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+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Moonsilver Blade (PASSIVE)
Diana Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
Mandatory if you are the jungler. Why the Chilling Smite? We want to create a non escape option snowballing effect with Diana to make use of her full combo. |
This is the most useful spell. For better positioning in teamfights, good ganks by dodging something, for escaping and nice tricks. |
2. At lvl 2 raise Crescent Strike, head to the rift scuttler after you finish the first two camps and Smite the rift scuttler.
3. Now take out the Gromp Camp, you should be lvl 3 right now so raise Moonfall. You should be full of heal now again, so look for potential close line ganks. Remember: It's not about the kill, it's about to create an opportunity for your liners to get a good chance of a better farming. If the enemy use Flash and/or have to go back it's perfect!
4. Then go to the red buff camp and then crimson raptor.
5. If you wish to continue to farm head to the Krug Camp clear them and you should be level 4 at this time.
Note: I recomend you to get at least $1400 of gold before you make your first back. That way you can get; Stalker's Blade, Amplifying Tome and Boots on your first back and you may do some ganks or farm more before your next back.
LETHAL TEMPO: Diana passive Moonsilver Blade have a lot of synergy with this rune due to the fact that you will have your third attack with increased damage sooner. |
TRIUMPH: We want to create a nice combo during a team fight with Revitalize and this rune to get some extra sustain. |
LEGEND: ALACRITY: Again we want increase the attack speed to make use of Diana passive Moonsilver Blade full potential. It is perfect to melt turrets too! |
CUT DOWN: Diana don't have to much life so she can takedown tanky champions in no time. |
SHIELD BASH: A perfect synergy with Diana Shield Bash this will increase you damage aswell. Beautiful sustain! |
REVITALIZE: I think Revitalize is a very good rune that have a lot of synergy with Diana Pale Cascade and Shield Bash rune. So, she will get a great sustain. |
I will be updating this guide anytime if I find something useful, any helpful feedback is greatly appreciated!
This was Corvux. Follow the rabbit...
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