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Does any one else think that Gangplank is a bit...

Creator: AFKwithyoursister September 16, 2011 1:03pm
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Jan 22nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 16, 2011 3:08pm | Report
Not trying to say he's WAY OP or anything, but I think they can tone some aspects of him down a little here. I'm talking VERY minor nerfs. I think he's a little better then where he should be is all.

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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 16, 2011 3:49pm | Report
Trojan995 wrote:

They nerfed him to a perfect spot. He was OP, but through 3 very minor nerfs, he's fine now. Very potent but in no way OP.

Exactly. He's just where he should be imo.
If you're banning him you're just a baddie, lol.
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Oct 31st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 16, 2011 4:17pm | Report
I'd agree, I think GP is probably one of the more perfectly balanced champions, he grows well with farm, and is weak without it.

There are much more necessary bans right now than GP.
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Dec 19th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 16, 2011 4:38pm | Report
@DuffTime My sentiments exactly.
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JunSupport's Forum Avatar
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Oct 5th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 16, 2011 8:25pm | Report
Having a slow on-hit effect AND a movement speed boost from Raise Morale makes him a very frustrating champion to fight. Especially as a jungler.
If he catches you off guard, you're pretty much toast. There's no running away.

In my opinion, they need to let his Grog Soaked Blade passive stack up to 4 again.

In exchange, make it work like Kennen's Mark of the Storm where the CC only applies AFTER it's reached the max stacks.
(or, leave it at 3 stacks, and make the slow stronger along with this suggested change)
This way, he can't instantly catch up to targets, but you're still punished greatly if you let him get in close.
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theBMB's Forum Avatar
Feb 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 16, 2011 8:51pm | Report
i kinda like that suggestion, but it should proc at 3 marks for something like a 40% slow, keep the dot if you want, but it's not all that necessary.

Also, GP can be shut down, but if you give him any momentum, he'll take off with it. You shouldn't have to worry too much about early game parrrley crits, but once he starts getting that crit chance, watch out.
Dante Rebellion
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Nov 13th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 17, 2011 1:29am | Report
You think GP is OP? Wait till you see a good Lee Sin, huehue.
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 17, 2011 2:27am | Report
@Jun's suggestion
That would be pretty terrible...
If anything they should nerf it to 1 or 2 (and maybe buff it to 10% slow per stack) stacks since he needs that slow right away for ganking(don't make jungle GP bad :( ).
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Maphis's Forum Avatar
Jul 31st, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 17, 2011 6:00am | Report
DuffTime wrote:

Actually support GP is being used by Rock Solid as of late and it's working really well for them.

They only used him in combination with caithlyn as far as I know don't know if they did it to counter a lane comp because I never saw that game. GP is fine atm, he is just one of the stronger junglers right now and nothing really compares to him, he's basicly pre-nerf Nunu on steroids, I don't feel like nerfing him will do that much since he already received like 4 nerfs in a row.

They need to bring down nocturne/lee sin and buff some other junglers that have gone unused and it'll all be fine.
AFKwithyoursister's Forum Avatar
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Jan 22nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 17, 2011 6:02am | Report
Maphis wrote:

They only used him in combination with caithlyn as far as I know don't know if they did it to counter a lane comp because I never saw that game. GP is fine atm, he is just one of the stronger junglers right now and nothing really compares to him, he's basicly pre-nerf Nunu on steroids, I don't feel like nerfing him will do that much since he already received like 4 nerfs in a row.

They need to bring down nocturne/lee sin and buff some other junglers that have gone unused and it'll all be fine.

Need Olaf buffs now.
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Fearless bush diving

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