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One of the guys who got buffed. But still Darius gets the advantage if you play cleverly. Keep in mind his buffed healing and ult reset is broken
Will need a lot of help from Jungle if a Cho can ever think to keep up with you.
Dr. Mundo
Watch out for those damaging Qs. Other than that this matchup is certainly in your favor. Take Ignite if u just wanna break those teeth off.
After the Fiora buffs you shouldn't win lane without him making mistakes. The W is a thing you should keep a lookout for and watch out for that broken passive
A good GP won't massively lose to a Darius. His Teamfight potential is the massive threat as well as the fact that unless he effs up bigtime you'll always need to spend a summoner to kill him.
People think they are similar as a mediocre Garen and Darius player play similarly. His w buff may have made him a bit tankier but your Q buff certainly makes up for it. Don't miss your abilities and don't stay in his E for no reason. You should win this fight,
The champion poker in top lane. Watch for his Qs and go in when he is mega phase. His abilities as mega gnar is easy to dodge. Break him at that phase.
Arguably the only melee counter to the broken Conq Heca top. You win this one hands down.
Actually depends on the skillset of the summoners. Darius shouldn't win against Illaoi. But if you dodge her E, break her down and make sure her tentacles are always down. If she gets the control over the lane it is over.
One of my favorite matchups. An Irelia can scale into a stronger carry but Darius always stomps that. You have the advantage in laning phase and mid game. Use it. Dodge her stun and destroy her. Don't let her farm and stack passive.
Man will poke your eyes out and when you're low will all in with that massive hammer. Don't try to engage before 6 unless he makes a mistake.
Big daddy will always beat you late game. Must be clever to dodge that E and hit every Q. You can certainly beat him in laning phase and mid game. But after that if you can't end game early. It's over.
Man will beat you, poke you, shock you, and run away from you. Only advice is dodge those Qs and watch out for all ins.
Another match that completely depends on the summoner. Pre 6 he has a bit of advantage thanks to the bird. but after that you should watch out for his passive and as soon as it is down. Wreck him.
Darius counters Malphite plain and simple. But Malphite is a beast in team fights thanks to the ult and his tankiness.
Another tank another win. If he Ws you, he dead. But can easily create ganks for the jg so watch out a bit.
I don't actually like to face this champ after that Q buff. Late game will eat you up. And even in mid game he can beat the living hell out of you. Take help from jg. Don't let him stack. You don't want to face a 450 stack Nasus in 20 mins.
He can hurt you a lot before 6 but you should win after that. Watch out for his crazy ult in team fights and dodge his Qs.
Darius's Dad in lane. If you can dodge Qs you can kill him once or twice before 6. After that, it's all Olaf. Your E won't work on him thanks to his R. His W and high AS will tear Darius apart.
You should beat him as you can dodge all his abilities. Just don;t fight near walls. You'll get hurt a lot.
Will poke your eyes out with his Q. Don't engage before 6. After that it should be your match
Your everyday tank who can easily set up ganks and is a pretty well rounded champ. Keep in mind to stay away from obstacles as his e can wreck you.
Another badboy who keeps on poking. Timing your E when he tries to knockback is a guaranteed kill for you. Other than that stay behind and keep farming. He's got massive roam potential so help your team with MIA pings.
The Croc is the bully of the toplane. You miss your Q he will jump in do his combo and leave there is nothing to do about it. Hurt him before he hits 3 then try to keep on the pressure and get kill before 6. JG help is highly recommended.
Unless she is a great riven player you win this matchup hands down. Stay aggressive and you'll dominate before his item powerspikes.
He'll try to poke your health down with his E but as soon as he tries to Q. Jump in on him. Watch out for his heat meter though.
You're not supposed to win this lane. All in after level six. Try to dodge his Qs and take tenacity.
Not a Meta champ currently
Can be risky as this guy is a slippery little toad
My man sion is not currently meta but is still dangerous. Watch out for combos otherwise it's a Darius match
The crowman can't handle the might if he misses E and you hit your Q. As soon as 6 go for the kill.
Little fiend is arguably the hardest poking champ Darius can face in top lane. As soon as 6 all in dude.
Non Meta but be careful as his passive gives him tons of sustain and ult shreds your armor.
Be a little careful after 6 and as the game progresses. But early stages it's your lane only
Try as you might his W buff will hurt you more. Try to go for short skirmishes then ll in when you can kill. urgot E is predictable, dodge it.
Teddy bear will hurt you so much you'll become shreded noxian steak. His W and cc with his passive gives him a massive edge
If he doesn't get kills you can hunt the monkey down and send him back to Yi's class.
I gave it a 3 as people don't usually understand this matchup. Pre 6 it's your game. Always dodge his E and when he ults focus on the maiden. It hurts more than Yorick.
After The Conq nerf and Darius buff we can say that the Hand Of Noxus is again rising to the top spot in the lane. The Conq nerfs hit the other bruisers more than Darius. So by using the little bit advantage a Darius can quite easily start climbing.
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