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Wukong Build Guide by Limulus

AD Offtank WuKong - Never Settle for Second (updated 4/20/2013)

AD Offtank WuKong - Never Settle for Second (updated 4/20/2013)

Updated on April 20, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Limulus Build Guide By Limulus 5 3 34,173 Views 22 Comments
5 3 34,173 Views 22 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Limulus Wukong Build Guide By Limulus Updated on April 20, 2013
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Limulus | April 20, 2013 11:19am
sirell wrote:

I've actually seen throatslasher pull off GP10 mids before, but even he said that due to the removal of Heart of Gold, the idea had to be re-examined.

And I already understood the maths for it before you told me, actually. I just don't think it's reliable. Your ultimate's initial knock-up aside, it feels like Wukong would have no presence in a mid-game teamfight.

i can't make u change ur opinions, but do give it a try sometimes =D best of luck to the field of justice for u =D

WukongKing wrote:

I agree with you on everything but 2 thing and that's blade of the ruined king and the gp 10's. I normally replace botr with a scimitar (mr and damage),last whisper, or hydra. Not too many times do I find myself in a 1v1 situation where my enemy cannot be simply nuked by my combo and I am forced to rely on the ruined king for damage. As for the gp10's I see that as being a safe way to ensure you finish your build. I mostly play 3v3 so we have more passive gold regen and extra gold per cs so I would find this to be an overkill in that case, but for 5's I can sort of see it working. You just have to hope that the other enemy doesn't roll over your teammates early and end the game because your team fight presence is going to be weak.

oh yeah, gp10 for 3v3's dont work as good sadly, since the passive gold earned just overshadows the items.
WukongKing | April 20, 2013 10:21am
I agree with you on everything but 2 thing and that's blade of the ruined king and the gp 10's. I normally replace botr with a scimitar (mr and damage),last whisper, or hydra. Not too many times do I find myself in a 1v1 situation where my enemy cannot be simply nuked by my combo and I am forced to rely on the ruined king for damage. As for the gp10's I see that as being a safe way to ensure you finish your build. I mostly play 3v3 so we have more passive gold regen and extra gold per cs so I would find this to be an overkill in that case, but for 5's I can sort of see it working. You just have to hope that the other enemy doesn't roll over your teammates early and end the game because your team fight presence is going to be weak.
sirell (400) | April 20, 2013 10:01am
I've actually seen throatslasher pull off GP10 mids before, but even he said that due to the removal of Heart of Gold, the idea had to be re-examined.

And I already understood the maths for it before you told me, actually. I just don't think it's reliable. Your ultimate's initial knock-up aside, it feels like Wukong would have no presence in a mid-game teamfight.
Limulus | April 20, 2013 9:56am
sirell wrote:

I'm just saying now, taking Trinity Force on Wukong gives him a 74% win ratio, even if it's not that an effective item on him than it used to be.

But there are few champions where you build Trinity Force first, but it's still a good item on many champions, Wukong being one of them. It's just not a mandatory rush on him anymore as it used to be. You're better off rushing things like Black Cleaver and Warmog's Armor or **** like that.

A GP10 Wukong look interesting, but fairly iffy. I'd have thought Avarice Blade would be a better choice than Kage's lucky pick, since you can build it into a statikk shivv or Atma's Impaler, which are *okay* items Wukong. Still, I wouldn't build a second GP10 on Wukong, or even a first. Wukong falls off a bit into the late-game, so taking GP10s is really not that good an idea. It gibs his early-mid game, where he shines the most for wrecking an opponent in-lane.

thanks for the constructive comment,

I did mean to put Avarice Blade =P but had forgotten to take down kage's lucky pick in replace of it in the item build. now i have fixed it, thank you.

that's totally true about the gp10 builds. I can say that it hurts for the first 10-15 minutes because u will be trading offensive/defensive items like Phage, The Brutalizer, Sheen, Giant's Belt, Glacial Shroud, Warden's Mail... etc...

however, I have noticed that even tho this build may hinder ur lane presence, I depict it as a "hidden" presence. once too many times I would have enemy team end game chat with me and go "wth wukong, how the heck are u more fed than ur adc?!?! u have less kills, more deaths, less assists and less cs than the them!" I even finished this build around the 35-40 minute mark.

I will add this to the justification section, thanks for indirectly asking about the gp10s ahahah =D

why gp10 runes/masteries/items?
masteries = +2gp/10
runes = +5.25/gp/10
philosopher's stone = 5gp/10
Avarice Blade = 3gp/10 + 2gp every last hit
total gold from gp10 = 15.25 + 2gp every last hit

ur normal gp10 gain is already at 16 gp/10... GREAT for supports right? of course! since they don't last hit at all and can just gain gold passively! well, think if u got it for someone who DOES dmg and TAKES LAST HITS. this means that if you have this build, ur passive (no last hitting) game play will almost DOUBLE on top of ur aggressive play! yes, u trade off ur early game, but this brings ur mid and late game in FASTER!

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>

that image was made by me Limulus shows the gp10 accumulation. *NOTE THE GP10 ITEMS WERE PICKED UP AFTER 10 MINUTE MARK* in real game, u usually can pick them up after 5 minutes. the gp10 prices r...
philsopher's stone = 700 gp
kage's lucky pick = 765 gp
Avarice Blade = 800 gp

if u want to know the total gold gained minus gold used for the gp10 items, just subtract off the prices of the items and look at where u'r at.
sirell (400) | April 17, 2013 7:02am
I'm just saying now, taking Trinity Force on Wukong gives him a 74% win ratio, even if it's not that an effective item on him than it used to be.

But there are few champions where you build Trinity Force first, but it's still a good item on many champions, Wukong being one of them. It's just not a mandatory rush on him anymore as it used to be. You're better off rushing things like Black Cleaver and Warmog's Armor or **** like that.

A GP10 Wukong look interesting, but fairly iffy. I'd have thought Avarice Blade would be a better choice than Kage's lucky pick, since you can build it into a statikk shivv or Atma's Impaler, which are *okay* items Wukong. Still, I wouldn't build a second GP10 on Wukong, or even a first. Wukong falls off a bit into the late-game, so taking GP10s is really not that good an idea. It gibs his early-mid game, where he shines the most for wrecking an opponent in-lane.
Limulus | April 17, 2013 6:45am

Frozen mallet tho..
True Wukong players know you need Black cleaver and Trinity force

sorry for the late reply,
I know that a lot of people are in the meta of thinking " Trinity Force is a great item for wu because BlackIceT says so," and will discourage any other kind of builds. i am here making this build because it's an alternative build rather than a replacement build.

do you know why Trinity Force?

here is why NOT Trinity Force.
your statement is very untrue. Frozen Mallet overrides the proc rate from Trinity Force slow and gives more hp, Sheen trigger is with the Iceborn Gauntlet, and wukong does not need crit from Trinity Force, in replacement to atk spd, there's alredy Blade of the Ruined King.

I hope you had taken time to test out this build before you had down voted, just because of your "trinity is not in this build" mentality.
Hoboragemachine | April 11, 2013 4:33pm
Voted -1
Frozen mallet tho..
True Wukong players know you need Black cleaver and Trinity force
Limulus | November 15, 2012 7:43am

Tiamat is really not viable, in team fight it does not help you at all since most of the time you ulti and die. Even if you don't, your enemy will not stand together for you to aoe them with your auto attacks.

plz good sir, i did not state n e where that tiamat is for team fighting. i did however state "Tiamat is for 'farming' and not necessary for KILLING champs". tiamat however, is great for farming lane. there'fore, rite before a team fight begins or after a team fight ends. u can push REALLY FAST then get going on ur next OBJECTIVE.

to counter ur msg about wukong getting auto attacked by the enemies, every champ has this flaw, not just wukong, but he does have the abilities to disappear and jump next to enemies. or while Cyclone'ing, the enemy will be knocked and hurt heavily wen they r close by, if not, u got Hextech Gunblade to slow them and catch them in it. wen ur ult'ing, u should try to not be going in 1vX with no allies to back u up. that's not how u'r supposed to be using his ult anyways. try to take advantage of the heavy knockup and dmg, all the while ur allies r attacking the enemy(ies) caught in it. this build helps support ur ult by... giving u lots of HP/armor/resist (2915/146/139.8) and dieing should not be troublesome, u also got Guardian Angel.

plz do not look at my build and then come to a conclusion saying that it's bad by pinpointing all ur vote towards one thing ( Tiamat), then throw a downvote. plz try to vote where u actually have tried out the build and then come to a conclusion after 3X. i do give good explanations to reasons behind the items.
Chz. Hell Flash (1) | November 15, 2012 6:50am
Voted -1
Tiamat is really not viable, in team fight it does not help you at all since most of the time you ulti and die. Even if you don't, your enemy will not stand together for you to aoe them with your auto attacks.
Limulus | November 13, 2012 9:49am

never even thought about buying spell vamp on champs like wu kong, looks promising def gona try this. nice guide

yes, the Hextech Gunblade's spellvamp + Cyclone makes Wukong heal massive amounts of hp. but mostly i use the HTGB's active to slow the enemy who r out of reach. then allies can come in and STRIKE THEM DOWN HARD also. or else, use it to keep an enemy like Ezreal from escaping after they Arcane Shift or Flash away.

Lilarcor wrote:

Wow. It seems like you also like using HTGB as well. HTGB has a lot of advantage to Wukong's skills specially his crushing blow. ^_^ Nice.

In terms of the avarice runes, I also am using those on Wukong specially when doing solotop to have an early gold advantage during early game and getting better items earlier and also partnering with other gps item to make me rich lol.. money-money-money yeah!

yeh, i play Dota2 besides lol, and in there u would lose gold upon death. here in lol, u dont! so i thought up building time gold on top of creep gold. plus, surrender is not until 20 minutes in game too. and if ur team's been losing, then owell, surrender is surrender. but if ur just holding on by a thread... once mid game turns to late game, gp/10 will be SOOO ridiculously overpowering! even if u lose ur lane, u got the gp/10 runes/masteries/items to back u up so u won't lose in gold count. and if u r not losing in lane, u just snowball like crazy =D
Lilarcor (18) | November 12, 2012 12:17pm
Voted +1
Wow. It seems like you also like using HTGB as well. HTGB has a lot of advantage to Wukong's skills specially his crushing blow. ^_^ Nice.

In terms of the avarice runes, I also am using those on Wukong specially when doing solotop to have an early gold advantage during early game and getting better items earlier and also partnering with other gps item to make me rich lol.. money-money-money yeah!
Duranichigo (5) | November 12, 2012 11:29am
Voted +1
never even thought about buying spell vamp on champs like wu kong, looks promising def gona try this. nice guide
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