Nidalee - Olympic Gold Medalist Guide <-- Recently Updated
What People Look For In a Guide
Thanks to jhoijhoi for this amazing sig
What People Look For In a Guide
First ranked game with Lux :o
About a 40 minute long game. I started mid against morg, and she was very good. We were both 0/0/2 or so until around level 14. At this point, I took advantage of my 600 AP and 3000 HP :3
Now I started picking up ult kills due to 40% CDR (24 seconds ftw).
Did I mention our Yi left halfway through? The other team was actually good, and their Soraka + Mordekaiser combo made meh sad. Our GP was a feeder and went 3/19, but we won because Rumble and I both got somewhat fed. Everyone else on my team had more than 5 deaths though :D
EDIT: Those custom games weren't against bots lol >_> they were ARAMs.
About a 40 minute long game. I started mid against morg, and she was very good. We were both 0/0/2 or so until around level 14. At this point, I took advantage of my 600 AP and 3000 HP :3
Now I started picking up ult kills due to 40% CDR (24 seconds ftw).
Did I mention our Yi left halfway through? The other team was actually good, and their Soraka + Mordekaiser combo made meh sad. Our GP was a feeder and went 3/19, but we won because Rumble and I both got somewhat fed. Everyone else on my team had more than 5 deaths though :D
EDIT: Those custom games weren't against bots lol >_> they were ARAMs.
Bought the Digital Collectors Pack. Decided to try Zil out first and see how fun he was.
I was able to save 3 people out of the 4 I ulted. The 4th decided not to die and kill Tryn first lol.
I was able to save 3 people out of the 4 I ulted. The 4th decided not to die and kill Tryn first lol.
Looool @ my match history
make it noted that I ****ing <3 Orianna, and that the Vayne game was an inhouse against Xaioli :D
make it noted that I ****ing <3 Orianna, and that the Vayne game was an inhouse against Xaioli :D
Thanks to TRUeLM, Plastictree, Scrax, Xiaowiriamu, foggy12, JahGFX, jhoijhoi, msrobinson, JEFFY40HANDS, Nyoike, MissMaw, and me :) for the sigs!
My recent ranked game with Twisted Fate, I died a lot but only because of my tower rape :]
Check out my youtube channel:
Amazing Janna game where, after my team said Janna was a terrible champion, I singlehandedly won. I leterally shielded all my teammates from dying, so the ending score was 31/11. It started out terrible, we got FB but then they got 6 kills when we had 2. However, me and GP dominated the twitch at top (lol) and took two towers. By the end, I was being loved by everyone and everyone wanted to have sex with me. The end.
Seriously though, I love Janna. And I don't know how it can even be conceived that she's bad.
(Btw, you jelly of my leave and several ARAM losses?)
Quadra kill with Alistar in ARAM. Again, I lose a ton of ARAMs. lol.
One of my favorite comeback wins ever. Noct got super fed and could 1v5 us early game, but eventually we came back after Orianna killed Nocturne, getting her 1000 gold. We were still getting screwed though. Minions were at our nexus and the last turret had 1 hp, but the inhibitor came up, saving the turret.
Later I got an epic ult, getting us 4 kills for the ace :3
(Thornmail + Galio ult is double awesome)
Later I got an epic ult, getting us 4 kills for the ace :3
(Thornmail + Galio ult is double awesome)
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This is what I have to deal with, I almost doubled the CS on anyone else in that game. This happens over 60% of my games :(