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Suggestions for a solid 5v5 premade team.

Creator: SnowCherry December 29, 2011 10:45pm
Freddy Shopan
Freddy Shopan's Forum Avatar
Jul 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 5, 2012 6:43pm | Report
Yup! Amumu ult is an aoe snare! Snare means you can't move. Like Maokai's root, Swain's purple circle thing, le blanc's cage thing, etc.

As for a single team comp...

I like Keel's comp. Maybe Caitlyn or Tristana over Graves, though. The other team would neeeever get to the carries with Trundle and Cho'Gath. Graves range is a little short for my taste. My top choice would be Tristana, but her lane phase could be vulnerable.

Another comp to think about for the heck of it... >:]
Jarvan IV and Leona bot
Karthus Jungle
Caitlyn mid
Kennen top

I was just thinking of comps where Jungle Karthus could work well, and that's what I came up with. xP Jarvan Leona bot counter-meta is opies. Caitlyn rapes mages, and kennen is a strong top. Karthus is actually a fast jungler, so that works perty well. Then you get into team fights... Jarvan and Kennen ults set up a Karthus. woooo!!! :P
edit: Or maybe vladamir top. Vlad ult on Karthus damage... >:]

And as far as a poison team goes... Have you been listening to Dufftime at all recently? Jungle Singed all the way!
Keels's Forum Avatar
Apr 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 5, 2012 11:25pm | Report
No, I don't listen to Duff. He's crazy, bro.

And yeah, I was deciding between trist and graves, but graves has better burst imo.

I don't care about my rep, but you can +rep if you want to.
Freddy Shopan
Freddy Shopan's Forum Avatar
Jul 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 6, 2012 1:44am | Report
Graves does have better burst. I just don't see your team as a massive burst team as much as a sustained damaging kite team. :P But I can see Graves burst coming into use, of course. idk. I think it's just a taste thing. Actually, I forgot Kog in that, too. But whatevs. I like Trist. :P
DuffTime's Forum Avatar
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Oct 31st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 6, 2012 10:29am | Report

Yup! Amumu ult is an aoe snare! Snare means you can't move. Like Maokai's root, Swain's purple circle thing, le blanc's cage thing, etc.

To my understanding, you can't auto attack, but you can cast spells, in Amumu ult..? :P

Keels wrote:

No, I don't listen to Duff. He's crazy, bro.

And yeah, I was deciding between trist and graves, but graves has better burst imo.

Crazy like a Fox >:3

They aren't really comparable imho.

Obviously, there's AOE teams. That's like Annie, Amumu, Graves, Sona, Alistar, Karthus, Cho'Gath, Morgana etc. Characters with strong AOE that work together. They're usually quite strong simply because a lot of them work around stringing cc, and a lot of those characters have good cc.

There are kite teams. People like Kog'Maw, Caitlyn, Trundle, Cho'Gath, Janna, Anivia, Gragas. Basically these teams' main purpose is to keep from engaging and just poke with their long-range ad or spells.

tl;dr If your entire team has a purpose or a plan, then your champs will naturally have synergy, and you'll have a good comp. But don't get hardcore countered in lane, or it makes **** difference.

You can't plan for an X-Y-Z team comp, you need to adapt and pick and counter pick (If you're playing draft anyway... Blind pick is stupid)

What might be an example of that?

I'll give an example of a well thought out comp that can deal with any situation, and the method to composing a team like that in a draft pick scenario.

What should a team try to first pick?


Why? Because she is safe, works the same in every lane, and her ult is good in every team comp ever imagined period.

Opposing team takes Graves and Tryndamere.

Our team already knows what we're gonna take bot lane now, Caitlyn is the pick vrs Graves. So we'll wait, no reason to pick it yet. We also know what we're gonna use to counter Tryndamere if he goes top, but we're not gonna wait on this pick because if we don't take this, they might take it to go mid.

So we take Ryze. Another reason for this is that Ryze naturally wants to build Frozen heart, so he can finish it a bit earlier this game. Our other pick can be a mid laner or a jungler, but we're gonna leave our mid pick open for the time being.

With this comp, there's a vast number of champions we can take to jungle that will all work very well. Maokai, Rammus, Singed, Skarner, Amumu, Cho Gath, Lee Sin, Malphite, Pantheon, Trundle, and finally Udyr.

Any of these would be a good pick. To narrow it down to the best picks right now is simple, however.

Maokai, Rammus, Lee Sin, and Malphite are the best picks.


Maokai and Ryze is just one of those terror combos that kill things over and over again. Maokai is one of the best new junglers, and is useful all game. He makes hard engages dangerous because of his ulti and his snags and peels.

Rammus, Armor monster, and they have already picked mega armor. His long taunt > Tryndamere. He deals quite a bit of damage in fights as well with his ultimate, and with clever use of skills and ganks he'll be a nightmare against this team. Also, Graves burst won't even hurt him with his armor sitting at 300. So he's not only a GREAT jungle right now, but a strong counterpick.

Malphite, AS debuff, durable, Armor buff, and a nice burst combo with a sweet pop up. Again, Malphite is a solid jungler and a good counterpick to the champs we already see.

And finally Lee Sin. One of the better junglers right now, an AS debuff and great CC on his ulti. Counterpick and great pick in general.

So of the 4, who do we pick?

I'm gonna say Rammus. With Caitlyn in our pocket as a future pick, our sustained damage mid game will suffer. However with Ryze and Rammus we'll have a lot of damage coming out in fights that last 10 seconds + and due to the tanky nature of Ryze and Rammus, and their disables, the fights are probably going to last that long.

So our line up is Sona Ryze Rammus.

Our opponents have Tryn and Graves. They pick Maokai and Morganna. Why? They need a snag when they do decide to fight, and Morg shield should help Tryn walk through a CC or 2 on his way into a fight, or if Morg needs to ult 3-5 champs then she can black shield herself and do so. Strong pick there, now they have options, where before their options were dwindling with our picks.

So now we can pick our Caitlyn and our mid laner. So we grab Cait, and consider which mid lane to use.

PERSONALLY, this is where I would go cheeseball. I would pick GP or Pantheon, go mid, and go bananas with the Q spam on Morganna.

You CAN choose to try to counter Tryn with something else and put Ryze mid vrs Morg as well if you desire.

The other team finally picks Alistar as their support.

Final result.

Our team!

Gangplank, Ryze, Rammus, Sona, Caitlyn.

Their team!

Trynda, Maokai, Graves, Morganna, Alistar.

Now, if you look at the team comps, their team looks legit.

However, the trick is that they will lose every laneunless your jungler fails and theirs play exceptionally.

Your team comp plays well too, lots of poke, and hard to initiate on due to snares, GP ult, and Sona ult. Lots of initiate due to GP ult, Rammus, and Sona ult. Lots of damage due to Ryze, GP, Ram, and Cait. Rammus shuts down Tryn in fights, and Ryze can snare him in place as well.

Both teams come out strong, but you will win every lane, come out ahead and crush mid game if you play this comp correctly.
Freddy Shopan
Freddy Shopan's Forum Avatar
Jul 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 6, 2012 11:42am | Report
Well... I wasn't talking about picks... I was talking about complete comps. As far as picks, it's all about counter-picks. All the advantages are made early game. But the later you go, the more comps matter, so you really need to think about both...

In other news, I'm pretty sure you can use spells in Amumu ult. But usually you're gonna get stunned right after by some aoe (I mean, who else runs Amumu, right?).
DuffTime's Forum Avatar
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Oct 31st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 6, 2012 11:54am | Report
Unless you're wasting your time in blind picks... You can't plan a full 5 man.

You need to plan like 5-6 full loose and interchangeable 5 men comps.
SnowCherry's Forum Avatar
Sep 25th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 10, 2012 10:56pm | Report
hmmmm i wonder if Maokai could play in a duo lane.. getting gp5 items and survive on assists.

My team :

Garen solo top

Swain Mid

Jungler - Nocturne

Duo btm - Maokai + Cait/Vayne
Many thanks to Jeffy40hands for this awesome signature! <3

My Caitlyn guide :)
Freddy Shopan
Freddy Shopan's Forum Avatar
Jul 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 11, 2012 2:54am | Report
^ I don't understand this comp. Can you help explain what you're trying to do?
DuffTime's Forum Avatar
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Oct 31st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 11, 2012 10:42am | Report
Garen is a pretty average or even poor solo laner when compared to other options.. :P
Pølsemanden's Forum Avatar
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Jan 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 11, 2012 7:40pm | Report
Garen is a pretty poor solo-laner and gets shut down soooooo ****ing hard due to armour.

Swain pretty much needs double will to be good at all...

Nocturne is pretty meeh imo.

If u pick cait, i would definately pick taric as a support. And for vayne, i would go with alistar/janna

How do we fix this comp(if we do not know how to counter-pick and want a cookie-cutter comp)
Kennen top.(kennen is a beast top, and can win a lot of matchups.)

Swain mid.(with a kennen we can run double will and make swain ultra-viable)

There are soo many junglers that u could play instead of nocturne.. But i think i would say: Gangplank.(he's veeery versatile!, and has a AOE-ulty that synergizes well with ur already picked Swain and kennen. he can also Splitpush fairly well.

For ad-carry support i just like Vayne/alistar and i always prefer thoose two for a duo-bot.
Ty MM and Blood for the sigs :3 | Rammus is comming back - heard it here first!

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