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Miss Fortune Build Guide by The Dreamwalker

All Miss Fortune Playstyles (Damage builds)

All Miss Fortune Playstyles (Damage builds)

Updated on October 24, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author The Dreamwalker Build Guide By The Dreamwalker 7,812 Views 0 Comments
7,812 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author The Dreamwalker Miss Fortune Build Guide By The Dreamwalker Updated on October 24, 2017
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An Introduction: Lady Fortune

Hello! I am the Dreamwalker! I am an MF main with nearly 400k points my champion of choice. I have only been playing her for a year. This is my favorite champion, so I am excited to let you know how to play her.

In this guide, I will be showing ALL builds for this wonderful champion! There will be detailed chapters to each playstyle. Look below for the play style layout. Please enjoy.

Pure Lethal - First
Mage - Second
Critical - Third
Hybrid Lethal (lethal + critical strike)- Fourth

Each of these builds are viable in their own right. I have tested and preformed each of these roles with information I will provide to you. People may be toxic about your choice, but trust in me, these work.

Note: Support MF is a different build. I will make one for those of you who wish to play her as a support champion. There is an existing jungle build that I will create and link in this guide. Thanks!
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Items - Introduction

Welcome to items!

Alright, so I am sure everyone can see some of these builds as understandable, while others view them as somewhat crazy. This is where the trust is needed. Anyways, time for the in-depth knowledge of these builds.
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Pure Lethal

Alright, time to go over Pure Lethal Miss Fortune. This play-style is my favorite out of all of them.

What to build first?

I always focus on building Duskblade and Youmuu first. Duskblade must come before Youmuu in this build path. This is because of the burst Duskblade provides you in lane and while on the hunt for enemy champions, such as rotating into different lanes such as mid to top, top to mid, etc. Duskblade, Q, aa, E, ult is an instant kill on squishies. Think of like an ad version of Lux.

Note: Yoummu is great for chasing down low HP targets and getting in Qs and auto attacks.

Relating to boots:

I always upgrade boots third or fourth. This is because you max W - Strut second as Miss Fortune with this build path. Her W is useful because it gives her that missing attack speed that she is missing out on. Her E is maxed last because it use as a kiting / control tool, not so much for damage. For lethal Miss Fortune I always do Ionian Boots, however, you can use Berseker's Greaves if you really need that auto attack speed.

Continuing the items:

After you have Duskblade, Youmuu, and your boots (upgraded or not) completed this is where you must decide what you need.

Safety or Tank-melting?

Safety items for Miss Fortune include:

Edge of Night - Helps protect you against both mages and assassins, as well as other threats, this item also protects you during your ult, making it so people cannot easily interrupt you. Get this item if your team isn't peeling for you.

Guardian Angel - If you are simply getting bursted, this item is fantastic. However, this is usually a fifth or final item for me. You can get this earlier if your Top, Mid, or Jg enemies are fed or just extremely dangerous.

Bloodthrisiter - If you are ahead, you can purchase a BT for that lifesteal / dueling power. I usually don't get this, but it is an option.

BORK - Bork is that final item that you would get to continue melting down targets while also being able to lifesteal. You can get this second, but that would mean getting Youmuu's third and would have to be your substitute for BT. You can have one or the other, not both.

Black Cleaver - Black Cleaver is a typical item for Miss Fortune. It is found in both her normal critical build and her lethal builds. This is because it applies with her ultimate ability. This is a great third item for melting tanks and popping squishy targets. You can do some true damage if you get their armor low enough. Fun fact. Black Cleaver also helps MF chase down targets because of the passive ms this item gives when you strike an enemy.

Lord Dom. / Mortal Reminder - If you have knowledge of being an adc, then you would know when you purchase these items, but as a fun refresher, let's go over them.

Lord is purchased against non-healing threats (mainly a team with no healing powers or heavy healing items, passives, etc.)

Mortal is purchased against healing threats both tank and non-tank (Soraka, Mundo, Garen, etc.)

Lord or Mortal are usually purchased after your third item. You only need one, so choose wisely. You can buy an Executioner's Calling if there is a healing threat early as to help knock down those heals early.

This is pretty much it for this chapter.

If you want my typical build here it is:

Duskblade, Youmuu, Boots, Black Cleaver, Upgrade boots, Lord or Mortal. My final item always changes. I usually get BT, BORK, or Angel. Depends on what I need.
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Mage is incredibly fun and is only viable because her abilities scale with magic, not as much as AD, but it still works.

My favorite starting item is Rageblade. If you want to use auto-attacks, then Rageblade is a good purchase. Consider it Mage/AD if you need to. Also, Gunblade is good, but it has some querks with it. I will go into detail in a moment.

Let's start with a good starting item.

Rod of Ages is a great item for MF to start. If you notice, Rod of Ages is similar to Essence Reaver. It gives MF a solution to her mana problem, thus allowing her to stay in lane longer. This item also helps her survive burst champions (assassins, mages, and some marksmen).

Void Staff or Torment?

My vote is toward Torment. Torment's magic burn is great. It makes MF's ult, Q, E, etc. do more damage and penetrate through enemy defenses. Similar to Lethal MF. See the connection? Void Staff is good for more magic damage, but Torment gives health, so keep that in mind.

Lich Bane, Nashors

These items help Miss Fortune with a lot of different aspects. The general flow of Miss Fortune is Q + aa, but with mage we do E + aa. What does Lich Bane do? More magic, increased dmg on auto attack. It was made for her.

Nashors helps Miss Fortune with some magic, cooldown, and firing power. More for a mage MF who wants to focus on auto attacks. This pairs nicely with Lich Bane and Rageblade.

Safety Items:

Hourglass - Useful against assassins (ad), the ad carry, top laners, ad jgs, etc. It can also save MF from dying, a lot, similar to the usage of Guardian Angel.

Banshee - Similar to Edge of Night. This protects you from mages solely, but also protects your ultimate from being interrupted.

More. - More. serves the same purpose as Lord Dom. and Mortal Reminder. It helps stop healing threats, but also helps MF with mana issues as well damage.

Ludens - This increases your AoE damage on E, Q, and ult as well as giving MF movement speed which she can use to kite or get to places faster.

Ryali - Used to keep people inside her ultimate ability and just allow her chase potential.

Deathcap + Soulstealer - Items you get if you are ahead. This can prove very useful to a master of mage Miss Fortune.

Rageblade / Gunblade - Rageblade is great for increasing ability damage and auto attack damage. The passive increases damage from Q, E, R because of the hybrid scaling from landing auto attacks. Rageblade is my favorite one of the two and here is why. Gunblade can cancel your ult if you select a target that is out of range. However, it is great for chase potential because of the slow. It also increases the damage of her abilities and auto attacks. Rageblade, however, does give some auto attack speed if you don't want nashors tooth.
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Critical is very similar to Mage. We have minor adjustments. However, abilities are the same as Lethal. Q - W - E - R (R when you can).

Essence Reaver - This is the first item. It gives her damage, cooldown reduction, and helps with her mana problem. Green all around board.

Infinity Edge - This increases the critical damage scaling on her Q and Ult, overall, just good to have.

Rapid Firecannon - This increases the range of her Q, allowing for faster snipes and quicker Qs.

Shiv - I like shiv after I.E. because of the combo. These two combined increase each other's damage, so it is great overall. It is also good because MF's Q applies on hit effects, and shiv, is an on-hit effect. Bread and butter.

Cleaver - Lord Dom. - Mortal: See chapter 3.

BT - GA: See chapter 3.

Greaves - These give more attack speed, which is good because it allows for more blows in a quicker amount of time.
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Hybrid Lethal (Lethal + Critical Stirke)

This is very reduant information. This chapter is combination of chapters 3 and 5. I will give you the basic rules of this build.

First two items:

Duskblade + Youmuu for burst and chase potential.


Ionian or Berserker: Your choice. Do you want lower cooldowns or more attack speed? Keep in mind that Ionian lowers the cd of W, which gives your more attack speed overall.

Against tanks:

Black Cleaver is a good buy, as well either Lord Dom. or Mortal, depending on your needs.

Against mainly squishies:

You can start building critical items here. I recommend I.E. + Shiv, or I.E. + Phantom Dancer. PD for kiting and protection.

Good finishers:

Guardian Angel - protection against burst.

BT - Incredible lifesteal + kite + dueling power.


Edge of Night is useful in this build. You can place it third or later. It just helps with protection + ulting.
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Skill Sequence

I showed you the build path for Lethal and critical MF.

Q - Increase burst on both builds and benefits the most from these builds.

W - Increase attack speed of Lethal and of Critical.

E - Catches people, weak damage because of items.

R - Great AoE + teamfighting power.

Ability usage:

Q > AA > E > R > W

Q - Burst down healthbars > AA for increased damage > E for preparation for ult > R finisher. W is used to chase down targets that didn't die.

There is something I need to mention about her passive. Her passive reduces the cooldown of her W and applies to towers. So, if you are pushing towers, her passive + W can knock them down easily. The way to lower her W is by switching targets, so, from tower to a minion, back to the tower. Pretty bread and butter.
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18 F - 12 C

These give Miss Fortune best damage both in Lethal and Critical. It improves the damage on her abilities, which is great considering that MF is a caster ADC, meaning she uses abilities evenly with auto attacks.

12 F - 18 C

This is for magic MF.

The Ferocity tree doesn't change. The Cunning tree doesn't change either, however, you are adding points here. You would take Precision and Thunderlords for increased damage and early game poke.

Miss Fortune's E interacts with Thunderlords, meaning, that if 3 waves of Make it Rain (E) hit, Thunderlords will proc. A few of these can easily chunk an enemy's healthbar.

Quick Note:

In the item section called mage, I told you that you would take E - W, this is true, but you can do E - Q. E - Q is more damage, while E - W is more speed and kiting. Q - W is always the path because maxing Q - E doesn't do anything except increase the slow, the damage is pitiful all levels with lethal and critical Miss Fortune.
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Above are the runes for Lethal Miss Fortune.

The difference between Lethal Miss Fortune and Critical Miss Fortune, rune-wise, is that you take full AD marks (red) and quints (purple) with Critical Miss Fortune, and lethal + ad runes for Lethal.

Mage Miss Fortune takes AP pen. marks, magic resist glyphs (blues), and scaling health or armor for seals (yellow). For Quints, I recommend Ability Power.

These are pretty common runes for both, but they work exceptionally well. The marks and glyphs are the same for Critical, Hybrid, Lethal, and Mage. The only difference is that on Critical, Hybrid (lethal and critical), and Lethal you take armor because you will most likely be fighting another ADC.
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Alright, when you get to the Vs. section, you will see a few champions listed. There are other threats, but I am using them as examples.

All of these threats have some way of sticking to Miss Fortune. Miss Fortune does bad against that type of champion because is she is more a ranged caster, if someone can stick to her, she is pretty much dead as she has no escape tools. Champions that cannot stick to her are fairly easy to kill, thus they are not listed here.

Zed (assassin) - High burst potential.

Tristana (mobile marksmen) - Out-chase potential. Tristana in particular can interrupt MF's ult with her own.

Jinx (high damage) - There are others like Miss Fortune that are high damage because they lack mobility. Jinx is one of the main threats, however, it is really just a game of who can land the damage first.

Easy champions include immobile melee, slow characters, and ranged characters with less than 650 attack range. This is because 650 is the range her Q can reach, if someone is outside of that, like Caitlyn, then MF will do poorly against them.

Soraka is listed because she can out-heal Miss Fortune's damage if she is playing correctly. There are other supports who heal, but Soraka's are the craziest by far. If you can, burst her down first. Also, Soraka can interrupt your ult. Supports that can do this through minions are the high-threats, so Sona, Soraka, Nautilus, Nami, etc.
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Final Note: Farm and Lane

Farming and lane are important in the current season and meta. Probably more so for Miss Fortune. Since she isn't the classical adc, meaning that her items aren't cheap, she needs to focus on that farm. Mostly because the sooner she gets a Duskblade, the sooner she starts getting kills on the map and shoving in the lane. MF is a champion that is either behind or ahead.

Behind - Focus on farm and picks, but mostly farm. You can help with objectives and pressure, but farming should be prioritized.

Ahead - Focus objectives and pressure other lanes, but ensure that you don't loose your lead.


MF is the queen of poke. Enemies cower behind minions, Miss Fortune's damage is amplified against people that hide. Remember, Q low-health minions because this will increase the damage dealt by 200% early on (250% with I.E.). This can easily drop someone below 50-60%. The main point is make sure your Q kills something to get increased damage. It will be well worth your time. Also, MF is a lane bully. If you get someone caught by a Q, don't be afraid to chase them down and make them feel pain, of course, if your support / jungle is helping. Otherwise, you might be committing suicide.
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Alright, get out onto the rift and try these out for yourself. This was my first time creating a build guide this in-depth, so I would appreciate feedback. I will make making timely edits if I find something amiss with my guide. I leave you with a word from our favorite redhead.

"Fortune doesn't favor fools." - Miss Fortune
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