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Sion Build Guide by Wet Meat

Top Int your way to Plat with SuiSion

Top Int your way to Plat with SuiSion

Updated on October 15, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Wet Meat Build Guide By Wet Meat 56 2 97,373 Views 0 Comments
56 2 97,373 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Wet Meat Sion Build Guide By Wet Meat Updated on October 15, 2018
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Sion
    Standard Suicide Sion
  • LoL Champion: Sion
    My Personal SuiSion Build


Grasp of the Undying

Gathering Storm


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


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Hey There! My name is Wet Meat on the NA Server. I play a lot of Gangplank and Sion, and upon seeing the lack of guides on the new fad, Suicide Sion, I thought I'd play it for a few games and test a mashup of a few different Sion builds on it. This guide is the Amalgamation of all my findings in the past few days!

Now, an FAQ:

Q: Why should I play Suicide Sion? Isn't it just inting and feeding my laner?
A: Sort of. You play most of the laning phase as a hyper aggressive Sion, shoving the lane in and building waves to crash into tower while harassing your laner. There isn't really much "Suiciding" going on.

Q: Where is this build strong?
A: In any match, really. If your team is behind, you can head to a side lane and slam yourself into tower after tower in order to draw the enemy away from the main body of your team, while putting damage onto objectives.

Q: My teammates are flaming me because I died a ton of times. What do I do?
A: /mute all

I'm kidding. If played right, Suicide Sion makes up for his deaths in tower kills and map pressure. Once you get your core items, it will usually take up to 3 people to prevent you from taking a tower in one go, so you're a real pain in the *** to the enemy team.

Q: Why E Max first?
A: It gives reliable poke, a hefty slow, and will massively increase your waveclear potential. Plus, the armor shred is great for your passive or Q procs.

Q: But how do I play Suicide Sion?
A: Let's get into that!
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Pros and Cons

As with every build, there are lots of pros and cons to it. Here's a list for you:

1. Massive map pressure
2. Insane amount of HP late game
3. Easy 1v1 or 1v2 potential after you get your core items
4. Excellent waveclear
5. Did I mention map pressure?
6. Shredding towers with just a few autos and a demolish proc is one of the most satisfying things in the game
7. Not many hard counters to the build

1. Somewhat weak midgame
2. Team flame
3. If matched into a hypercarry, you can really **** your team over
4. Again, team flame.
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Early Game

Most of the time, I love starting off with a classic Sion cheese. For those unfamiliar, a Sion cheese is when you catch the first wave behind the enemy tower, and proxy it. Your goal isn't to kill them, it's to let your minion wave get to the tower before the enemy minions. This makes your next wave huge, which helps out a ton.

Your second goal is to get down to about 150-200 health from the minions and a tower shot or two. Why? For the second step to the Sion cheese. Executing to the enemy buff, and taking it. With Sion, if you are still in your passive as your respawn timer runs out, then any buffs you have stay with you upon respawn. Plus, you're taking an enemy buff, putting their jungler behind.

Once you have the buff, TP to lane for the fat minion wave.


Your goal is to EXECUTE to the buff, not get killed by the enemy. If the enemy toplaner or jungler denies your cheese, then just walk back to your tower and prepare for lane.

When the first wave comes, wait for the first 3 melee creeps to be low. Then, charge your W and kill all 3 with one pop. Bonus points if you can get some extra damage onto the enemy laner. After that, farm up a storm. Since you (should've) started W, each creep you kill gives bonus HP. It's a small amount, but it adds up over time.
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Taking Tower/Laning Phase

In the lane, you'll want to be aggressive. Sion can be used as an easy lane bully. His level 3 is an easy chunk on the enemy toplaner if they don't respond to your trades well. Shove the wave as hard as you can, and smack the tower a bunch. Contrary to what most people will tell you, you shouldn't suicide into tower every chance you get. The early game tower damage resistance will mess your damage up and prevent you from doing any lasting damage, so for now keep the minion wave at your enemy laner's tower, while harrassing with your E and your Q.

Once you hit six, it's time to get that tower down a chunk. Shove the wave into the enemy tower, and ult to slam into the tower. Your ult, depending on how far away you are when you start it, will do 100-250 damage to the tower at level 1. After that, keep slapping the tower regardless of what the enemy laner thinks. If your minions die and another wave isn't close, I'd recommend backing off and shoving the wave in again.

If you die, you should always be meleeing the tower unless the enemy laner is 1-2 hits from death. The bonus attack speed you get will really put the hurt on the tower, and any minions near you will supplement this damage nicely. After you destroy tower, go for the second one. And that's the end of lane.
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The Midgame.

By the time midgame rolls around, you should have Titanic and around 2k HP. If bot hasn't taken their tower yet, ult down the lane and mess up the enemy ADC/Support, then hit the tower till it falls. Always use your titanic as an auto reset, as it does a ton of damage and will help speed the process up.

If you think you're about to die, save the Titanic proc for your passive. The 10% max HP damage plus the titanic proc will be a massive hit to any squishy HP, Especially when used as an auto reset. If nobody is in range, either rush the tower or kill some minions to keep the lane shoved.

Once you have Steraks, I'd highly advise just sticking to the tower even when enemies are near. Once it procs, the bonus HP will make your titanic hurt a lot more, and give you plenty of survivability. If you can grab a tower without ult, it doesn't hurt to just ult back towards your nexus for an easy escape.
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The Lategame

Once you finish your 4th item, it's the lategame. By now there shouldn't be many towers left outside of the enemy base, which means you'll need to pick your targets wisely. Baron up? Split bot and tell your team to head towards baron. If the enemy comes to stop you, free Baron. If they're on Baron, then free tower and/or inhib. Just keep pushing and pushing, because by now it should take 3 or more enemies to reliably take you out, which puts your team at a massive advantage when it comes to objective fights.

If your team is behind and the enemy is shoving down mid, group and help your team fend them off. You'll be a massive damage sponge with a maxed W, and a force to be reckoned with if you go down. If you have to group, play it like a normal Sion. Aggressive poke with E, and peel for your carries with your ult and Q knockup.

If they're pushing a sidelane, go to the opposite sidelane and shove the wave, possibly get a tower if you can. The idea is to force the enemy team to rotate off the sidelane and come to deal with you, while your team holds the base and picks up stragglers.
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General Tips

Here are a few generic tips I have for not only SuiSion, but just Sion in general for the newer players.

1. Never run away from an enemy who is going to kill you. Run towards them and try to land the E slow before you go down. This'll let you get a considerable chunk of damage on them before your passive burns out, and possibly net a return kill.

2. Just because you have a post-death passive, don't just kill yourself at any opportunity. You have a lot of built in utility and CC in your kit that you can't use in your passive. Make use of it while you're alive, but don't be scared of dying. If you do end up suiciding, make sure it was for a purpose. Be it to soak up even more damage from the enemy team or to take an objective quicker.

3. When in doubt, shove shove shove. Your goal is to put a ton of map pressure down all across the board, and you can't do that if you aren't clearing minion waves. Get what CS you can, and don't worry about the rest. Overgrowth stacks on nearby minion deaths, not minion kills.

4. Your W does more damage than you think it does. A W proc can be the difference between a won trade and a lost trade. Start charging your W right before you begin a Q charge, and the bonus damage you get will be a sizeable chunk of the enemy.
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Closing Thoughts

SuiSion can be excellent in any team comp, due to his high versatility, loads of CC, and near global map pressure with his ult. If you're alone in a lane with R, back up as far as you can to get the maximum damage possible out of it on a tower, and maybe clear some minions along the way. Your team may flame you, but 9/10 games I've played, I end up with the most damage to towers, champions, and the highest CS in the game. Learn to take the flame and use it to push yourself harder into the towers. They won't be complaining when 8 tower kills came from you, and their team was never grouped as 5 because you kept shoving as hard as you could.

Thanks for reading!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Wet Meat
Wet Meat Sion Guide
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Int your way to Plat with SuiSion

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