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The limitations of Counters

Hello fellow Summoners.

Did it ever happen to you that you went ranked/Drafed and someone pick ur counter?(eg Teemon and you play as Garen)
Well to me it did a few times.
And we all know what ussually means.
A:Got to the an another champ you can take that lane with like it or not.
B:Go that lane with the champ you like DESPITE the fact that he is your counter.
In both situations it would end just horribly and giving ur team reason to rage and report you for doing something u didnt even intend to do.
So now why am i here discussing this with strangers?
Well the answer is simple.I REFUSE to believe that every counter is solid as rock.
I believe that there is indeed a way for Garen to beat Teemo.I believe there is idd a Way for Annie to beat Kassadin.Heck i even think that the Perfect duo Blitz and Ez can be beaten.
The questions is how?
Thats why i am please Give me your tought and share some tactics.
Lets not be allowed to be countered so easily

Stupid Ranked System ...

The new ranked system that makes you lose points when you dodge is stupid. But I accepted that, I was ok with that. It didn't bother me THAT much. However, the stupidest thing just happened.

I was in the promotion series and my team was so durp, our mid was "random locked" and we had jungle rammus, and everything was sooo bad, so I dodged.

Then, i lost 10 League Points, and the promotion series ended. Now I have to win another game to get to the promotion. While that was already pretty bad, I had already won 1 promotion game.

Aka, for dodging, I am set behind 1 game I won, and 1 game to get back to promotion. I barely have any time to play, and that just pisses me off. (I get 1 or 2 ranked 5's in a week depending on time)



I can't believe it. Finally made my first Penta Kill..after 2000+ (maybe even 3000+) games and 3 years of playing this game I finally made a Penta. And with a champion that I never thought I'd make it with. I love the Chinese New Year now. I'm gonna start celebrating it lol. In honor of this special day let's watch a video together:

and here are some pictures of the Penta. The chat log is what you need since I forgot to take screens right after I made the Penta:

Caitlyn Count 6-0

So then, I suppose it stands to note that I seem to be skipping every other entry here. Ah well, I'll get the others in another post at some point, though I'm sure it won't be nearly as detailed. Without further audeui, I present to you my rendition of my sixth victory straight with Caitlyn in a normal. In this case, the sixth case being a draft match, I am quite proud of how I did overall.

Lane: Bot
Role: ADC
Champ: Caitlyn
Endgame total score: 7/1/4
Support: Nautilus
End Build: Infinity Edge, Bloodthirster, Berserker Greaves, Phantom Dancer, Last Whisper
Gold total: 15.3k

Our lineup:

Garen, Top
Lux, Mid
Warwick, Jungle
Nautilus, Support
Caitlyn, ADC

Their lineup:

Singed, Top
Morgana, Mid
Trynd, Jungle
Janna, Support
Miss Fortune, ADC

So again, early on, I got pretty well dominated by the MF. I'm starting to notice I really need to work on my early game with Cait, I usually have a much easier time with other champs, but I do make it fairly hard to gank bot lane from any s…

Garen and Thresh

I am feeling like sharing my opinions on who might need a slight/moderate nerf/buff. TOPIC #1: Garen I feel that Garen is a bit too strong as of now. Whenever I play him solo queue top I stomp (I love playing Garen btw). Whenever I face him in solo queue top I get stomped. He is too much of a lane bully and his counter, poke, has a very mediocre effect on him. Change suggestion #1: nerf his passive's CD. It should probably be somewhere near 12 seconds (instead of 9). Change suggestion #2: nerf his q silence time down to 2 seconds (from 2.5). Then I would feel better about playing a "counter" to Garen. TOPIC #2: Thresh Now, on a completely different note, I feel like Thresh is a bit weak compared to other champs like him (aggressive support/bruiser). His ult has a WAY, WAY, WAY too long CD. Seriously wtf melee champs just go like "Oh ders a cage here. Better stay in it." It needs to A: Have an effect on whoever is inside it or have a MUCH lower CD such as: 110/95/80 (down from 150/140/1…

Lvl 30, and a huge thank you.

Well I made it to lvl 30and I'm excited to work with runes!
I was honestly surprised to see that my blog was even seen, let alone replied to by anyone. I received what seems like great advice which I intend to take. I will be waiting and preparing myself before I begin ranked play. Although I'm anxious to take my place in the tiers, you're all right, I should better prepare myself. Thanks!

League Thoughts (#3)

Okay as of 6pm EST I have 41 LP. Just lost 20 LP and I felt like this would be a god time to make this.

Okay so here is the updated list:

MVP system: 1st, 2nd and 3rd MVP. If you are generally a good player and your team is losing then this can help you. If player 1 has a 5/2/4, 2 has a 3/1/8 and 3 has a 6/3/2. Then 2 should be 1st MVP, 3 should be 2nd and 1 should be 3rd. The points given for then are like this:
1st - 6
2nd - 4
3rd - 2

Honour System: Now this one is a bit new and isn't good imo, but hey it might be. After games you are able to honour your team mates and opponents. If you are honoured by any of them you are awarded one point more or one point back if you are on the losing team. Now this might cause a bit of trolling but might also inspire more sportsman like conduct. Now I have little experience of game programming and I understand this would be very hard to implement.

Now these are the only ones I can think of but please provide some more in the comments. When I m…

The Role of an AD Carry

In my opinion, the AD Carry is one of if not the most important roles in League of Legends. Their role is to put out max damage from far away. As an AD Carry, positioning is of utmost importance. putting yourself in the backs and sides of fights draw attention to you dragging enemies through your team. One important thing to note that I think is important (JUST AN OPINION) as an AD Carry, I find it better for someone else to initiate fights. Carries are not tanky and therefore, if you get focused you will die in seconds. Try not to make yourself a target! Spread your damage out through the whole enemy team setting up many kills for your team. Find more than 1 AD Carry that you are good at and familiar with. My top two AD Carry's are Caitlyn and Varus. But the most popular are Graves and Ezreal. When you are a good AD Carry you become extremely annoying. Being teamed in bottom lane with a support Janna or Blitzcrank, I find, is one of the most fun groupings in League. Hope this helps. R…

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide