Not to mention unless the opposing team is just feeding you constantly you won't get to finish a second BT, let alone a third. In an average game finishing an IE and getting a vamp scepter is where I get with tryn. If games go on then I just wind up with Zerker Boots, IE, Zeal, BT, LW or Ghost Blade.
One BT should be enough. Guardian Angel or Quicksilver Sash are both great items on Trynd.
"Doing something, almost being done, then parents come in and don't let you finish.
Yes, I had a rough childhood." - devdevil
Yes, I had a rough childhood." - devdevil
Skeec wrote:
so what do you think is the highest damage he can get late game with all 6 items and what does he need for it?
I usually go for IE, PD,LW,BT,BT,BT to maximize my dmg
Maximized damage is nice and all but like Searz said, you want some utility and defense in a fight. GA, QSS, and even Banshee's Veil are all good options.
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