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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 2, 2016 11:49am | Report

Had one dodge before this because someone wanted to Teemo ADC and someone who was in their promos was begging them not to play Teemo. I tried to talk them out of it too, since we really didn't have much range in the champs we were showing. They locked in Teemo as ADC anyway so I opted to take the 3LP hit to get out of that one since A) We would have one player for sure on tilt and B) I don't much care for Teemo as an ADC.

Shyvana game. Overly ambitious supports can sometimes get you killed. Don’t try and save them if the warning bells say you are in too deep. We did fairly well everywhere, so this pretty much went by the numbers.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 2, 2016 3:08pm | Report

Got a very good leash from my laners and Zed was playing aggressively against our Talon (which is a favorable match-up for Zed), so I opted to clear Red then Raptors and when Zed used his shadow offensively I went on him. Talon hit him with Ignite, and I hit him with Exhaust which was enough to earn us a kill. I came back later and we killed Zed again though Talon went down that time. I did some counter jungling when Zac ganked Bot allowing me to get his Red.

Overall the team played well individually and were able to get on the same page and get to where the action was when members decided to commit to fights, which meant we typically had more strength and intent than the other team.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 3, 2016 8:54pm | Report

Match History

Bot lane struggled. I should have gotten a sweeper earlier than I did. Fizz and I burned Aurelion Sol’s Barrier. Fizz killed him a minute later and was pretty much dominating that match-up though he got out played once and A Sol picked up a kill on Fizz. Nasus and I almost killed Irelia but she made it back to her tower just barely and we didn’t commit to a tower dive which was probably good because of her stun and the fact that Kindred showed up a few seconds after I backed off. We spotted her on a ward so Nasus walked away with no problem. I put some priority on taking marks off the map so Kindred wasn’t able to scale that way. Did manage to give some assistance to Bot lane but Nami pretty much died every time though she did manage to kill A Sol after Lucian was dead and I had to back off due to being very low health when A Sol came in for a dive from the the flank. Pretty smooth game overall though it didn’t feel overly easy.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 3, 2016 10:04pm | Report

Match History

Out of order. This was my first ranked game of today. I’m pretty sure the Jinx was a smurf as her kiting was just too good. We killed her a couple of times pretty much only due to Alistar keeping her busy long enough for the rest of us to catch her or knocking her back into our whole team.

Died to an early invade which I spotted. Opted to try and fight it out. We went 2 and 2, but Yasuo died almost immediately into laning phase so we were down 2 to 3. I didn’t have much success with early ganking. Should have bought Randuin's Omen early since I knew Jinx was going to be big.

It was hard to decide how to get this game back on track as Sivir and Ali really couldn’t stand up to Jinx and Leona so if we left them alone they would die and Jinx would destroy a turret.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 3, 2016 10:31pm | Report

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Another game my Bot lane got **** on. I was a trying to figure out why Braum was dying all the time and then I looked at his item build which was Iceborn Gauntlet and Thornmail. No health at the time. No Sightstone. No Face of the Mountain or Eye of the Equinox. Braum gets a decent amount of resist from his runes and Stand Behind Me. He needs health to bulk up so he is something for those resists to be protecting. Forgoing more health oriented items also also means Winter's Bite does less damage since it scales off Braum’s maximum health. He eventually bought a Locket of the Iron Solari which would have been much better to have much earlier in the game as Ziggs’s Mega Inferno Bomb either killed a bunch of us or stymied us when we were making progress by chunking the **** out of us.

On top of all that was the frustration that is Soraka.

But I basically just didn’t get enough done this game. Need to make sure I pick up an Sweeping Lens at least by the time I do my second clear so that I can have some chance of ganking lanes and upgrade it to Oracle Lens as soon as I hit level 9.

Also feeling frustrated by the +18 and then -18 LP. Back to 0 baybee!
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 4, 2016 8:55pm | Report

Match History

I changed up my runes a bit going 1 MS Quint + 2 AP Quints (from 3 MS Quints). Definitely felt like I had a little extra oomph in lane and still felt like I had a enough move speed to to dodge a decent amount of Lux’s poke. Managed to solo kill Lux when she failed to respect my damage. Didn’t really end up using Cleanse though there was one time I though about it, but I guesstimated I would survive so I didn’t use it and I was correct. We were pretty well ahead, but we kept trying to fight around their mid inner turret without taking the damn thing, so we did a lot of dancing around and dying for no good reason. I suggested that we might want to take the turret and we did shortly after more dancing around that turret. It was pretty much a blood bath. I kept having to push up waves so my team would have minions in order to be able to siege. The lack of wave control in our other lanes cost us a turret or two. Sigh, I’ll take the win. Side lane wave management will probably come once I get to a higher rank (at least more often then it does now XD).

Farming needs to get better. Need to look for more opportunities to roam. Need to get better at poking with my Q and getting off my combos, but overall I was fairly pleased with picking up a win while playing Mid.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 6, 2016 8:55pm | Report

Match History

Our Bot lane killed it this game. Nothing fancy required of me. One unfortunate death when I followed up Thresh who was trying to make a play without the best vision. Remember your maximum about blindly following overly ambitious supports! Our Wukong DCd for a good chunk of the game but we were too far ahead and they were too disorganized to take advantage of it.

First time against a Yasuo as Vel'Koz. I had some trouble dealing with his dash as he would go through me so all my abilities would miss. He also has just enough range on his Q that I found it hard to time my Tectonic Disruption to hit him as he was going in for a last hit on creep, which made it hard to setup combos on him.

Kha'Zix tried to gank for me once, but either I was giving it a way somehow or the Yasuo was choosing to play it really safe. As far as I know that side of the brush was not warded as I had seen him place his ward on the other side and had pinged it out to Kha. Kha wanted me to hit Yas with a Tectonic Disruption before going in but I didn't feel confident hitting it with how far back Yas was playing, plus he could dash to a minion as the animation for that ability is rather slow.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 6, 2016 10:09pm | Report

Match History

We could not handle the Jax split push. he got to the point where he could get a turret to half health before we could respond and then kill the turret before we could take him down. Or if he wasn’t split pushing, we were managing only to trade objectives on the map and since they were ahead in objectives that was a losing proposition for us.

I think in this game I spent too much trying to help out Gangplank who was having a rough go of it with Yasuo early since that is something of a weak early, strong later type match-up. Had one dumb death when I chased Lulu just a little too far when I caught her warding. I actually only intended to chunk her a decent amount, but it turned out that her entire team was nearby and I failed to escape despite using my ult to try and push past them.

With Illaoi we felt fairly strong in fixed location fights, but if we fought in a fixed location we just lost something somewhere else on the map so it felt like we couldn’t really play to our strengths. And I just noticed that Alistar did not have a Sightstone. That explains some things. Sigh.

We had them at something of a stalemate toward the end with GP ramping up, but for some reason Alistar decided to go on them despite the fact that the rest of us were out of position. He got turned into a dumpling or whatever Lulu turns people into in he classic skin, which delayed his engage long enough that he was basically stuck in the middle of three of them while Yasuo was jumping on our backline. I hit their back line though in retrospect I should have gone on to Yasuo to peel him off our carries since Alistar wasn't around to do it. Alister went down and I went down and it was GG.

Illaoi was an *** since I requested that she take Flash on a champion that has no escapes. Hell sometimes I wouldn’t mind having flash on Shyvana but usually I find the Exhaust to be more useful.

Feeling like I’m having a bit of a harder time carrying on Shyvana in Silver IV. May just be the spread of games at the moment or maybe the increase in the level of competition. Feels like I’m getting blown up in fights more quickly. This game I was up three kills pretty early so I felt that it would be okay to go for a Titanic Hydra as my second item.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 7, 2016 7:45am | Report
Shyvana losses:

Illaoi - no CC
Gangplank - very conditional slow, weak early game
Alistar + Kalista - some CC though skillshot based or combo based with Flash being a big plus.

Really not enough CC for a Shyvana pick. should have camped Bot lane post level 3 when Ali could make plays.

Nasus - damn good slow
Swain - slow and snare
Braum + Jinx - good CC

Decent amount of CC. The ideal thing to do would have probably have been to camp Mid with a secondary focus on Bot lane, though Ziggs can be slippery with Explosive Charge, and finally try to get something for Nasus vs. Graves.

Yasuo - knock-up
Varus - slow, snare post-6
Sivir + Alistar - Alistar combo + Sivir speed-up

Really not enough CC for a Shyvana pick. Best bet would probably have been to camp Bot lane post level 3 when Ali could make plays. Maybe roam to other lanes when his flash was down.

Take-away: When I have the choice I need to consider how much CC my team has before picking Shyvana. If it is limited. I need to adjust my strategy around camping the lanes that have the most reliable CC and counter jungling and warding.

And on an only semi-related note, don't pick assassin junglers into Lulu. It is just sad for you.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 7, 2016 8:32pm | Report

Match History

This game would have been easier with out several suicides on the part of Yasuo, Syndra, and Tahm Kench. It made the game go on long enough that Master Yi despite being destroyed in the early game, and Tryndamere, and Cassiopeia, and a Tristana were starting to scale up and get hard to deal with. That cost us in one fight near their Top inhibitor. Tahm Kench went in despite the fact that the rest of our team was on their way, but not close. I started to follow him, but then thought better of it, but by then they were on to us and our team was so scattered that we got obliterated. Fortunately, we were far enough ahead in towers that they couldn’t simply push their way into our base and end the game. And their Tristana hung around too long trying to take our Top inner tower and got caught. Without her to provided ranged support we were able to run up Mid and take the game.

I wasn’t quite sure what to build as my last item. Cass was starting to hurt and more armor seemed like a good idea hence the Zz'Rot Portal. But I also felt like some more health would have been useful, but there is not an item that offers all three.

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