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Kassadin Build Guide by Lasoor

Middle Lasoor's Guide to Kassadin the Farm Walker - 9

Middle Lasoor's Guide to Kassadin the Farm Walker - 9

Updated on December 31, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Lasoor Build Guide By Lasoor 122,878 Views 9 Comments
122,878 Views 9 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Lasoor Kassadin Build Guide By Lasoor Updated on December 31, 2018
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MF IS BAE (2) | June 1, 2017 11:26pm
Nice build do you think this will work with kassadin top lane pls awnser?
Lasoor (29) | June 2, 2017 5:39am
Generally speaking, yes this is also what you build on top lane Kassadin. However a lot of it has to do with the match up. The situational items are a great guideline for how to build based on who you're up against.

The reason Kassadin doesn't do top lane much though is because he is an anti-mage and top rarely has mages.
jhoijhoi (2057) | February 19, 2017 2:26pm
Voted +1
It looks like you're on your way to implementing a lot of Psi's feedback! I'm not a Kassadin player by any means, but the fact that you're willing to take in feedback and that your guide is looking pretty good, deserves a +1 for all your hard work. Keep it up and keep playing Kassadin until you're positive your build is #1 :)
Lasoor (29) | March 17, 2017 11:01pm
I appreciate the support.
Lasoor (29) | February 10, 2017 2:50am
Update 2/10/17

* Changed text color to default gray

* Removed Hextech Gunblade and Rylai's Crystal Scepter from suggested offensive items

* Added Archangel's Staff and Everfrost to suggested offensive items

* Added Dark Seal suggested start path.

* Changed Offensive Build to include Lost Chapter as first item and removed Lich Bane from build path replacing it with Rabadon's Deathcap. Replaced Abyssal Mask with Zhonya's Hourglass. Made some tweaks to build path order.

* Cleaned up Pros and Cons section to make more sense.

* Clarified Deathfire Touch viability in Masteries section.

* Modified Runes section to include Greater Seal of Scaling Health as a viable choice. Clarified use of CDR Glyphs.

* Fixed a few typing errors.
PsiGuard (1495) | February 8, 2017 5:24pm
My reviews always go from top to bottom, just fyi. I'll start with the cheatsheet.


  1. If you don't recommend jungle Kassadin, don't include a build for it. The best guides usually focus on one position anyway.

  2. I can get behind flat health seals on Kassadin for a little extra security early game, but just letting you know that scaling HP seals are super strong and popular on pretty much all solo laners, so you could consider switching unless you're convinced the extra HP pre-6 is going to make a difference.

  3. I would break up your two starting item options into different Purchase Orders to be a little more clear. Worth noting that Faker seems to like starting Dark Seal + Refillable Potion on Kassadin. You can upgrade to Corrupting Potion on your first back. Seems pretty solid. Also worth noting he runs Teleport while doing this.

  4. The items in the cheatsheet in general are a little messy and could use some simplification. You want to make it as easy as possible for people to understand what to build at a glance. For example, if you build RoA and Lich Bane almost every game, you don't need to keep repeating them in the cheatsheet.

  5. You can live without Deathcap if necessary, but mages should have a Void Staff in every build. Lots of melees gain MR per level and also run MR glyphs, so it's extremely likely that at least one enemy will have a non-negligible amount of MR. Void staff doesn't suffer from the same restriction as Last Whisper, as VS still penetrates base stats. The only question should be when to get void staff, not if.

  6. Speaking of when to get Void, generally 4th or 5th item works well (including boots). Your Main Build seems pretty decent other than Void staff being built too late.

  7. Morellonomicon is one of those items that should be built early or not at all. If you're not building it in place of RoA, there are better items to buy mid-game. Lost Chapter is super strong in lane and in general, sustain items tend to be much more important early on. Decide whether Morello's makes the cut or not and be clear about when to build it.

  8. Fyi, the only three items I've seen built as openers on Kassadin at a high level are RoA, Morello's and Hextech GLP-800. I would compare those three and just pick the one you think is best.

  9. While I do believe Ionians and Sorcs are both viable on Kassadin, it would make more sense to me to run 6 scaling CDR glyphs to free up your boots and only run Ionians if you're not going to reach the cap without it.

  10. Abyssal Scepter is something that will be necessary in a number of matchups (or at least an early Negatron Cloak). That needs to be obvious from your cheatsheet. It's probably also worth finishing it before Lich Bane in cases where you need the MR for lane phase. Obviously finish RoA first.

  11. I'll give you some example of strong Kassadin builds. I'll try and include Lich Bane since you seem to like it.

    • RoA - Ionian - Abyssal - Lich - Void - Deathcap (Sorcs + Zhonya instead of Deathcap would also work if you want Zhonya)
    • RoA - Ionian - Lich - Zhonya - Void - Deathcap (seems like the best greedy build if you don't need Abyssal's MR. Can get Zhonya before Lich if necessary)
    • Morello - Sorcs - Abyssal - Zhonya - Void - Deathcap (you wouldn't run CDR/lvl with this setup and it gives a lot of defense and burst damage, just no Lich Bane proc)

  12. Rylai's is trash on Kassadin. You have multiple (better) options for survivability and you already have a slow and a ton of mobility. Zero point in wasting gold on Rylai's.

  13. Gunblade is also trash for similar reasons. 40 AD is also pretty awful on a champion with no AD scalings. If you have time to repeatedly auto someone, you're going to win that fight no matter what you buy anyway. Just buy burst or defense instead.

  14. Luden's and Liandry's are decent items but I really don't see Kassadin buying them over other options.

  15. I'm not sure if Banshee's is ever worth it. I could see Guardian Angel being worth it, but even then I'd probably rather play with RoA+Abyssal+Zhonya and try and play around hourglass active.

  16. Kassadin is going to be shoved under tower the entire early game and post 6 he can use ult to get to other lanes faster. I don't think Mobility boots are ever worth it. If I had to add a third boot option, I'd pick Mercs.

  17. I don't see Fresh Blood outperforming other options. It's mostly an early game mastery since it scales terribly and you won't be autoing enemies early game. Feast is safer. The rest of the masteries look good.


  1. While I appreciate having a cohesive color scheme, the purple text is really awful to look at. Change it to something less offensive (the default grey is fine) and use headers and other graphics to carry your color scheme.

  2. I wouldn't list dmg to towers as a Pro since Kassadin is a melee and will therefore get far fewer opportunities to hit the tower at all. Compare that to someone like Ziggs or TF, who can actually push and threaten towers from very early in the game.

  3. Quite frankly all your Cons suck except "weak early game" perhaps:
    • Kassadin has pretty average defensive stats and his Q and passive protect against magic dmg.
    • Every mana-using-mage is useless without mana, so he's not special there.
    • Weak wave clear is a little bit true I suppose, though that's largely because you max E last. He still has better wave clear than a number of other mages.
    • "Easily Kited" is just ridiculous since you just said yourself in the Pros that he has a strong slow and a spammable Flash.
    • Finally the Weak Duelist point seems weak at best because he's a burst and cleanup champion. It's not super wrong to say he's weak in 1v1s, but it seems like it's more deceiving because you can certainly win fights without help as long as you're farmed and picking the right times to fight.

  4. I have no idea why Ghost is in the summoner spells section. It's been a really popular mid lane pick (in addition to Flash, not in place of it) and Kassadin still never picked it up. Ignite and Teleport are far better for their slot and Flash is irreplacable. Flash+Riftwalk is super hard to react to or escape, and neglecting to take Flash will leave you a sitting duck to early jungle ganks. Besides, Kassadin has enough mobility to outpace most champions even without Ghost.

  5. I said your masteries were fine (especially since you're going Lich bane + W max 2nd) but just fyi there are some high elo Kassadins (including Faker) who are taking Deathfire Touch. Might be worth looking into anyway.

  6. I don't know if I fully agree with a few statements you make about matchups. You seem to imply that all matchups are skill matchups and that the more challenging ones are just ones that you have to play safe in. e.g. "The only way you're going to lose lane is if you incorrectly evaluate the situation."

    I would honestly say Kassadin should lose lane in most cases. If you have a particularly easy matchup (like Lissandra maybe), you get more free farm and can pressure them earlier than normal. In general though, you're trying to get as much farm as possible without dying pre-6. In fact I think on average you're most likely to "lose" lane (or go even hopefully) and then push and roam rather than trying to win 1v1. Maybe you don't agree, or maybe you do and I just feel you could do a better job of making that clear in your gameplay advice.

  7. It's false that Kassadin can't split-push well. Generally you need TP (or to be in the lane pretty close to your team) to make sure you don't miss out on fights, but Kassadin is a great option for pushing out side waves. He's one of the slipperiest champions in the game. If you want you can think of him as less of a Yasuo/Riven (where you 1v1 your opponent and take tower) and more of a Maokai/Poppy (where you are tough to kill and use lane pressure to look for teleport advantages).

  8. I'd also say Kassadin is more of a roamer than a team fighter. His 5v5 is okay with Zhonya's but other mages tend to do more than him 5v5 unless the fight is really scrappy and divided.

  9. I think I agree with your team fighting section but I'm not 100% sure. Kassadin doesn't play like an ADC, he plays like an Assassin. Focusing frontliners early is fine, but what you should be looking for is major cooldowns being blown or people moving out of position (or the frontline moving too far away from their backline). Waiting for the right time to dive in and kill a carry can sometimes mean killing some time by hitting tanks, but more often you're actually more useful waiting in a flank position so you can either capitalize on their backline extending or at least zone them from participating if they're going to hold all their spells. Just hitting a tank is often the least productive thing you can do.

    Also worth noting that there is a big difference between hitting a tank (like Maokai) and hitting a diver (like Lee Sin or Riven). Hitting melee damage threats, even if they're kinda tanky, is a lot more important than hitting a full-tank.

Anyway I know that's a lot of stuff to go through so just take what's useful to you and hopefully that helps you improve your guide. You don't have to go through and respond to every point. If you have any questions about anything in my review feel free to ask. Happy writing! :)
Lasoor (29) | February 9, 2017 12:14am
but just letting you know that scaling HP seals are super strong and popular on pretty much all solo laners

I'll try that out and if I like it I'll suggest that option in the Runes section or possibly change to them altogether. The reason I grab flat Health is because Kassadin rushes Rod of Ages which gives him health so he only really needs the extra health boost early game.

I would break up your two starting item options into different Purchase Orders to be a little more clear. Worth noting that Faker seems to like starting Dark Seal + Refillable Potion on Kassadin. You can upgrade to Corrupting Potion on your first back. Seems pretty solid. Also worth noting he runs Teleport while doing this.

I got notes for the starter items that explains when to get each one but I will think about adding different build paths to clarify more.
As for Dark Seal that is definitely a viable option and I will include it. I just personally don't use it because I only like to take it if I plan on upgrading it. My build doesn't have much room for it imo. I'll start experimenting with it more to see what works before I recommend it.

The items in the cheatsheet in general are a little messy and could use some simplification. You want to make it as easy as possible for people to understand what to build at a glance. For example, if you build RoA and Lich Bane almost every game, you don't need to keep repeating them in the cheatsheet.

I don't know about this. For me when I look at a guide I like seeing examples of final builds for different game play types so I can just look at that when I am playing the game. If you separate the core items it just seems a bit more confusing because then there are different areas to look at. My builds available are also just suggestions for each type of build you'll need. I welcome players to make their own builds using my suggested offensive and defensive items as a guideline.

You can live without Deathcap if necessary, but mages should have a Void Staff in every build. Lots of melees gain MR per level and also run MR glyphs, so it's extremely likely that at least one enemy will have a non-negligible amount of MR. Void staff doesn't suffer from the same restriction as Last Whisper, as VS still penetrates base stats. The only question should be when to get void staff, not if.

Deathcap is certainly not a requirement. I view that as a luxury item, however certain builds for Kassadin make great use of it which is why I show how to fit it in. Void Staff is certainly a great item, but I don't think it should be taken every time. If the enemy is actually building MR then it should be taken, but there are cases where other items are more useful which is why I don't view it as a core item. My Items section points out that if the enemy builds MR then you buy Void Staff.

Speaking of when to get Void, generally 4th or 5th item works well (including boots). Your Main Build seems pretty decent other than Void staff being built too late.

Perhaps I just don't value it enough. I'll try building it in different orders and test the difference.

Morellonomicon is one of those items that should be built early or not at all. If you're not building it in place of RoA, there are better items to buy mid-game. Lost Chapter is super strong in lane and in general, sustain items tend to be much more important early on. Decide whether Morello's makes the cut or not and be clear about when to build it.

You might be right, however the reason I say to grab the item isn't for mana sustain. It is for dealing with enemy health sustain. However I do feel grabbing Lost Chapters early and then holding on to it until you get Rod of Ages and Lich Bane would be beneficial. What would you say about that?

While I do believe Ionians and Sorcs are both viable on Kassadin, it would make more sense to me to run 6 scaling CDR glyphs to free up your boots and only run Ionians if you're not going to reach the cap without it.

Possibly, I will try that out. So would you say it is better to try and use Sorceror's Shoes?

I'll give you some example of strong Kassadin builds. I'll try and include Lich Bane since you seem to like it.

RoA - Ionian - Abyssal - Lich - Void - Deathcap (Sorcs + Zhonya instead of Deathcap would also work if you want Zhonya)
RoA - Ionian - Lich - Zhonya - Void - Deathcap (seems like the best greedy build if you don't need Abyssal's MR. Can get Zhonya before Lich if necessary)
Morello - Sorcs - Abyssal - Zhonya - Void - Deathcap (you wouldn't run CDR/lvl with this setup and it gives a lot of defense and burst damage, just no Lich Bane proc)

I'll try these out and see how they work. A main thing to point out though is that this guide is about playing Kassadin an unusual way so a lot of the things I do in game will probably differ from the Kassadin players you're used to. Maybe I'm wrong, but when I first started playing Kassadin I looked up a lot of guides and they were far different than the strategy I came up with. So far my strategy is working for me a lot better. Less roaming, less chasing down low health enemies, more farming, and more team fighting. I certainly won't make the claim that either strategy is better, this is just the one that works for me so I thought I'd share it.

Rylai's is trash on Kassadin. You have multiple (better) options for survivability and you already have a slow and a ton of mobility. Zero point in wasting gold on Rylai's.

I agree that it is pretty bad on him. In the items section I explained that you basically only pick it to annoy your enemies by keeping them in one place basically. I'll probably remove it from the cheat sheet and leave it on the items section so people who don't read the guide don't mistake it as being a good item to get.

Gunblade is also trash for similar reasons. 40 AD is also pretty awful on a champion with no AD scalings. If you have time to repeatedly auto someone, you're going to win that fight no matter what you buy anyway. Just buy burst or defense instead.

This is just an option for the hybrid Kassadin players. It's not something I use and I made that clear in items section. But I do feel it is a must if you want to build AD and AP Kassadin, but you'll need other items with it. I only provided two that would work together.

Luden's and Liandry's are decent items but I really don't see Kassadin buying them over other options.

They are worth getting in some cases. But rarely needed. They are options to help counter certain enemy team comps or strategies.

Kassadin is going to be shoved under tower the entire early game and post 6 he can use ult to get to other lanes faster. I don't think Mobility boots are ever worth it. If I had to add a third boot option, I'd pick Mercs.

Using ult for roaming is an issue because you're draining your mana and there is a chance you'll run into the enemy with it on cool down and die as a result. It is generally best to keep it up. Mobility Boots is a great item for people who want to roam around a lot for kills because it keeps them from losing too much time and falling behind.

Also I disagree with you saying he is shoved under turret post 6. In many match ups he is, but even difficult match ups he can often push the enemy back and get a kill before level 6, especially with clever use of Flash and Ignite. He actually ties many match ups before level 6, even when up against kite, if he plays smart. Which allows him to grab CS even when the enemy is trying to stop him. However this is more difficult to do when you don't have Corrupting Potion which is an item I've been taking a lot more lately as my first item as it allows me to out sustain most enemies easily. He is definitely at a disadvantage without his gap closer, but his kit still offers him the ability to survive in lane without just being under tower until level 6. Farming under tower can be a nightmare for him if his opponent pokes, so if it can be avoided then it should.

I don't see Fresh Blood outperforming other options. It's mostly an early game mastery since it scales terribly and you won't be autoing enemies early game. Feast is safer. The rest of the masteries look good.

Feast is an option, however point of Fresh Blood is because when you go in your goal is to deal as much damage as possible and then get out, this increases your burst potential.

While I appreciate having a cohesive color scheme, the purple text is really awful to look at. Change it to something less offensive (the default grey is fine) and use headers and other graphics to carry your color scheme.


I wouldn't list dmg to towers as a Pro since Kassadin is a melee and will therefore get far fewer opportunities to hit the tower at all. Compare that to someone like Ziggs or TF, who can actually push and threaten towers from very early in the game.

The strategy of this guide is focused on farming and playing defensively unless the enemy makes a mistake, then you take advantage. You never recall before enemy unless you absolutely have to. This means you'll have plenty of opportunities to hit the enemy's tower unless the jungler covers turret. I'd consider it a pro because the speed at which he can drain a tower keeps him relevant as a tower pusher throughout the game, not just early game. Late game he can almost take out a inhibitor tower is about 4 hits. Each hit looks like a Nasus Q.

"Easily Kited" is just ridiculous since you just said yourself in the Pros that he has a strong slow and a spammable Flash.

His gap closer doesn't do anything against a true kiting champion like Quinn, Vayne, Ezreal, or Ashe. There's only so much he can do when the enemy can just dash away or slow him down while orb walking. Especially if the enemy has proper peel. He can often still kill the target, but it will result in most of his health being gone in most cases. He is best when not being targeted by the enemy ranged champions which is why I say not to rush the enemy back line without your team.

I have no idea why Ghost is in the summoner spells section. It's been a really popular mid lane pick (in addition to Flash, not in place of it) and Kassadin still never picked it up. Ignite and Teleport are far better for their slot and Flash is irreplacable. Flash+Riftwalk is super hard to react to or escape, and neglecting to take Flash will leave you a sitting duck to early jungle ganks. Besides, Kassadin has enough mobility to outpace most champions even without Ghost.

Ghost makes Kassadin a nightmare to deal with. There isn't much the enemy can do when there is someone with a spammable gap closer rushing at you with high speed. And you said it yourself, you're under tower post 6 so he doesn't need Flash as his escape if ganked. If they tower dive him he can use Ghost to turn the fight in his favor and pick up a kill. I personally still prefer Flash, but Ghost is certainly an option for players to consider and try out. It is more so meant for the mid-late game though.

I said your masteries were fine (especially since you're going Lich bane + W max 2nd) but just fyi there are some high elo Kassadins (including Faker) who are taking Deathfire Touch. Might be worth looking into anyway.

My Masteries section pointed out that Deathfire Touch is a viable option. Personally I see it as a preference thing. Deathfire Touch is really good for out trading early game, but once I get my ult I want the extra burst of Thunderlord's Decree . Either way I see both keystones and great choices. Also lets be honest, there's no way I'll ever be on Faker's level so his way of building will likely not work as well for me.

I don't know if I fully agree with a few statements you make about matchups. You seem to imply that all matchups are skill matchups and that the more challenging ones are just ones that you have to play safe in. e.g. "The only way you're going to lose lane is if you incorrectly evaluate the situation."

Perhaps I'm wrong, but that's how it feels to me. I have yet to face a common mid lane champion that wasn't a challenge to overcome, especially post level 6. It always takes a lot of constant outplay to keep ahead of most match ups. I view Kassadin as a high skill outplay champion because his kit takes a lot to pull off and unless you're constantly trying your hardest you can be beaten easily even when ahead. But when you're good with him you can dominate a game. Take Viktor for example. Even if you kill him 3 times without dying to him once he will still be able to deal enough damage to beat you if you make one wrong step, because just 1v1ing him is insanely difficult. Kassadin is not a duelist, he can't take much damage yet he has to go in melee range, often putting his main escape on cool down in the process. So every move he makes needs to count so by time his ultimate is back up he can either escape with a won trade off or finish the enemy for a kill. But this guide is focused on staying in your lane until you take out enemy tower or lose yours. This guide's strategy isn't reliant on roaming and because of that you need to play even better to prevent your death. I recommend that new Kassadin players using this guide stay near their tower and play safe because they will likely not pull off what they need to in order to win lane. I personally win lane nearly every time I play, but that is because I know how. When I don't win late I still don't lose it and I keep them from roaming.

It's false that Kassadin can't split-push well. Generally you need TP (or to be in the lane pretty close to your team) to make sure you don't miss out on fights, but Kassadin is a great option for pushing out side waves. He's one of the slipperiest champions in the game. If you want you can think of him as less of a Yasuo/Riven (where you 1v1 your opponent and take tower) and more of a Maokai/Poppy (where you are tough to kill and use lane pressure to look for teleport advantages).

Split pushing as a duelist is not very smart on Kassadin. He will lose most 1v1s unless he is ahead or really good. If enemy sends multiple then he has to flee. The best way to split push with Kassadin is to back off before enemy gets there and wait it out while farming in jungle. Then go right back to pushing, this wastes the enemy's time. Kassadin is only good as a split pusher if he maxes E second, otherwise you normally will only do it when you're behind so you can still be useful to your team. My guide is more focused on team fighting as Kassadin rather than split pushing.

I'd also say Kassadin is more of a roamer than a team fighter. His 5v5 is okay with Zhonya's but other mages tend to do more than him 5v5 unless the fight is really scrappy and divided.

What makes him a great team fighter is the fact that as soon as the fight starts he can just burst the enemy down, back out, and repeat. Each time he does it he can kill an enemy or almost kill one. His burst damage is highly useful in a team fight and focusing him down is very difficult if you play smart because like you said, he's slippery. It isn't easy for the enemy to take him down. Especially if he has Zhonya's Hourglass. Roaming is viable, but again this guide is focused on a different play style. Roaming as Kassadin never really worked for me as much. I found that I fell behind easier, died more, and did less. In a team fight I normally carry and at end of game deal far more damage than my teammates.

I think I agree with your team fighting section but I'm not 100% sure. Kassadin doesn't play like an ADC, he plays like an Assassin. Focusing frontliners early is fine, but what you should be looking for is major cooldowns being blown or people moving out of position (or the frontline moving too far away from their backline). Waiting for the right time to dive in and kill a carry can sometimes mean killing some time by hitting tanks, but more often you're actually more useful waiting in a flank position so you can either capitalize on their backline extending or at least zone them from participating if they're going to hold all their spells. Just hitting a tank is often the least productive thing you can do.

Everything you just said is true, however I feel players should figure this stuff out as they're playing him. Meaning most people will move on an opportunity if they see it, but trying to tell them how to do more complex things like this can result in them doing it as the wrong time. If that makes sense. So I tell them to play more like an adc for your targeting so new players to Kassadin don't make riskier plays that lose them the game. Focusing on the closest target will often result in a victory because he can burst down most enemies, even tanks, quickly. Which helps his team massively. If he sees an opening in the enemy back line of course he should take it, and I feel like any player familiar with Kassadin would. I will be making videos to better show it, because I feel like explaining it in words would just confuse the readers.

However I don't think waiting in the flank position would be always the best way to do it. Can result in you being cut off from your team and focused down. You can often get in on the enemy's openings from the front lines with your ult + force pulse, + Flash if needed. Only time you'd do this is if there was actually an opening. The flanking way of playing is how a roamer would do it though.
PsiGuard (1495) | February 9, 2017 5:26pm
Lasoor wrote:
You might be right, however the reason I say to grab the item isn't for mana sustain. It is for dealing with enemy health sustain. However I do feel grabbing Lost Chapters early and then holding on to it until you get Rod of Ages and Lich Bane would be beneficial. What would you say about that?

A long long time ago people went RoA and Morello's in the same build (I think it was before the Athene's rework when Morello's was built on like everyone and was super cost-efficient). It's probably okay but I haven't seen anyone do it in a long time. It seems more like people split into two styles - tankier with RoA or more damage with Morello's with not much overlap.

Also I don't think you need to change your build to deal with a Vlad or something if you are fine with running Ignite. If you do want to go Morello's it's probably best to just go straight into your next item (probably Abyssal or Lich).

Lasoor wrote:
Possibly, I will try that out. So would you say it is better to try and use Sorceror's Shoes?

I would just say decide which stat you value more (the CDR + summoner cdr or the magic pen) and be consistent. If you're going for burst damage you'd want sorcs. A lot of players seem to prefer the CDR if they're not going Morello's in order to hit 40% by late game. I don't think it's a bad thing to say "nah, I'm going to get every ounce of damage I can and sacrifice some CDR" but then be consistent about it.

Lasoor wrote:
I'll try these out and see how they work. A main thing to point out though is that this guide is about playing Kassadin an unusual way so a lot of the things I do in game will probably differ from the Kassadin players you're used to. Maybe I'm wrong, but when I first started playing Kassadin I looked up a lot of guides and they were far different than the strategy I came up with. So far my strategy is working for me a lot better. Less roaming, less chasing down low health enemies, more farming, and more team fighting. I certainly won't make the claim that either strategy is better, this is just the one that works for me so I thought I'd share it.

I actually kind of like this about your guide, but in order to convince anyone who knows something about Kassadin (I mean in terms of meta setups), you need to make your case really strong. I think the core of your setup is the emphasis on Nether Blade and Lich Bane procs. Your build rewards you for getting in melee range of targets but gives you less survivability and poke compared to traditional Kassadin builds which can skip the Lich in favor of an early Zhonya's or something.

I think this is a pretty strong case to make. Also to be frank, if you're not having success roaming with this build, you should probably practice more. Lich Bane makes Kassadin a lot stronger 1v1 compared to something like Zhonya's which is much more useful in big 5v5 fights.

Using your own experiences to shape your style of build and playstyle is good, but I think to pull that off you need to cut out everything else that doesn't make sense. Stuff like Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Hextech Gunblade and Ghost just makes me feel like you don't know what you're talking about. I understand the temptation to include a lot of options to make people happy, but over the years I realized that the people who want to experiment with other stuff don't need your blessing to do it. Stick with a small, focused build and keep it consistent.

Lasoor wrote:
Perhaps I'm wrong, but that's how it feels to me. I have yet to face a common mid lane champion that wasn't a challenge to overcome, especially post level 6. It always takes a lot of constant outplay to keep ahead of most match ups. I view Kassadin as a high skill outplay champion because his kit takes a lot to pull off and unless you're constantly trying your hardest you can be beaten easily even when ahead. But when you're good with him you can dominate a game.

I'm not trying to be elitist and I think you can make a great guide without much ranked experience, but quite frankly if you aren't being challenged in lane then you aren't fighting evenly matched opponents yet. You either need to play more Kassadin or play ranked to the point where you fight opponents that are equally skilled.

If anything, your consistent success with the champion should hopefully give you some motivation to bring him to ranked and see where you can go. I do think that once you play against more skilled mid laners, you'll start to see how vulnerable he is early compared to other champions and how you can make up for early deficits with timely roams.

Anyway that's not something I can really make clear with words. At the very least, I guess I'd say keep on playing Kass and keep an open mind to see what you can learn from how your opponents play against you.

I don't really have much else to add that I haven't already said so I'll leave it at that.
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