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Recommended Items
+8 Ability Haste
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Friend of the Forest (PASSIVE)
Ivern Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Do to the fact that this champion can also make use of your brush benefits: Headshot: grants additional Headshot stacks for attacks made while in brush.
Headshot: grants additional Headshot stacks for attacks made while in brush. This will help her to increase her damage more often.
Headshot: grants additional Headshot stacks for attacks made while in brush. This will help her to increase her damage more often.
Champion Build Guide
NOTE: Ivern is a champion that requires a lot of precision and practice.
Top 4 Ivern Pros:
2. Powerful support and CC abilities.
3. Have a lot of sustain.
4. Fast jungle clearing since early game.
5. Map adaptability and modifiers.
Mandatory if you are the jungler. Smite have a lot of synergy with Ivern passive Friend of the Forest that place a grove around the monsters camps instead of kill them. NOTE: As soon as the grove is placed, Smite the camp so you will not have to wait for it to charge and you will get everything. Perfect to steal camps in just 3 seconds! |
This is the most useful spell. For better positioning in teamfights, good ganks by dodging something, for escaping and nice tricks. |
> > > | OK, let's start with the basics, the first 3 levels, we need Rootcaller to stun enemy champions on early ganks, move through the walls in the jungle when you root a monster, and some other good tricks. Then Triggerseed to shield your teammates in ganks, have some sustain and slow enemies when the shield bursts. And at last but not least Brushmaker to get a bonus range and extra dmg. And modify the map with brushes to make very good tricks with champions like Maokai, Teemo, Caitlyn and Nidalee for example. |
Then we max Triggerseed to increase the shield power that Ivern will create, also this will increase the dmg that is made when it brusts and affect enemies mobility even more. And finally we max Brushmaker to get the passive full potential of this ability.
Of course, don't forget to raise Daisy! everytime you can! She will be very useful.
Note: I recomend you to approach from behind by using the "Blast Cone fruit" or your Rootcaller.
Note: start always with the buffos, don't give the other jungler any chance to get any.
Note: Remember that you have the Future's Market rune.
Note: It's very important for you to know that Ivern is a champion that requires a lot of precision and practice. And the way of playing it may vary a lot depending on the runes and items you set up for him.
Now, let's start with this!
- Why Faerie Charm instead of a healing item?
We need to keep his mana as full as we can, so we can make use of his passive Friend of the Forest full potential and farm fast. If a fight or gank is need it, we have our Triggerseed and combination of runes like Guardian and Second Wind + the Revitalize combo that will keep us safe.
- Why Rod of Ages it's our main item?
Thanks to the Rod of Ages passive "Eternity" effect, we will get a very balance sustain of mana and heal.
NOTE: With the Future's Market rune you should be able to buy it in no time. Trust me!
- About Shurelya's Battlesong...
1. Non-expensive item.
2. Well balance because increase Health, AP, movement speed, have mana sustain and reduce your CDR.
3. Grants you and nearby allies 40% bonus movement speed for 3 seconds. Perfect for iniciate or escape from a teamfight.
GUARDIAN: For 1.5 sec. If you or an ally receive damage both of you will receive a shield that increase with your AP and health which is perfect do to the fact that with this build we will increase our AP and health in no time + the Revitalize rune we have very strong shield combo with Ivern. |
FONT OF LIFE: This rune is very good because have a lot of synergy with Ivern abilities like Rootcaller and Triggerseed. Also we will create a beautiful combo with the Revitalize rune to help our teammates get even more sustain during team fights and ganks. |
SECOND WIND: This rune will provide Ivern with a lot of sustain when you receive damage. And plus the fact that we have the Revitalize rune combo you will have even more sustain. |
REVITALIZE: This rune is the most important one because you get synergy combos with almost everything: Other runes like Guardian, Font of Life and Second Wind. And Ivern ability Triggerseed. This will increase the health regeneration and shields for you and every teammate. A perfect sustain combo! |
FUTURE'S MARKET: The most important item for this Ivern build is the Rod of Ages because we want to create a snowballing effect with him as soon as possible and with the Future's Market we can buy it in no time. |
COSMIC INSIGHT: This rune will help us a lot to use abilities like Triggerseed to protect our teammates and Rootcaller more often since the beginning. Also is perfect to have Smite in no time to clean camps very fast. |
I will be updating this guide anytime if I find something useful, any helpful feedback is greatly appreciated!
This was Corvux. Follow the rabbit...
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