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You Pick I Play - Olaf Solo Top - RosePhoenix

So my journey to Higher Elo has begun :D My first petition came from the user RosePhoenix :"I would say play Eve but no I'm not that mean :) Play Olaf top lane :P Max e kill allll". So i went to the summoner's rift and....i came to the conclusion that after not having played Olaf in so much time...HE KICKS ***!!! Awesome bruiser, tanky, and TRUE DAMAGE! :D

Thank you RosePhoenix for telling me to play Olaf and "Max e kill allll" ;)

Here's the result

Noob’s confession

I don’t know how many LoL players would recognize that they are noobs (being really noobs). I suppose not too many of noobs say “I am a noob.” So…

I am a noob :) And this problem clashes with my personality. I am a perfectionist. And this is a real LoL gamer tragedy to be a perfectionist noob. I have been trying to improve my skills, have been playing a lot, but I make mistakes. “And? Who does not make mistakes?” – ask you. I can accept mistakes affecting only me, but I can’t afford mistakes affecting other people. In the real life I care much about not offending someone, not discouraging someone, etc. In LoL I can ruin a game by my mistakes. It’s awful. I am too responsible to allow myself to ruin a game which could be won if I am more skillful. So I refused to play against people at all, even normal games (since they are insulting and shouting there too, as if it is ranked). Now I play only against bots, since I can’t refuse playing this game, I love it. But if y…

All in all its just another ranked in LoL

Today I played two more rankeds, both as Taric... We lost the first one, the enemy was a Akali and our mid was an ad Yi... Akali finished the game 10/1..

In the second game we had a good leader, our mid was soo gud that he could carry us through leadership (I don't even know if this sentence is right... my english sux).

Atm I'm 3/3.. I still feel a little bit of fear when playing ranked matches... I don't want to make my team lose elo, I don't care that much if I lose but I don't like the idea of making people lose...

Well, thats it for today... Hope I get better in the next few days...

LOL BIAS: Graves

[Sorry for not doing a lot of these, my month of June was crazy, I should be doing these every week again.]

If there is one sole objective for the AD Carry in bottom lane, it's to do damage and do it quickly. For Summoner's Rift bottom lane, not many do that objective better than Graves. The Outlaw of League provides a devastating burst along with utility to push lanes and disrupt team fights, along with an ultimate that can sway any battle.

Next Time you Top... Thank me Later.

EDIT: Thanks to Toshabi for pointing out the flaws. I needed to tell you guys which ELO range this works in. All of those games were played in 1500-1950 ELO range. Read toshabi's rage below, look at the results, and then judge for yourself.

Would you like to try something for me?

I can reward you.

I can give you a first blood and a double buff NP at right around 3:15 in the game.

Next time you're blue team top lane, consider this:

Push the hell out of that first wave. Cut backwards, and into river bush at 3:10. From there, if you weren't followed (and I hardly ever am), cut over to their red. If their jungler is there, wait for the precise moment to initiate the rapage. If he is not, wait about 5-10 more seconds, then head back to lane and accept the lost XP.

Of course, don't try this if they are a jungler that starts red, or if they are spotted heading to your own team's red. 99% of the time though, you'll end up with a first blood, a double buff, and one PISSED OFF lane…


Some kid trashtalks me super ****ing hard in a normal on my smurf and I 1v1 him

Ezreal vs Ryze

I 2/0 him cuz he “miscalculated" that I had heal and i ulted him and he had no reaction to use his own heal.

Then I ask him "how do we determine who wins" and he goes like "idk". Then he's like ”You should build bloodthirster ******" Im like dude who the **** is 2/0 here? he's like "OH I DIDN'T LOSE YEt"
So i proceed to 5/0 him because of really simple and ******ed stuff. He never died to engage; he died all to poke and kiting.

****ing kids

then I say GG

and he says GG means kneeling

jesus christ this kid ruins my mood so much

Bree's To-Do List

I need a place to put my "to do" list, for things related to mobafire. I guess I'll put them here. :)

To-Do List
  • Fractals
  • Update my recourse guide with new things
  • Make a new tutorial, try to make it weekly.
  • Continue to work on Lulu guide.
  • Find time to take screen shots and videos for my current guides.

Champion Concept

So, I was walking through Big Lots (the only place in the world I know of that would put handles on automatic doors), when I came up with an idea for a new champion. The basic idea, would be an AP style elemental mage with a very high skill cap whose abilities have effects between themselves and the enemy to give bonus effects. The skill from this champion would be combining these effects in such a way that you either maximize damage, CC, or pester. By the way, the names are probably really dumb, so I apologize in advance for that (for this particular post, I shall call him Eli).
His passive would be Earth Tremors. Every 10 seconds, a small, AOE (physical) damaging effect would occur that would radiate from the champion. This effect would be similar to Alistar's Trample effect, except the ability would be passive and the cooldown would lessen in duration with each spell used. This effect would damage minions, champions, and structures and scale with AD. This gives the champion a smal…

Proving Ground, keyword : aram

Hey folks,
today I have a special question for you: Is there any good strategy for ARAM or do you just play like every other game trying to stay alive and defend/push? How often do you start fights and what champions are your favorites?
Do you have the problem that you get the same champion over and over again?

Personally, I just play like every other normal game with a few exceptions:
1. I often play champions on burst damage because burst damage wins games in ARAM.
2. I play quite defensive trying to stay alive and not to die until I have the gold for some expensive items. If I reaached that point I start to play a bit more aggressive.
3. I use nearly fixed build orders... There's not much choice in ARAM if you want to build burst damage. The only items I always change are defensive items to adapt to the enemy team.

Last time, I got Twitch and was really pissed about it because he is sooo squishy and can't deal that big damage in early/mid-game. He's useless until level 6 on AD an…

You Pick I Play - My journey to higher ELO

Good day
Im kinda bored, so im gonna ask YOU, yes YOU, the reader, to pick 1 champion for me to play in a ranked game :D.

Suggestions in the comments plz :D

PS: I cant record at the moment, nor can I do a livestream, but ill upload a picture of my score :D

PPS: If you pick someone who can be played differently, eg. AD YI and AP YI, specify what you want me to play.


League of Legends Champions:

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