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A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

I'm back, baby.

If anyone is reading these, they'll know that I started a champion guide that I never really completed. I got distracted by a different game, and lost my way for a few weeks. But I am back in the League with full-force, and with that will come continuing progress on my general champion guide! Thank you for your patience, and I'm sorry for the delay.

Assassins: underrated carries

I'm kind of indifferent whether they're op or not, I'm not really sure to be honest. But looking at assassin champions they seem to have very strong damage output in an extremely short period of time. they also seem in general to be safer than say a carry.

So instead of just saying this I wanted to look at a few assassins. Some may not classify these champions as ***ssin's but for this exercise as a whole we'll look at a few. I wanted to take a look at Ahri, Akali, Leblanc, Kassadin, and Talon in particular because they seem to be the strongest assassin's currently. I suppose Irelia could be classified as an assassin but I feel she is much more of a bruiser or tanky-dps as opposed to assassin.

Taking a look at Talon and Akali because they are very similar.
- Akali seems to be a less popular pick, probably due to her nerfs, she is still extremely strong and relatively safe. She forces the enemy to pink ward or have an oracles handy. She is fairly limited by her energy and charges on s…

How to save mana during fights

I was making some experiences in Skyrim, and the conclusion is that having tons of mana and reducing mana costs is better than having a good amount mana and mana regen

How things work in LoL? You can't reduce mana costs, and the regens are pretty slow since you are always using mana during fights. Having tons of mana alone doesn't work either. What's the solution?

Damage is the solution. You kill quicker, so you use less mana of your tons. You can't reduce the mana cost, but you can boost your damage. Instead of using skills more times, you can make them harass more

New Lee sin guide under construction!

So right now i am working on a new Lee Sin guide. Some photoshop work will be done to add banners and such and the guide will include Builds for : Twisted treeline(+Jungle), Summoners Rift(+Jungle) and Dominion. I am going to add a lot of details and screen shots about positioning for a successful Dragon's Rage, jungle routes, sight ward placement for a quick escape using

League of Legends Moments... Vol. 3

Wow, because of the large (at least to me XD) and unexpected popularity of my first two League of Legends Moments, here are some more, including even some commenter's (dare I say fan's?) moments that are pretty funny as well!

That moment when...

You decide to use a champ you haven't used in awhile, expect yourself to do bad, and you do crazy good with him/her...

The phone starts to ring and your in the middle of a teamfight and it's your significant other...

You're heating something up in the oven/microwave and the timer goes off while your holding a lane solo...

During the match loading and you see that one person who's holding everyone out of the game and you think, "... I hate you so much..."

You escape with only a sliver of health and you think, "AWWWW YEAH!!" and as you run away you hit one of Teemo's shrooms and you say out loud. "FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUU!!!!"

You pick a hard rated champion you've never played before, know you're going to suck at it, play it anyway, and you suck.…

League of Legends - Ziggs Art Spotlight

So I just saw the new Riot video, and it turned out to be an art spotlight, and there's nothing wrong with being classy and checking out an art spotlight xD
I really liked this one, it was a drawing of teemo's brother, nah I'm kidding, but it looked like the guy could be related to teemo, an odd cousin, that would be cool :D

He looks like he would be fun to play, I hope they make him more skill based, with a lot more skill shots and that sort of stuff.

Anyway check out the video guys, you'll se what I'm talking about, it's a good video to say the least.


Jungling Tier List

After observing and playing a sizable amount of junglers, I've decided to make a tier list that i think most suits the current state of the game. I've borrowed some ideas from stonewall008, one of my favorite players in the game. I'll explain my tiers and some of my choices, as this is my first list.


- Skarner, Lee Sin, Trundle

Tier 1

- Udyr, Maokai, Nocturne, Amumu, Cho'Gath, Shaco, Gangplank

Tier 2

- Olaf, Jarvan, Rammus, Warwick, Jax, Singed, Karthus

Tier 3

- Xin Zhao, Alistar, Tryndamere, Shyvanna, Shen, Nasus, Master Yi, Fiddlesticks

Tier 4

- Nunu, Malphite, Pantheon, Twitch, Leona

Eve Tier

- Eve

Tier explanations-
God Tier- Reserved for junglers that are simply the best you can play in the game right now, and stand head and shoulders above the competition. They've got it all; sustain, damage, ganks, utility, speed.

In a grade: A+

Tier 1- These are junglers that are very, very good. They each bring unique and valuable qualities to their team, and stand as very good choices in…

Should AD Champs have Escape Mechanisms?

They got away again,

You're jungling and getting ready for a gank, you time every thing perfectly, setting up the perfect opportunity to slay the AD carry and allow your team an advantageous lead in the fight. But as you find yourself closing in on the kill, they use a normal skill move, an escape mechanism, and flees swiftly away from the gank without use of Ghost or

Life Update

Hey everyone,

I have been weekly blogging, just not here for now. I am working on a secret site that will launch soon enough and also a new computer is in the workings. Pretty soon I'll be able to post high quality videos and stream in addition to the large amount of blogging content I am already producing. Thanks to anyone who is continuing to read these, and look forward to exciting changes in the future.

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide