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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 22, 2016 9:09am | Report

I struggled a bit against Yasuo. That struggle was not helped by Rumble. He did a ?level 3? gank from the Mid river bush when Yasuo was on the other side of the minion wave. Ran through the minion wave and into the river bush on the other side chasing Yasuo. Ran into Ekko and almost died. He tried some other completely worthless gank on Yas a bit later. I'm like can you wait until I hit him with a charm or there is no minion wave around for him to dash to? Nope. Later I roamed to Bot lane to try and help them when their were being ganked. Rumble showed up too, but despite all our efforts their team was able to run back to their tower with no loss of life and somehow this ended up being my fault according to Rumble. So tilted Rumble got muted.

Fiora was doing pretty well against Vlad, but after Yasuo took my out tower he was able to roam around the map and snowball the other lanes.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 22, 2016 9:12am | Report

Not sure what is up. Seems like every time I go up a division I get the 3 teams that don't know their *** from a hole in a ground in a row. People still don't freaking cover the jungle unless I specifically ask them to and even then they do it in stupid ways that gets them caught or chunked so they have to back before going to lane. Drop a ward in front of you and retreat if you see a couple of people coming at you. In this case Malzahar and Tryndamere chunked Orianna for half her life, I think trying to get a ward in my jungle to see where I was starting. Later they came over to tag team my blue. I ended up burning Ghost but held onto my Smite and pinged them several times. Neither Orianna nor Olaf responded. I should have just given it up but I didn't and ended up giving up first blood so my bad on that.

They ended up getting the first two blues which miffed Ori. We need to have jungle control. Yeah we do, Ori. How about put out a pink ward and rotate when **** is going down.


Then their was the Lulu who bought a Spirit Visage instead of a Locket of the Iron Solari when they had a Malzahar on their team. I don't mind buying one as Skarner, but really...why would you not go Locket? Her ults were terrible as well. Way too early to be of any use. Freaking ult Olaf when he is in the middle of their team, not when we are all poking at each other out in the middle of Mid.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 23, 2016 6:17am | Report
Updated champion pool as of 7-23-2016

I've been playing some Graves jungle in normals and yeah I am going to add him into my pool. I feel comfortable playing him super aggressive early. E.g. If I know the enemy jungler gets low in their early clear, I feel like I can invade them and reliably set them behind with Graves which I don't feel like I can do with most of the other champions in my pool either because they are more of a scaling champion, their early sustain isn't great, or I just don't know their limits as well as I might. But a Q to the face and a couple of autos, especially if you are applying red buff is generally enough to kill off a lot of champions.

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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 23, 2016 6:37pm | Report

Should have dodge this one. Support pick starts by *****ing about getting support. J/K though. Fiora showing Ignite + Teleport. And support *****ing at me for not picking a tank. Dude I was showing Graves the whole time. Can I pick for team.? Yah, but so can you, who were showing Alistar, among other things.

Fiora feeds Riven 4 kills straight away, the DCs. Sveet!!!

And Miss Fortune spends the entire time griefing about the jungler not doing anything. Well, have a lane to hold against the super fed Riven. Kind of hard for me to do anything. Then when we were pushed into our base she was *****ing about me taking lane farm to put down the two streams of super minions we had running into our base. Sorry not going into the jungle with no wards against a team with a healthy amount of CC. Idiot.

I assume this was with respect to the MF. So yay for being informed that the reporting system is doing something.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 23, 2016 11:37pm | Report

The LP Gods giveth.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 23, 2016 11:44pm | Report

And the LP Gods taketh.

Our Leona's headphones apparently broke or came unhooked so they spent a good portion of laning phase trying to fix the problem which unfortunately ended up setting our Bot lane behind. Viktor was holding his own against Diana in Mid lane, but Tryndamere was having a lot of problems with Shen. That is an annoying match-up if you don't know how to play it as you can't fight him when he is standing in Spirit's Refuge. Their Kha'Zix was doing well and then their Diana got going and since none of my team was building MR she could pretty much straight wreck anyone in a 1v1. To be fair their team did a lot of good dog piling on catches. They had enough CC that you weren't getting away if they caught you out of position. I was definitely sad/irate that our support didn't use the active on Locket of the Iron Solari, ever. Even after I reminded them after one fiasco of a team fight.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 24, 2016 7:55am | Report

The early game was ugly. Fiddlesticks managed to take the first dragon at I would guess level 3 and then proceeded to gank the snot out of my team with quite a bit of success. With my laners behind. I just tried to farm until level 6 and start making plays. Despite Jinx suiciding a bunch trying to split push we managed to hold it together. Jinx even eventually got their Bot base turret and inhibitor though she died again in the process. I managed to catch Fiddlesticks out so we were then able to do baron in relative safety. Baron in hand we were able to get their other base turrets and inhibitors, which opened up Elder Dragon.

Twas a team effort but I ended up calling a lot of the shots in the sense of keeping my team out of fights when we were down a team mates as our successes seemed to come when we were all together rather than split up. Things like pinging them off of Elder Dragon with only 3 champion up. Without Jinx and myself their I knew they wouldn't be able to take it down in any reasonable amount of time plus the potential for a Smite steal by Fiddle or a snip by Jayce.

Felt good to have a comeback win with a team that worked together rather than screaming at each other over the slightest mistake or perceived mistake. E.g. Their team barrel down our Mid after they won a team fight. I went over and pushed out a side lane because their was no reasonable way for me to defend the turret or inhibitor. I told the team in chat what I was doing and they stopped pinging for me to try and defend.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 24, 2016 11:52am | Report

Classic soloscrew game. The *****ing about losing in champion select commences. Pantheon crushes his lane and is responsive on jungle invades. Then he starts intermittently DCing, which allows Malphite to farm and roam. Sion won't stay in lane with Miss Fortune, so MF is getting behind. Talon is winning his lane until he isn't anymore. Then team can't actually organize to have a team fight so we either get picked off one by one or start 3v5ing them and "oddly" losing those. Then everyone is complaining about each other. Yes, MFs positioning was not the greatest, but they have a Malphite and a Zac kind of hard to dodge all of that every single time. Funny I was actually going to pick Zac so we had some AP on your team, but since Fiddlesticks is basically my only other AP option besides Diana. who I didn't think was quite as good of a fit, so I went with Fiddle.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 24, 2016 12:45pm | Report

Yay, a reasonable amout of coordination and no DCs! Lanes were either break even or winning, sometimes with my influence on the situation. I deleted Vayne pretty much every time I got in range of her. Don't steal my Blue Buff punk!

On the negative side of things, my LoL client of late has been exhibiting graphical glitches from time to time and sometimes crashing. So far this hasn't happened when I've queue for a ranked game, only after, but it is getting worrisome.

Going to check my graphics card driver to make sure it is up to date.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 25, 2016 5:36pm | Report

Orianna played very well to the point of picking up a triple kill in a rather chaotic fight and since I was in the middle of all that causing damage that wracked up the same amount of assists for me. Cassiopeia had some trouble with Wukong early as I expected since she is a squishy mage and he does a rather large amount of burst damage early in the game, but with some help from me she was able to start 2v1ing. I caught Sejuani invading my Blue buff and we were able to chase her down and kill her. Over all a fairly methodical game with spates of action.

Would have liked to have taken Dragon sooner. I think the first one that got taken might have been 15-20 minutes in the game, with them getting the first one and our team getting the second two.

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