SOAC Bas wrote:
Um, awww, everyone's favorite battletank/crab is missing. Urgot! The poor guy is played by less than .5 percent of the population and now he can't even make it on a tier list.
Urgot should be tier 2 adc, Tier 3 top, tier 2 mid, and tier 3 jungle (seen a few plat guys starting to use him there).
Urgot is a horribad jungler and mid lol. I love urgot but he is awful in the jungle and super prone to ganks. In bot lane he at least has someone warding for him and helping to stave off ganks. The guy would be amazing if he didn't absolutely EAT through mana ridiculously quickly.
SOAC Bas wrote:
Um, awww, everyone's favorite battletank/crab is missing. Urgot! The poor guy is played by less than .5 percent of the population and now he can't even make it on a tier list.
Urgot should be tier 2 adc, Tier 3 top, tier 2 mid, and tier 3 jungle (seen a few plat guys starting to use him there).
You know, Urgot hasn't been updated in 1 1/2 years, right?
Maybe he'll deserve a place on the tier list if riot decides to change his numbers a bit. #shotsfired
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My Soraka Guide | My Review Service
Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
My Soraka Guide | My Review Service
Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
I noticed that your listing changed for 4.3 rather quickly. That being said What is your process for stacking these guys? I am pretty sure that you haven't played all of these guys yet to put them in a spot.
Kazega wrote:
I noticed that your listing changed for 4.3 rather quickly. That being said What is your process for stacking these guys? I am pretty sure that you haven't played all of these guys yet to put them in a spot.
For complete nerfs I guesstimate how much the impact is. If needed I readjust them later.
luizdeh wrote:
Lich Bane has been nerfed, time to re-evaluate Fizz, Kayle and Lulu. Won't mention Twisted Fate because he still sucks.
The Lich Bane nerf is not enough to hurt Lulu. She still has obscene range, scaling on a speed boost, a Complete CC, a shield boosted on AP, and an ult that can make anyone a tank on a short CD. Lulu in her current state is ridiculously powerful, and a great counter to the assassin gap closing meta.
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@Hannul: is that really enough? Most mids I see like to run 21/0/9 and they're still caught most of the time if they have no Flash or mana. Seems to me you're talking about more about positioning than actually escaping, since you just walk out.