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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 12, 2017 6:48pm | Report

This was a classic clusterfck.

We managed to make pretty much everything go wrong for this one. Malphite was tiltled from champion select because he got countered by the Kayle pick. He then tried to all in her at level 2 and lost.

In the meantime I didn't wave Caitlyn and Nami off soon enough so Caitlyn stole Blue buff from me really slowing my clear down. I was actually planning on ganking for Malphite after Red but that didn't happen because I had to back after Raptors.

At one point we gathered around Dragon and I was doing some scouting and saw their team running accross mid lane so I high tailed it back to my team, but Nami walked right back to the place I had just come from and got encircled by Veigar who unloaded a bunch of damage on her while she tried to bubble him, then Nami panic flashed right into their team. I'm like really...I pinged that....

Later we tried to all in them at Baron, and actually mowed them down. Except we didn't notice that Kayle had a GA so we switched to the few remaining targets. Kayle respawned with close to full health and proceeds to kill everyone. We lose. The End.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 12, 2017 7:36pm | Report

2nd time is the charm. Though Vayne might struggle against all the AoE damage, but she and Thresh handled early game well picking up several kills. That let me devote some time in Top lane, which was needed. Already had one game today where the Malphite quickly fell behind and gave up their towers, which put a lot of pressure on the rest of the map. This Malphite was smart enough to have Teleport though so he was able to effect other areas of the map despite losing lane. Though having to deal with Illaoi while building MR for the majority of their team meant I had to be careful and really make use of my CC to get her. She managed to get me once somehow after I had already gotten out, whatever it was killed me through my Hexdrinker shield. They then tried to make a play in Bot lane I got a good ult off onto Malzahar splitting their team in two. Malphite followed up with his ult and then we gang tackled Illaoi to finish them. They surrendered after that.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 14, 2017 3:28pm | Report

**** show. Fizz was mechanically challenged and Caitlyn was...positionally challenged to put it nicely. It also didn't help that Bard had all the kills and I think was frustrated with Caitlyn so he was wandering a lot.

Fizz got himself chunked by Lux so he asked me to hold his lane. Sure. Laner farm good. Except Lux managed to nail me with a binding then ult me and GP also ulted me. One pony for the glue factory. 1 kill and assist for them.

I had to ask people in chat to be in places. Pings weren't doing it. They still responded late or not at all. That cost us a tower we could have manage to have earlier in the game and a Dragon which we could have gotten uncontested if my team had reacted when I pinged it.

I tilted off the planet after that and my team didn't pick up the slack.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 14, 2017 11:54pm | Report

We got our assess handed to us by Pantheon. He stomped Corki then Corki made a terrible play on Bot lane and died for it. From then on it was the get dunked by Pantheon show. I watched him go a few times and he made beautiful use of his passive. Suspect a higher level player on a smurf or working their way up the ranks. Or a one trick that really knows Pantheon.

I got really screwed up in my jungle because Warwick invaded me after I had already used Smite on blue to get some health back and he still had Smite. I got out, but then had to limp along on Hecarim's substandard mana supply. Had to watch the replay on that one because I was like no way WW makes it to me in time to invade if he started blue side unless he came directly there, but what happened was he got a Zyra leash which is one of the best leashes in the game. Then he went directly to Red, took Red and then used the explosive plant to get over Baron pit.

So some really unusual circumstances. I think I needed to pop my second cast of Refillable Potion earlier to be healthy enough to retain my Smite for Blue, or just have used it on Red to be healthier.

I'm caring too much about winning the games at the moment. Need to take a step back and chill.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 15, 2017 9:15am | Report

Could not win a late game team fight verses them whether we had Baron or Elder Dragon. Lost every time we tried to push into their base past their inhibitors. Super frustrating streak of games. This one really should have been in the bag.

Felt pretty useless late game. Couldn't kill Draven or Gangplank, even with a Duskblade of Draktharr. Switched that out for a Guardian Angel to try and maybe come back and clean-up a team fight, but every one was dead by the time I revived. Couldn't sit on Caitlyn because Annie would nuke her. Really wish Riven and Caitlyn had bought Maw of Malmortius but didn't suggest it (problem of what seems like a no brainer isn't always apparent to others). We couldn't even managed to win 4v5, because we had that a couple of times with Annie getting caught out.

Should have split, but team couldn't disengage well enough to manage that.

Strongly considering just banning Gangplank every game. If they can chain barrels you simply can't win against them late game. And if they are on my team they are, you know those "When Fizz is on the enemy team and when Fizz is on your team". Yeah, mine is the one that got into the rum early and left his oranges at home.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 15, 2017 5:38pm | Report

Not on the trajectory I would like at the moment. Yasuo rage quit at some point. Claimed to be first time playing Top lane Yasuo. He was always already dead when I killed Volibear. Vayne was also always dead before I was able to get to her lane. Maybe should have bought some armor pen before working on Blade of the Ruined King.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 15, 2017 6:45pm | Report

Bot lane - Diana we need some help. Diana To Bot Lane: So does everyone else. I killed Nasus twice but not before he killed Yasuo. Katarina had killed Garen twice before I finished my 2nd clear. Yasuo was first pick. Jinx showing for Bot. So I had to pick someone with AP damage and Diana is the only one I'm playing at the moment in the interest of limiting my champion pool since that is what everyone says to do to win. I would have played Hecarim otherwise, but the other team took him after I picked.

In one of those frustrating places where I feel like I'm doing all the things everyone says you need to do to win a game, but not winning. Keep champion pool small, focus on objectives rather than kills, play safely and don't die, balance farming and ganking, don't waste time if a gank has a low chance of success, invade when your laners have their lanes pushed. I'm not much for cheese the enemy jungler early as if it doesn't pan out you've wasted a lot of time.

Do need to work on keeping track of the enemy jungler better early game, so that is something I am going to focus on.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 15, 2017 7:30pm | Report

Hey just like last season! Get promoted. Lose a bazillion games and immediately get demoted. Whooo hoooo!

Tryndamere AFKd for the first few minion waves and then proceeded to feed Xin Zhao and bunch of kills after he did make it to lane. Basically at that point I only had a half a jungle to work with because Xin Zhao was roaming around in it taking my camps. I did what I could to get Bot lane ahead, but it was not sufficient.

Quandry, normals are good for learning a new champion, but they are not representative of ranked play in my experience. Do I take a break from rank and play some normals or do I simply work on refining my game in ranked and take the wins and loses as the come? Or just take a break? This game wasn't representative other than that there are vagaries with ranked play - AFKs and people that have bad games or just end up in a match-up where they feed whether to their laner or their laner and jungle pressure. I profit from that when it happens in reverse. Maybe I had too much success to start with in my provisionals and my expectations are skewed because of that. Hard to say.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 15, 2017 9:00pm | Report

Wow. Just wow. Pantheon of course was last pick, despite me saying that was a bad idea since we would be all AD and they had two tanks on their team who would have to itemize against one type of damage. Should have dodged.

Volibear camped top with Shen, but really Riven handed Shen a kill before I made it to her on my rotation which was to her lane. I rotated back quickly to help her, but we got baited into a lurking Volibear and both got killed.

I dunno though what you do when your Mid and Top laner die 11 times each. I guess you lose.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 16, 2017 11:55pm | Report

Sigh. Yasuo...

He had two amazingly bad plays among many bad plays. Doing Baron and he dashes over the pit wall. No real reason to since their jungler was dead, so the chance of a Smite steal was gone. If we had taken Baron and gone back to base we could have saved a bunch of base towers, but that fight took so long, that we lost both our Nexus turrets. To be fair I went over the wall after him but there were two of their team on really low health, so I figured just finish them off and have a safer time of doing Baron who Jinx was still on. Unfortunately Miss Fortune was lurking off screen so she unloads her ult onto our team, taking pretty much everyone out except me. I think Riven got Jinx because there was not one to keep her off of Jinx.

They get Baron off of that play when Vi respawns. Then while we are defending the Bot outer tower Alistar Flashes and boots one of their team into the turret but still basically in the midst of her entire team. Yasuo ults the one target and then gets melted. Alistar goes down with him. The End.

It seems idiotic to me that Riven stomps on Malphite, the armor tank. But that is how it is. I killed her once after she finished off Malphite. Then she got me back by being someplace I did not expect which ended up with me sandwiched between her and Lux, where I was trying to gank Lux from behind.

Back timings ended up being at awkward moments for doing Dragon, so we had not control over that.

9-3-10 as Hecarim and still can't manage to carry a game. I feel like if we had done Baron instead of targeting their Mid base turret in once instance we could have come back and sieged their Mid with Baron minions, but my team was not listening to my pings. We lost at least two and I believe three on the retreat, so it was basically a comedy of errors.

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