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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Threads of Vibration (PASSIVE)
Skarner Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
This troll can set up obstacles and slow you too much. Also his bite will help him to recover a lot of health wile he destroy your shield in no time.
When you gank and slow the enemy champion, trust me, this guy will thow him inside the line and smash him so he or she will have no escape...
When you gank and slow the enemy champion, trust me, this guy will thow him inside the line and smash him so he or she will have no escape...
Champion Build Guide
Top 4 Skarner Pros:
2. Powerful ganks thanks to slow and stun effects.
3. A lot of sustain.
4. Fast jungle clearing since early game.
Mandatory if you are the jungler. Why the Chilling Smite? Well, with Skarner full CC like Ixtal's Impact and Impale we will create a non escape option snowballing effect. |
This is the most useful spell. For better positioning in teamfights, good ganks by dodging something, for escaping and nice tricks. |
> > > | OK, let's start with the basics, the first 3 levels, we need Ixtal's Impact to clean the jungle. Then Seismic Bastion to have some sustain and a better mobility on the map. And at last but not least Shattered Earth to get some AoE and extra dmg. |
Then we max Seismic Bastion to increase Skarner mobility and his shield for more sustain. And finally we max Shattered Earth.
Of course, don't forget to raise Impale everytime you can!
As a result...
2. At lvl 2 raise Seismic Bastion and then run to the Crimson Raptor camp.
3. Now head to the Rift Scuttler and use your Smite on it. You should be full of heal now again, so look for potential close line ganks. Remember: It's not about the kill, it's about to create an opportunity for your liners to get a good chance of a better farming. If the enemy use Flash and/or have to go back it's perfect! Note: Remember to use Ixtal's Impact first to slow the target and then stun them with a basic atack to avoid any posible escape chance.
4. At lvl 3 raise Shattered Earth then go to the other Rift Scuttler to get some vision and heal, also try to reach lvl 4 by getting Greater Murk Wolf camp, Blue Buff and Gromp. Note: when you co to Gromp shot him with your Ixtal's Impact from inside of your Crystal Zone so you can get the bonus of Skarner passive Threads of Vibration and wait for him to come.
5. Now you should have $1335 in your pocket and lvl 4. Look for a potential gank if you want and go back after that or go back immediately to buy your first back items!
Note: It is very important for you to read the "Jungle Path" because this is a noncommon item build that is linked to it. But the most important thing, start with the red buff to get sustain.
- Why we don't use Trinity Force on this build?
- Why Stalker's Blade - Runic Echoes instead of Stalker's Blade - Warrior?
- Why Hunter's Talisman instead of Hunter's Machete?
NOTE: Make sure capture your Threads of Vibration all the time and ask for help to your teammates aswell.
GLACIAL AUGMENT: Skarner have a lot of slow and stun effects with his abilities. Now with Glacial Augment your basic attacks will slow champions too for 2 secs. this will take Skarner full potencial on every gank and team fight. There is no escape now... |
MAGICAL FOOTWEAR: Save some money and get +10 of extra movement speed. They will not have time to escape from you. NOTE: With the money you will save buy the Amplifying Tome in your first back. |
BISCUIT DELIVERY: The synegy that have this rune with Skarner is incredible. You will have a lot of sustain and increase your mana permanently. this will help you several times to gank lines without being worry about run out of mana easily. |
COSMIC INSIGHT: Skarner abilities restore in no time since early game. The enemy will be like "What? but he just use that ability a moment ago!" |
NIMBUS CLOAK: A perfect synergy with Skarner Impale. When you use Impale, you will get +100 movement speed and you can pase through units also for 2.5 sec. It means you can pull champions out of their own turrets in no time without being worry about the minions on the way. NOTE: Use your Seismic Bastion to get your shield and raise your movement speed even more before you get into the turret. |
GATHERING STORM: Remember, this is a full AP brusier version of Skarner, so with this we will get the snowballing effect to increase your AP. And now you can start buying items like Kindlegem to increase your health and CDR. |
I will be updating this guide anytime if I find something useful, any helpful feedback is greatly appreciated!
This was Corvux. Follow the rabbit...
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