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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 5, 2018 4:27pm | Report

Sejuani made pretty much every early gank work, so that was somewhat worrisome. Forunately Illaoi was stomping on the Jax and mostly shrugging off ganks.

Annie got the push on Ryze and roamed to Bot lane and managed to delete a bunch of our team.

The big mistakes was our team running blindly into our jungle (no vision) after we saw two or three of their team gunning for Sona who was I think trying to clear wards. We get smoked and we lose two inhibitors and Baron.

But somehow we were able hold them off and pick up some kills. They got a second Baron and we held them offf again.

They commited to a fight in Bot lane and we managed to weather it and scatter them and then were able to pick up some more kills which turned into Baron for us and Elder dragon. They came to Elder to contest and we sent them packing with Jhin able to pick up a Pentakill as we hunted them down. gg.

That was one that I had to work for.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 5, 2018 5:22pm | Report

A) Tryndamere got destroyed by Ornn in lane
B) Tryndemere had no idea how to split push in a way that worked with what the rest of the team was doing.
C) Jesus a fed Ornn is annoying.

Picked up a nice double kill that I wouldn't have been able to pull off the first few times I played Taliyah.

Need to remember that Jinx has her stupid rocket. Should have vamoosed instead of trying to take a tower on low health. Or at least stand behind my melee teammate in the hope that the splash damage didn't kill me.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 5, 2018 6:05pm | Report

....well Bard was a toxic *******.

Bot lane inted two kills by trying to setup a death bush in tribush. Instead of backing off after they got some damage down they all-ined and paid for it with their lives.

Wukong decided that he wasn't laning against the Jax and kept pinging that someone needed to cover Top. Why yes, Wukong, that would be you, the...Top laner. So that turret went down without much of a struggle.

We actually somewhat stabilized the game and then Caitlyn goes Top lane to split in a lane where she had already gotten the tower and she dies to Udyr. Like WTF are you thinking.

Made a stupid mistake. Checked my Red. Gone. Went to check scuttle and sure enough Udyr comes running out of my jungle. He didn't take anything else so I dodn't know exactly what he was doing. And Zoe roamed on me and killed me after I blew my Flash of course.

So blowing a summoner and dying is already irritating. Knowing that champion can choose to pick it up and use it to **** you over later is mind blowingly irritaing. Why is that a thing in the game?

Done with ranked for now. The stupid hurts too much.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 6, 2018 9:28pm | Report

Reportedly the Lee Sin claimed to be drunk. Pathing wise I do believe that was true. I went our Red > Gank Swain for most of his health bar > their Blue > Scuttle Crab > Gank Riven for a kill > and all my camps were still up on my Bot side. I then took his blue on spawn every time until I wasn't on that side of the map and pointed out to Cho'Gath that it was up.

The Bot side of the map was doing well, so I simply continued to kill Riven and control the Top side of the map taking a very early Rift Herald with the lead we had in Top and some pressure from Mid even though that lane was a bit more even.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 6, 2018 10:21pm | Report

I think we lost this one at champion select. Bot was winning, but we didn't have priority in Mid so I couldn't really go past the river much. Cho'Gath was just gradually losing to Heimerdinger though he did the losing gracefully.

The threat of Talon roaming on Bot lane was such a problem that it took us a long time to take the tower in Bot lane.

Wukong managed to pick up a lot more lane farm that I did, so he got up two levels on me and I had to build Tanky to have a chance of surviving Wukong and Talon for long enough to dish out some damage.

Late game they just stealthed in and womboed our team under the distraction of a Fiddlesticks ult. Pretty brutal.

I made a couple of mistakes in the early game. I caught Wukong just after he cleared his Gromp, I Flashed after him but didn't get the third proc on my Q before he got into tower range.

I should have just taken his wolf camp. And then gone into my Bot side jungle. Instead I tried to make a play on Talon and he kited back into the bush where Wukong was hiding out, having gone to that side of the map instead of back to his wolves, which I should have realized because I warded the wolves. That ended up losing my Blue buff, because Zed went Bot lane, where they did pick up a kill, but it set me further behind, when we could have made a play on the Wukong.

Anyway, I should have just taken the safe route of taking his wolves and then clearing my jungle. Might not have changed the outcome of the game, but I would have been in a better spot.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 6, 2018 11:04pm | Report

My team wrecked their team. Didn't have to do anything fancy, which is alright since my Top lane is not IMO as good as my jungle.

I blew Shen's Flash. He hung around. Nidalee and I dove him under his turret for the kill.

Did die to a gank from Master Yi which actually turned out ot be a four man Top. Nidalee died in that exchange too and possibly Akali. Was a bit surprised at that one.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 7, 2018 6:17pm | Report

Whew, we tried to throw this one. Everyone started going their own way and getting picked off. Thresh roamed a lot, which was helpful except when it wasn't. Fortunately Fizz destroyed Yorick and spent time pressuring the rest of the map once he got a lead. Lux was also playing very aggressively which did get her some picks, but they also had pick potential and if we ever got caught by them in a squad bigger than ours we generally lost unless we could keep the fights chaotic enough.

I accidentally bought and extra Caulfield's Warhammer, which made space in my inventory tight while also trying to keep some Control Wards in inventory. Managed to secure Mountain Drake while under pressure so happy about that.

I made my usual mistake of trying to solo dragon at one point and got collpased on and lost it. But for some reason Thresh chose that moment to back and Urgot wouldn't come over.

I just need to stop trying unless I really do know where the enemy team is. Can work early game when you can see them all in their lanes.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 7, 2018 7:48pm | Report

Another game my team tried hard to throw. Again good thing we had a lane that was popping off.

Twitch is so GD irritating. He has camoflauge, which should give you can indicator if he is in range. Guess what he can open on you from outside the range. 550 + 300 = 850 which is higher range than the damn camoflauge indicator, which is 700. And it lasts - 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14. Oh and Ambush resets on kills, so he can reposition if you can't stick to him.

I pretty much never see and indicator from him when he is nosing around looking for an ambush which and if he gets an ambush off he just peaces out. Rengar they have made pretty obvious. Twitch who can practically kill your whole team, no so much. Grrr.

This game almost went really South, when I wanted to take Dragon, but we spotted out someone and I went to nose around to see what was up there and Twisted Fate ports, in and runs at a target he wants to Gold card and runs smack into their Bot lane who just ran back to lane. Lucian and Thresh decide hey we want a piece of this action and then the clown fiesta was on and it got IIRC all four of us killed.

I wasn't sure what to pick into their team comp. My thoughts were that they have good disengage, but they are somewhat immobile so maybe Trundle would be a decent pick. Worked out I guess.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 7, 2018 8:33pm | Report

Should have dodged this one. Knew it in champion select and didn't listen to my gut. ASol can easily roam to Bot lane. Singed gets lane priority by proxing so Jax can't follow or he loses farm and it is fairly useless to kill Singed in my experience. Our Bot lane also gave up first blood and of course eventually ASol goes missing and no one notices that one time (you've pinged out every other time) and there is a four man dive on Bot lane, so your lane that was kinda even is now behind. This also means that Kayn has free roam to go where he pleases, yeah it got him killed a few times, but not enough given the position the rest of his team was in.

We finally got all their outer towers down, but that was about the last hurrah.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 7, 2018 9:20pm | Report

I mean it is Gold ELO and my team has no MR. Granted we were a cast of squishes, but that meant that we were a person down every fight since LeBlanc would blow someone up.

I should have bought a Hexdrinker as my second item and sat on it. Though it was a bit of hard sell since they only had one AP damage threat. That turned out to be enough in this case.

Eh time for a normal game.

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