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Best lane & how to carry in SoloQueue, and...

Creator: sebas8181 May 20, 2014 9:56am
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sebas8181's Forum Avatar
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Nov 30th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 20, 2014 9:56am | Report
Hi people. I'm a LAN server player. Currently I'm unranked with 250 normal wins, and 2/3 wins on rankeds with caitlyn. I've been working on a champion pool where I can main or at least know 2 champions per lane. Atm I know very well this champions Shyvanna (top), Ahri+Ziggs (Mid), Vi (Jungle), Caitlyn+Jinx (Adc) and Leona+Annie (supp).

I think I'm better player than the average (unrankeds and maybe up to silvers). I know everybody says that, but in at least 70% of the games I am the one with less deaths and more kills or assists (as support) of my team and in 70-75% of games I win my lane. I'm also more objective oriented and less driveless than the average (I try to don't overextend). As top-mid-jungler-supp I have a very good warding (mostly as mid-supp). I have a decent farming (60-70 CS at 10min). I've played with some gold-diamond-platinum and made it good (don't loose lane/feed). But I have a major problem, and that is I'm still not able to carry games by myself.

I mean, I know that if you wanna be good, you must carrie games, but it seems impossible for several reasons. First, because I'm not THAT good. Second, I still don't dominate jungle position (which I think has the biggest impact on a team). Third, it's really difficult to help my team when they are like 2/8 or the support doesn't even ward (or buy wards in some cases).

So, what position/champs should I master to carrie matches?

Sorry for my long post and bad english. =)
Jack Rubino
Jack Rubino's Forum Avatar
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Feb 20th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 20, 2014 10:11am | Report
The most efficent positions to master to be able to carry games are mostly top mid and jungle. Adc could too, but it needs a good support, and support cant really carry since he stays most of the time on bot lane and his main role is to keep safe its adc and let it get kills. Junglers, as u said, are the ones who have the biggest impact in a game, and if u got a professional jungler the game can be a lot easier. Also mid and top(mostly mid, cause many tops are tank/tankish) are very good to it, cause got a lot of damage to deal, and if you do well enuff to roam top and bot from the mid and help your team to get some kills by ganks(even coordinated with the jungler if you can) its very helpful.
"Ah... delicious."
sebas8181's Forum Avatar
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Nov 30th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 20, 2014 11:05am | Report
I will explain some of my strenghts/weaknesses on each role. I will put an * on the champions I have some kind of knowledge. For the others I don't play them very much or haven't even touch them.


Champions Acquired: Shyvanna* Mundo Riven Garen MasterYi Singed Jax
Champions wanna buy: Jayce
How I feel here: I played a lot with shyv but she seem to be a bit nerfed right now. I think is bit boring and solitary lane, but 1v1 is a bit interesting. The problem is that with an succesful enemy gank I tend to feel really behind.


Champions Acquired: Ziggs* Ahri* LeBlanc Ryze Teemo
Champions wanna buy: Kayle Nidalee Orianna Brand Zed
How I feel here: My prefered champion of the game is Ziggs. It's just fun playing with him, but it seems that without a good team he's just so squishy to help in TF, and I don´t know how to properly roam with him. Ahri is a great midlaner and roams pretty well, but as an AP-assasin, I tend to die almost as much as I kill because I can't position right myself on Teamfigths (I kill the carry but die a second later). I like Orianna's kit and Nidalee seems strong at low elos.


Champions Acquired: Vi* Evelynn K6
Champions wanna buy: ¿?
How I feel here: Is my weakest position. I suck with eve (just 3 games played, too squishy and It´s really difficult to me clearing at low lvls) and I mostly bought K6 for this month skin discount (2 played games, too squishy, will be nerfed again soon). I have bad timings and warding, don't know how to counterjungle and my presence at lanes is not that good. But with Vi, I've been able to carry some games (and my KDA with her is good) and I really feel comfortable with her. I build her tanky, semi-tanky or fighter depending on the situation.


Champions Acquired: Caitlyn* Draven Varus Vayne
Champions wanna buy: Jinx*(I dominate her when she is free, just saving for other things since I'm not doing a lot of ADC lately).
How I feel here: This was my main role at the beggining. I like ADC but it's a team and support dependent role, so it's not very funny lately. My main is cait, but I tend to loose a bit on teamfights, must improve positioning with her. I really like Jinx, even without real escape, I feel she is less dependant from others, will buy her soon. Vayne and Varus were my first champions on the game, I would like to dominate Vayne some day. I bought draven but barely know how to use him, it's difficult to keep trace of the axes while 2v2 or 3v3.


Champions Acquired: Leona* Annie* Morgana Soraka
Champions wanna buy: Thresh Karma(?) Zyra Nidalee Braum(seems strong)
How I feel here: Lately I've been playing this role a lot. I thought it was boring but as ADC I got tired of having terrible supports(ks people, not even buying wards/eyesight, stealing farm), so decided to give it a try. It happens that is an underrated role at low elos, and pretty fun. It's great to make play that carry your carry. I have good games with leona, and with a decent ADC I always win lane and have great teamfights. Thresh and braum seem to be very similar. I'm more a tanky/poke than an utility/sustain support. On the other hand, I have good mid-late times with annie, since even with 2-3 supp items, she's like a second AP caster, but I have some trouble at laning phase.

Thanls for the comment Jack, and sorry for my extra-long post.
Mooninites's Forum Avatar
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Jan 25th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 21, 2014 6:55am | Report
Mid lane and Jungle are the easiest to carry from

Top lane is the hardest.

Just play what you're good at. I have no problem carrying from support. If you're good enough at a champion or role you can carry with it, even if your champ is out of the meta.

Stop worrying about what champs/roles are best for carrying and actually improve your gameplay so you get better. Thats the real way to carry in solo queue
Thanks for the Signature MissMaw!
Uuskilu's Forum Avatar
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Dec 12th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 23, 2014 4:49am | Report
I main Shyvana and top lane is my bread and butter so this is really biased but I think top lane is the easiest to carry from because with certain top laners (especially Shyvana) you can build very tanky and still have tons of DPS giving you the opportunity to take down at least two or three enemies before they can take you down. However I think that the ability to carry games is not derived from which lane/champ you use but how you use that role to your advantage in any given case I find that the best way to carry games isn't to just kill every enemy in sight, don't get me wrong it's a fun and good thing to do but what is more effective is roaming to assist your other lanes to help them get an advantage and win their lane,split push any chance you get, taking any objective that gives global gold (Towers & Dragon/Baron), if it's safe to do so take the buffs from the opposing jungle,split push, Ping and ward more than necessary to make sure that your teammates have at least decent map awareness, and if you are the majority strength on your team be sure stick with your team to gain an advantage in teamfights and small skirmishes.When you enter fights with teammates if you are already fed let your team take the kills so that they can become stronger and help you carry and try to keep any teammates a live so they can catch up but if all comes to worst and you are the strongest on your team be sure not to die because in certain cases its better to have you alive rather than a couple of your teammates simply because you have a higher chance of surviving in the long run if you are already ahead.
Thanks to The_Nameless_Bard for the epic sigpic

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Omnislash GG
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May 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 5, 2014 11:38pm | Report
As far as I understand it, top lane and support are difficult to carry from. If we are to consider the hardest, I'd say top. A lot of games are won in the bottom lane, and a good support can really set the tone for the whole match.

Best lane (in my opinion) is mid. You 1v1 (just beat your opponent), and can either gank top or bottom if you get ahead. You can also help control dragon, ward your own jungle, ward the enemy jungle, and can burst down their carries faster than anyone else can. Thing is, it's difficult to play mid reliably, since it's so popular.

2nd best is jungler, I think. As a jungler, you really have an impact on ALL of the lanes, and can pretty much pick and choose who you're going to get fed. You also are responsible for map control early on. These things make jungler really important, but also, they're what makes being a jungler difficult. However, because of the difficulty, jungler is not often picked, so you can pretty much jungle whenever you feel like it

So now, we have to choose. Do we want to main a role that we're probably rarely going to play (mid?) or do we main something we can pretty much always get that can still significantly impact the game (jungler)? So I feel that's pretty much the decision before you.
FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 6, 2014 3:01am | Report
Mooninites wrote:

Mid lane and Jungle are the easiest to carry from

Top lane is the hardest.

Just play what you're good at. I have no problem carrying from support. If you're good enough at a champion or role you can carry with it, even if your champ is out of the meta.

Stop worrying about what champs/roles are best for carrying and actually improve your gameplay so you get better. Thats the real way to carry in solo queue

This. Instead of worrying "what is best" go for "what am I better at/what do I prefer?". I've got a great score with support champions (kda and winning %) because I can make plays and I generally play them as secondary AP Casters, since that's what I'm good at: mages.
Pinks's Forum Avatar
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Feb 16th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 8, 2014 9:23am | Report
I main adc, but I agree that top lane is the easiest to carry with.
Champions like riven can dominate so hard in low elo.
Also, I climbed platinum to diamond on a smurf in a week by just spamming rumble top.
I believe bot lane is the hardest to solo queue carry in, then comes mid, jungle, and the best is top.
<Guide Critic>
Vynertje's Forum Avatar
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Jan 10th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 8, 2014 9:32am | Report
Mooninites is 100% right. Stop posting otherwise.
GrandmasterD's Forum Avatar
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 8, 2014 9:54am | Report
Vynertje wrote:

Mooninites is 100% right.

That sure is a first.
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