Shyvana was banned so I opted for Volibear and got him. Worked out pretty well. Heimer was annoying as usual. Fortunately Zed got ahead and was able to split push fairly well. Crazy scrum Bot lane. Amumu trying to come through our jungle, Riven had Teleported in. We manage to go even on that, which was good because I think it would have impacted moral badly if it had gone poorly. Spent more time fighting than farming, so I was behind somewhat of where I would like to be and Volibear doesn’t have the most amazing clear, so I was a little concerned about that.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 26, 2016 8:06pm | Report

Match History

Got Mid. Picked Morgana since my Vel'Koz feels less than stellar. They picked Yasuo into me. I could tell the Yas wasn’t very familiar with the champion as he wasn’t hiding his tornado with his dashes, so it was pretty easy to dodge them. I think I got hit by one all laning phase. My duo partner and his support were crushing it Bot with some help from Warwick and Shen. Warwick was DCd for the first part of the game, so when he returned I pinged Bot lane to go help him get his clear started and Lux helped him out and my duo partner took the cue to back off until Lux could go back to supporting him. Shen was doing fairly well Top lane, however he DCd for a few minutes which eventually allowed Garen to push down our Top inner tower. Fortunately Shen reconnected and got back to work. Only 1 death on our team. Was good work by all especially considering the DCs and such.

Silver 4! :)
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 27, 2016 10:16am | Report

Match History

Got invaded early and lost my blue buff, died, and burned my Exhaust trying to get away. That pissed me off. Farmed it out on my own and picked up Tracker's Knife to screw that Gragas. I didn’t get as much of his jungle as I would have liked due to the way the game played out, but I did enough to help make sure my team ended up winning.

Should just plan on getting invaded when the enemy team has a Blitzcrank. Also Zed was AFK at his tower, which might have helped with the invade, maybe not, but really annoying. Generally in ranked games people are good at complying when I ask them to cover jungle entrances. But solo queue. Need to have my escape route planned (with one Rocket Grab's distance factored in) if I do get invaded. Actually has been quite a few games since that happened.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 27, 2016 12:30pm | Report

Match History

I have PTSD from this game. Their Vi and Aurelion Sol were tag teaming Mid and Top so Mid and Top were losing. Bot was going even until the inevitable Blitzcrank Rocket Grab connected. It even went something like this for me, "Well at least Bot lane is holding their own, maybe I can get over there and try to break the stalemate…. Oh, there goes Draven's icon moving away from his turret really fast in the wrong direction. Sigh." They ended up in control of our jungle and I just couldn’t seem to be in enough places at once.

Then the fun really began, because they pushed us into base, and then threw traps and wards over the wall and then Aurelion pushed us off the tower with Astral Flight and it was then like one of those horror flicks where 1 person gets dragged over the wall by Blitzcrank and then the next and then the next. Total Cancer. Garen's job was to buzz saw anyone that got dragged over the wall and Jhin’s job was to Curtain Call anyone still standing around the tower.

I need a drink.

Though I did get the satisfaction of solo killing Vi who thought she would be cute and steal my Red buff when the game was largely under their control. Challenging Smite and Exhaust OP for duels.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 27, 2016 5:03pm | Report

Match History

So before I had finished my full clear we were down 5 deaths. Ziggs and I killed Yasuo then I DCd for about 45 seconds. So 6-1 against. smh. Jinx and Lulu were starting to argue about not getting shielded or who should take the Rocket Grabs. ?How about avoid them? XD so was pretty worried about this one. Ziggs roamed Bot and a bunch of their team ended up Bot and we ended up getting a bunch of kills which got Jinx rolling. After that point we started crushing them. I died a couple of times, but I believe in every case it was in the process of doing a lot of damage before I went down allowing my team to clean up so not overly upset with that, though I’ll continue to try to keep my games as clean death wise as possible.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 28, 2016 9:12pm | Report

Match History

….where to start. It all started in champion select. Mid asked Sup not to play Aurelion Sol as support since he was too new. Even offered the person the Mid spot. A Sol declined. Mid picks Irelia which can be a viable pick in some circumstances. Enemy team picks Zyra. Bot lane got demolished. Apparently Zyra is a good pick against A Sol or at least vs someone new at A Sol. Then Irelia starts whining since she isn’t happy about being against Ryze and is not happy about what is going on with basically everything else in the game. I screwed up twice which didn’t help matters. I though I had enough time to steal Volibear’s Raptors but turns out I didn’t as he and Ryze collapsed on me. I died. Irelia jumped in to try and help to and died as well. At some point I went Bot lane and ended up getting a shut down on Lucian who had committed really hard to killing A Sol again, to the point of running past our turret which was still up. I almost killed Zyra too and wanting to try and make some happen I chased her and ran into Volibear, which didn’t go so well for me. Sigh. A bit later Irelia Teleported behind the enemy Bot laners and ended up giving Lucian a triple kill. Then Irelia AFKd at the Fountain for quite a while until they were threatened with getting reported if they didn’t get back in the game. Too little too late they joined back in for the final thrashing. The enemy Ryze (mainly) gave us some opportunities to get back in the game doing stupid **** like taunting me under my tower while we were both on low health. He stunned me and tried to do his combo on me but my damage and the tower shot won that one. That was rather satisfying. He did a few more gung ho things like that but in the end none of us could manage Lucian so it was gg.

Things I learned in a game where where our Bot lane got destroyed and our Mid laner rage quit for a good portion of the game.

1. If you see their jungler ganking Top side and you aren't close enough to countergank, don't try to counter jungle the Top side jungle. You may think you have time to get their raptors, but you probably don't and even if you do you are putting yourself in a position where you might get collapsed on my their jungler and their Mid laner.

2. You can't tunnel. You have to take the scraps that they feed you. E.g. if their fed ADC tunnels onto your support to the point that he takes 3 tower shots trying to kill your support, getting a shut down on him can be huge for your team, but only clean up their support if it is free. Don't chase their support through an unwarded bush if you don't know where their jungler or Mid laner are. And most definitely don't chase through a second unwarded bush.

3. If you've probably lost, practice playing from behind. Ask yourself things like how do we establish some vision? Who on their team do we have to tag team because there is no way we can 1v1 that person? Is there a way that we can force them into making a mistake (can I goad them into turret diving or get the to chase a slipper team member?). If we do get an opening, how can we most productively use our time?
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 31, 2016 9:13pm | Report

I will have patience with myself. I decided I don’t much care for Mid lane, so I’m trying my hand back in Top lane. I definitely made some mistakes this game.

1. I somehow managed to ult sidewise instead of going straight ahead.
2. I ulted and ran into the base of a turret. (I blanking hate that you have to play Master Drifter 2018 to dodge dead turrets)
3. I thought I was dead after once engage so I went back in with what I thought was my passive and it turns out I was still alive.
4. I over extended once out of a bit of frustration without my ult up and ended up dying to a Shyvana gank.

And despite all the I had the most farm on my team, the fewest deaths, and the most damage to champions. But I will work on my mistakes and I will try to help put my team in a better position to win even if they don’t want to. XD

I later figured out that my mouse has somehow changed profiles on me so it got on some weird DPI setting again. I though I had that fixed. Bang, bang, bang. I guess I need to check that before I queue up every time.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 31, 2016 9:48pm | Report

Sivir - pub stomp for the most part though our Illaoi had some trouble with their Darius. Despite that we took down their Nexus in 21 min and 7 seconds. Not too shabby. I got enough gold on my first back to pick up a B. F. Sword which worked out nicely because Wukong chose the moment we got back into lane to gank and I had a enough damage to pick up the double kill

Shyvana game. Our Ashe failed to trade with Zyra. I’ve done it before so I know how it can happen, but I can play ADC at an okay level and unfortunately in this case our Ashe could not. Nidalee set up a tent when they figured out just how discombobulated our Bot lane was. I switched off an on from counter jungling to providing reinforcements if I wasn’t in a position to counter jungle, but no matter how much I helped either Ashe or Zyra, usually both, would die, so even though I was getting ahead we had two people getting behind.

I checked the score board and figured we needed to kill Brand and then Miss Fortune respectively and right after that Brand went way out of position and so I pounced on him, which unfortunately set us all up to get MF ulted. Sigh. What I did would have been fine if I had been LeBlanc, however I was not playing an assassin, so I should have gauged the positioning of their team better on that one. That mistake put the game in the bag for them. :(

Morgana game. Opted for Mid since my foray into Top lane didn’t go so well. Morg seems to work well into Yasuo at my level of play. As long as I dodge the majority of his tornadoes and bulk up enough that even if he does hit the occasional one then I’m fine. Our Nasus got ahead of their Riven and really all of our lanes and jungle were doing fairly well to the point that they ended up surrendering. Our Shyvana did give me some help Mid lane, but her idea of gank felt a bit weird. Like she would come in at odd angles such that minions were often in my way, which made it hard to give her timely assistance. Most of the ganks failed but at least one paid off.

Poppy game. I’m pretty sure their Aatrox and their Aurelion Sol lane swapped on us and we didn’t match it. It was a really annoying lane for me. I got some help from Mid and Jungle which netted me some assists but A Sol was able to keep me pushed in and plink away at my turret. Such that we managed to lose like all three of our outer towers all at once which was a huge gold influx for them. We were pretty much on our back foot from that point on. I need to be better and deciding when to double tap Poppy’s ult and channeling it. And of course it would also be wise to get better at my Heroic Charge positioning. I must say that Steadfast Presence is extremely satisfying to use on anyone with a dash based gap closer. My Mid and Jungler got mad at me for backing off A Sol once when they ganked. I don’t know if they saw if, but Aatrox had popped out from the bush behind my turret a moment before they moved into position to gank so my view of the situation was that I was about to get turret dove (did I even have a turret at that point?). I think he saw the gank incoming so he teleported to their turret as he was in position to help A Sol with a counter gank much to quickly for him to have walked there.

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