In this blog I'll be putting up a cache of my random ideas for builds I think about for random champions, some I don't even use. I did not copy any if one of random ideas have been seen before. Maybe I can even find out whether these are silly or brilliant from the community :P

My idea is maximum hp regen Singed.
Build: Boots of Swiftness, Force of Nature, Spirit Visage, Warmog's Armor, Frozen Heart, and Will of the Ancients.

A very tanky Singed that has the regen of Dr. Mundo on crack if he has anybody chasing him. This build has stats in every single defensive area, and makes it even harder to kill him, rather than the common Rod of Ages and Rabadon's Deathcap combo. Less damage but dangerously annoying.

Dps Nasus, why the hell not?
Build: Mercury's Treads, Trinity Force, Warmog's Armor, Atma's Impaler, Infinity Edge, Last Whisper

Imagine a nicely farmed Nasus using JhoiJhoi's guide, being the tank of the team. You know how much Nasus can do when he gets farmed up, and a lucky crit with Trinity Force along with Siphoning Strike. Crits for 1000s of damage. Now imagine ALWAYS hitting a crit with a very farmed Siphoning Strike, empowered by Infinity Edge's crit amplifier, the Sheen proc of Trinity Force, and piercing 40% of the enemy's armor. I haven't spent time on the math, but I'm pretty sure that can send damage into the 1000s. Don't forget the free lifesteal slot.

Tiamat jungle anybody?

On a champ who doesn't necessarily need Wriggle's Lantern or GP10 items, like Lee Sin, Dr. Mundo, or Warwick, wouldn't Tiamat make jungling much faster allowing for more ganks? It's only 2070 gold, 470 more than Wriggle's Lantern, and can keep you out of the jungle more often and actually ganking, something I usually forget I should be doing at all times possible. I mean nobody uses this item, and this could be a potential use for it!

Tank Shaco HueHueHue.
Build: Ninja Tabi, Madred's Bloodrazor, Warmog's Armor, Frozen Heart, Force of Nature, Aegis of the Legion can be sold for Frozen Mallet or Atma's Impaler

Think about this one for a bit. Every team fight you get two tanks, one that takes 25% more damage. The real tank can still do a reasonable amount of damage, and the fake one can still tank a reasonable amount of damage. Notice how I take no visible tank items like Sunfire Aegis, Banshee's Veil, or the active of Randuin's Omen. This is to make it so that the enemy can't differentiate between the real Shaco just by looking at them. Most Shacos build Trinity Force which is a damage item that eliminates the stealthy part of it because of Sheen.

There are way too many champs that can use Lich Bane well, but nobody thinks about it.

Morgana, LeBlanc, Cassiopeia, Heimerdinger, Orianna, Swain, and Caitlyn can all use Lich Bane. WHY U NO SUGGEST?

Tanky Anivia #ItsLegit
Build: Mercury's Treads, Archangel's Staff, Frozen Heart, Banshee's Veil, Aegis of the Legion, Guardian Angel

An Archangel's Staff to add some DPS and reliable mana. Anivia brings alot of CC to the table, and dat passive, so why isn't this viable. It's like Vice Versa to Nautilus when it comes to my guide. I think Anivia would actually be one of the better tanks, too.

That's all for now, may add more later. This will probably be my last blog for a while as well, get's a bit boring just putting these up so often.