Heya, MobaFire :) I've been a little inactive lately in terms of community things, like commenting on guides and plaguing the forums other than Support. So I thought that I'd boost my activity levels, AND provide a genuine contribution to guide writers by actively scouting the free week champion guide.

So each rotation you will see a blog from me detailing which guide I have scouted for the free champions, and why. Hopefully this will help their guides gain some more views and show others what a scout may be looking for in a guides.

- http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/alistar-the-cc-king-97131
Author: PsiGuard
spa Reason: Despite disagreeing with some of his Cheat Sheet picks, all his choices are explained in the guide, and every viable item, rune and mastery is discussed. The guide layout is aesthetically pleasing. The guide is continously updated every patch and it is easy to see how much dedication the author has to this guide.
Status: Already +Scouted.

- http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/ashes-to-ashes-67331
Author: jhoijhoi
spa Reason: At the moment, I'd consider this the most viable build and guide compared to the other Ashe guides. Bloosnail comes very close in terms of in-depth reading, but their build, runes and skill sequence is a tad lacking. The Support Ashe guide, written by Kybo10 is a really interesting idea, but I'm not sure about the Soul Shroud they have in their main item build.

I recommend reading Bloos' guide if you are newer to the game, and Kybo's support guide if you enjoy viable, but hard to realise, ideas. Obviously I can't scout my own guide, and I didn't think the other two guides deserved a scout point just yet, but they are close. Good luck to both authors :)
Status: Bloo's & Kybo's guides not +Scouted.

- http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/competitive-solo-top-gangplank-178588
Author: Khazem
spa Reason: This guide is a better solo top guide that the current higher rated guide. It is in-depth, all choices are explained, and the build is better. The double Doran's before the Wriggle's can be a good choice, but the fact that this build has Wriggle's and Atmog's already tells me the author keeps up with the current meta.
Status: Great guide, +Scouted.

- http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/heimerdinger-qq-rockets-up-to-date-lane-support-22259
Author: JunSupport
spa Reason: Actually, this guide isn't worthy of a scout point. It is "Fresh" so could be out of date, and there is a lot of rambling within the guide about things that are no longer relevant. I also don't believe that Heim is a support. I would never play him in the support role bottom lane, and I would not take those Summoner Spells on Support Heim. However, unfortunately, there are no other Heim guides, and this guide is as close as one will get when wanting to learn the intrincities of Heim's abilities.
Status: Not +Scouted.

- http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/janna-full-support-72540
Author: Canoas
spa Reason: Simple, easy, elegant.
Status: Already +Scouted.

- http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/the-support-knowing-how-to-please-154566
Author: 8thful
spa Reason: Guide is absolutely in-depth and the author has an extensive FAQ showing the dedication they have to their guide.
Status: Fantastic guide, +Scout.

- http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/janna-cause-your-girlfriend-cant-blow-well-enough-51872
Author: Panglot
spa Reason: If you didn't learn enough from the other two guides, this guide will surely set you straight. It even has a terminology guide at the end that is very nicely written and useful to the reader.
Status: Great guide, +Scout.

- http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/rocking-solo-top-with-malphite-jungle-guide-included-121976
Author: PsiGuard
spa Reason: Psi is a good author and he is dedicated to his work. This guide reflects the current meta, with both solo top and jungle Malphite detailed deeply within the guide. My only suggestion is to write a support Malphite section, as I've actually been seeing some successful support Malph's in my games.
Status: Already +Scouted.

- http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/sivir-all-you-ever-need-to-know-updated-sept-4th-85913
Author: Meridianprime
spa Reason: Without a doubt the best Sivir guide on MobaFire. The author explains every possible scenario regarding Sivir, and has some neat calculations on display about her abilities. The summoner spells may not be ideal for most people, but the author lists great combination suggestions to replace them.
Stauts: Already +Scouted.

- http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/the-sixth-sense-a-focus-on-all-things-lee-sin-90364
Author: EvilDice
spa Reason: The guide is extremely in-depth and the jungle section is worthy of 5 gold stars. Everything is reasoned out, and I especially like the different paths that are detailed.
Status: Informative guide, +Scout.

- http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/iorek-byrnison-a-rys-aberdeen-guide-155278
Author: Rys Aberdeen
spa Reason: Guide is in-depth and the reasoning behind all the choices are well explained and very informative. The builds are viable and the gameplay sections are gold.
Status: Not +Scouted, due to the guide being "Fresh".

- http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/ziggs-the-tactical-nuker-180585
Author: eemmbbeerr
spa Reason: The screenshots in this guide explain perfectly how Ziggs' abilities work. I recommend reading this guide for the screenshots alone ^^
Status: Not +Scouted, not quite worthy yet.

Author: Slayus
spa Reason: Very in-depth. I really believe this guide has the potention to be even better than it currently is.
Status: Not yet +Scouted.

Until next time, MobaFire. In the meantime, disagree/agree with my choices? State your opinion in the comment section below :)

- jhoijhoi <3