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In-depth explanation about new metagame?

Creator: GodKiIlThemAll December 19, 2014 6:08pm
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utopus's Forum Avatar
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 24, 2014 12:47am | Report

1. What is the current meta about? I see a lot of Lissandra appearing in competitive matches. She's indeed strong in laning phase as well as big fights but what really made her return to the scene after more than one year being called "not fit in the meta"?

The current meta is quite dynamic - Teams don't need to always follow one strategy to win. I've noticed several trends though. For instance, the top laner is usually someone who can bully the opposing laner, has good team fight CC, and is quite tanky. Additionally, the mid lane tends to favor champions with at least 2 of the 3: high burst, good catch potential, and high mobility.

2. I see Elise coming back, not so strong but she still does a fine job in jungle. Before that Elise completely disappeared due to the critical nerfs on Cocoon and Rappel, besides, Elise's level 6 is not as effective as Lee Sin, Jarvan IV's or Pantheon's. Why do people start bringing her back again?

People are starting to realize that even though the preseason jungle changes have made it a lot safer for laners during the very early game (pre-3 minutes), it is still really important to have junglers that can gank well, duel well, have high mobility, and have high early game damage. Sure, elise's nerfs did hit her hard, but she still has tremendous early game presence.

3. Poke teams ( Jayce, Corki...) are still very strong and very hard to deal with. It's also pretty hard to force them to fight because they always have some sort of movement speed boost ( Janna's passive, Jayce's Acceleration Gate...) to avoid fights. What are the strong counter picks to these kinds of teams?

Champions with hard engage, or champions that can catch and nuke champions easily. Rengar and Syndra are really good examples of this, but other champions like LeBlanc and Zed can sometimes flank successfully and make a good pick on a champion, provided that they have vision control. Something that poke teams have always been effective with is bullying teams out of defending their Tier 3 and Tier 2 turrets, and is considered to be one of their greatest strengths.

4. Top lane is now dominated by Maokai Rumble, Irelia, Lissandra and lately, Poppy. I like the fact that Poppy's coming back, such an interesting champion! How does she do in the match-ups versus those 4 champions? The latest match I watched was Poppy vs Rumble where Rumble completely made Poppy's life a living hell on top lane.

I haven't played enough poppy to give you a good answer. Tbh i think that it's just outplaying more than anything else.

5. Still about poke teams, but it's Ziggs. His poke is very strong, good AoE, but why do people don't use him much?

Bouncing Bomb detenation AoE got nerfed hard a couple patched back, and that really gutted him. With so many champions favoring high mobility, burst champions, it can be quite hard for ziggs to farm safely in lane without getting bursted. Additionally, he doesn't have a whole lot of mobility. It's quite easy to gank him, compared to someone like LeBlanc or Azir

Hope that helps; that's just my 2 cents
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Thanks for the sig, MissMaw!
GodKiIlThemAll's Forum Avatar
Dec 19th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 5, 2015 3:14am | Report
Well thanks a lot for the helps.
I'm pretty busy lately and now I'm back with few more questions.

1. Sejuani is raising, not so rapidly but she's appearing in tournaments for a few times and Diamondprox is an example. Obviously, it's because of her recent buffs. But which champions are really good to go with her? I've watched some matches but it seemed that she wasn't used right. I think Janna, LeBlanc are quite good. Please give me some thoughts.

2. Nunu & Willump has been picked for a few times, Thinkcard of CLG is an example. Nice jungle clear with Consume, Blood Boil can be used to boost ADC's attack speed like Caitlyn, Jinx, Vayne very well. But is there any other use of this champion. He has zero pressure early game, the slow from Ice Blast is not enough to threaten enemies, especially high mobility champions. Absolute Zero is very easy to dodge. And lately, EDG picked Nunu against WE, EDG had Ezreal as ADC but Nunu & Willump wasn't helping Ezreal because obviously Ezreal didn't depend so much on attack speed? In a word, he was completely useless.
Savlonic's Forum Avatar
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Oct 10th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 9, 2015 12:45pm | Report
1. Sejuani provides incredible CC, so depending on damage you're getting out of your bot lane you could just opt for even more CC on top of it, or burst for the duration of Glacial Prison. Orianna is always a fantastic option, Lissandra comes to mind again. Then any hyper carry as well.

2. Nunu & Willump + Ezreal is pretty garbage, His early pressure is pretty poor gank wise, but a good Nunu & Willump can counter jungle and attempt to set back the opposing jungle as much as possible, not to mention secure earlier dragons and barons than other jungles. He's not in the top tier of Lee Sin and Elise, but he's still pretty good if you can control enemy jungle through vision and keeping his camps empty/scum bagged. Also I feel the purpose of Absolute Zero is more so oriented to zone, for example you're in a corridor of the jungle and the enemy is trying to dive to your ADC, you start channeling it to slow them, and intimidate them enough to back off, if they don't back off they take a giant chunk of their health unless they interrupt you themselves.
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