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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

More music stuff

Been working on this piece for a's very nearly done at this point...just needs some tweaking.!/s/Music2/4wiWKn?src=5

thoughts? suggestions?

EDIT: Some unfinished stuff!/s/The+Waste+Land+or+At+Least+Part+Of+It/4jBHjn?src=5 (this has been unfinished for over a year now xD)!/s/Ditty/4qe8NI?src=5 (this was a leftover 20 second bit I never worked on)

League of Casuals

There is a lot of demand for some flame-free gaming. I keep reading on Reddit, Mobafire, LoL forums, etc. In brief, they're looking for other people with a sense of sportsmanship. From now until forever, I'm auto-joining a chatroom at startup called LeagueOfCasuals. If you like the idea, swing by and pass on the word.

Come say "hi" if you...

...want to find others for a rage-free game.
...want a game but you're kinda drunk.
...want a game, but your GF or BF keeps aggroing you.
...are Good Guy Greg
...type GLHF and actually mean it.
(and most importantly) ...have fun, even when you lose.

If I see you there, that's cool. If not, that's cool too.

Oh, and one more thing. Trolls: you are welcome to come by also... but it might not be much fun for you since we aren't going to get pissed at you when you act out.

The most OP AD champs in the game

I have been playing these chars for about two years now and i have learned that with the right strategy, runes, and gameplay you can demolish any match 5v5,3v3,or Dominion. anyone else have any rune sudegestions on how to set up urgot let me know he is the only champ i am not sure about i build him armor pen marks, Flat dmg seals, flat dmg glyphs, and flat dmg quints. i get alot of damage outta him but i have a major mana issue unless i get tear right away any hints or tips please let me know.

Learning Udyr, Part two (Normal games OP)

Finally tried Udyr in a normal game (tiger stance this time). We had a roaming Eve, so I was solo top. Skarner wasn't too bad, but Kayle actually hit pretty hard (her passive is kind of a ***** early game). I'm not confident with Udyr at all, and I had some issues with keeping sustained because I wasn't very aggressive. Once we got out of the laning phase it became obvious the enemy team was mostly ******ed. They spent most of the teamfights focusing on me and allowing my allies to kill them. It was kind of funny. By the end I could tank turrets with turtle stance and take no damage.

My build is probably terrible, but it worked xD

This is not a QQ, this is a plea... Because I don't...

Let's be straightfoward here. I mean it.

When the enemy Ashe has Infinity Edge and Phantom Dancers by 20 minutes, and your AD carry has barely managed to get his B.F. sword;
when the enemy Annie has Will of the ancients and a Needlessly Large rod and your AP carry is only with Hextech Revolver and Sorceror's shoes;
when your jungler has died four times and the enemy jungler stole all of your buffs;
when your solo top is getting outfarmed and zoned, as well as giving kills away;
when your support isn't getting your carry any kills;

be realistic, it's a defeat...

Guys, whoever doesn't ACCEPT DEFEAT at that point is seriously kidding, unless you can just manage to carry and 1v5 every teamfight, please use the surrender function... sometimes we can't handle it, it's NORMAL, there's nothing to be afraid of, it's just a loss. I hate losing, I sure do, but I'd rather get started earlier than have to wait the 40 minutes mark to actually start again... So for the ragers and "prideful" playe…

Getting Reported (@ 1024 ELO)

So I was playing a ranked game and a few minutes into the match this enemy Kog'Maw said something to me (I forgot) in response to something I said earlier in all chat. Can't remember what I said, but I was pretty much just saying whatever. He said something about me...can't remember what either, but I do remember I replied to him making fun of his username which was "smTECHN9Ne".

I said something about his name contradicting what he said earlier about me. I was horrified at his typing skills and based on that along with his username, I concluded he was either a 16 year old boy who has yet to understand life, or a 24 year old guy who thinks he is cool. Either way, I felt it was appropriate to assume he was sadly misguided in life (exaggerating).

Later on, I started saying Gragas &

Secret Fantasy of Mine...

So I know this sounds super nerdy and what-not but I have always wanted to be a Shout-caster type person for League of Legends. I know this sounds so stupid but I really would love to do that!

So here is what I ask. I want to see if I can even keep up with game play as it happens, so if you have ANY good games where your team had above-average teamwork just drop a comment with the link to it (preferably LoL Replay Files). If I can keep up with the game and provide decent Shout-casting whilst recording than I might post the video on YouTube! (I doubt it though.)

Am I the only one with a weird dream like that? I would love to hear your feedback on this subject though! So leave a comment along with gameplay if you want to!

BLOG? Big Lump Of Gonads?

Hi, I decided to try this blog thing while waiting in queue. Never done a blog before, so don't expect much, although I doubt that anyone is gonna read this anyways.

If you are reading this, here are some things I might consider adding to this blog (or to my guides).
Things I've learned/tips from playing solo queue ranked.
New guides I might make.
Other strategy.

Anyways, I was thinking of making a support blitzcrank guide, since I couldn't find any good ones.


If you would like your build looked at from a marketing standpoint (aimed at the most people: reading, viewing, or using your build), or from a strictly theoretical and practical use; I will review your build under a few conditions...

-You must be on Mobafire and League of Legends regularly(stay active in updating your builds when in-game item changes occur)
-You must first give me an honest opinion of any of my builds(I want to see how you look at builds, the more thorough the better)

what you can expect from my reviews:

-Text editing in the form of spell checking and grammar (I want to make sure people can understand what you are saying).
-Format editing (simple graphic design based teachings I have learned will be applied; so many of Mobafire builds are poorly designed and organized. A simple re-arranging can make all the difference in how well your page is portrayed.)
-Build Testing: In-game and theoretical test based on the idea you have in-mind.
-I will contact other intelli…

Silly or Brilliant

In this blog I'll be putting up a cache of my random ideas for builds I think about for random champions, some I don't even use. I did not copy any if one of random ideas have been seen before. Maybe I can even find out whether these are silly or brilliant from the community :P

My idea is maximum hp regen Singed.

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide