Champion Overview:
Fiora is a melle DPS champion capable of DPSing like an assassin in team fights if she can get a lead. She has strong early game thanks to her Riposte and can use that skill to beat out certain champions very hard. She loses to some of the FOTM champions in pure 1v1 fights in lane but if you have a strong CC jungler gank you can get a kill and snowball very hard. One of the scariest parts of Fiora is if she is allowed to farm or get kills she can CARRY a game hard if their carrys did not invest into a good amount HP.

Skills Overview:

Passive: Duelist- Fiora regenerates health over 6 seconds each time she deals damage. Striking champions will cause this effect to stack up to 4 times.

This passive will give you slight sustain in lane, you may not notice it but over the laning phase it could save you some pots. This passive will also heal a decent amount if you force a short trade (Which Fiora is good at)

Q: Lunge- Fiora dashes forward to strike her target, dealing physical damage. Fiora can perform the dash a second time within a couple seconds at no mana cost.
Fiora dashes forward to strike her target, dealing 40/65/90/115/140 (+60% attack damage) physical damage. Fiora can perform the dash a second time within 4 seconds at no mana cost. Cost 60 Mana. Range 600

The double dash is very useful, many fioras I see use this completely wrong and will just double tap the skill for damage. I CAN NOT STRESS HOW IMPORTANT USING BOTH DASHES EFFECTIVELY IS. Your first one will close the gap allowing you to damage and fight only use the second one when the stack for a second use is about to run out, or the enemy burns their escape. The damage on this skill is not high enough to make it an effective double tap, think of it as a utility gap closer.
Note: You can use this skill on a target and then dash to another target farther away effectively giving you a 1200 range dash, this is the only time you should double tap the skill.

W: Riposte-Fiora's Attack Damage is increased. When activated, Fiora parries the next basic attack and reflects magic damage back to the attacker. Works against champions, monsters, and large minions. Passive: Fiora's Attack Damage is increased by 15/20/25/30/35. Active: Fiora parries the next basic attack within 1.5 seconds and reflects 60/110/160/210/260 (+100% ability power) magic damage back to the attacker. Works against champions, monsters, and large minions. Cost 45. Mana Range 20

Passive AD is nice, and the effect is strong at all points in the game. You can block an enemy's auto trade in lane when they want to harass and reflect damage back at them. You can also block on next hit abilities (Damage, not the CC or bonus effect component.)
NOTE: With this you can block Gangplank's Q and Ezreal's mystic shot since they apply on hit effects.

E: Burst of Speed- Fiora temporarily gains additional Attack Speed. Each basic attack or Lunge she lands during this time increases her Movement Speed. Killing a champion refreshes the cooldown on Burst of Speed. Fiora gains 60/75/90/105/120% additional Attack Speed for 3 seconds. Each basic attack or Lunge she lands during this time increases her Movement Speed by 7/9/11/13/15% for 3 seconds, stacking up to 3 times. Killing a champion refreshes the cooldown on Burst of Speed. (Assists reduce the cooldown by half of the base amount.) Cost 55 Mana. Range 500

This skill is strong. It is a mini yi ultimate with a refresh effect and everything. And whats even better is that if you get a kill its a fully refreshed cooldown and with an assist its a half cooldown so in essence, you don't need to have the buff on to get the refresh. Also turn this on when you push an enemy tower it will drop FAST.

R: Blade Waltz- Fiora dashes around the battlefield to deal physical damage to enemy champions. Successive strikes against the same target deal less damage.
Fiora dashes around the battlefield striking random champions 5 times for 160/330/500 (+120% attack damage) physical damage. Successive strikes against the same target deal 25% damage. The first and last attack will be against the same target. Each strike applies on-hit effects.
Cost 100 Mana. Range 400

AMAZING ultimate. Does a lee sin kick damage to the target the first time they are hit, and will do the damage to them again over a few seconds if they are alone. You life steal while in this and since you also have a 1.2 AD ratio a bloodthirster gives you 2 good stats that work with your ult.In a team fight you will wreck the enemy squishy line with this if you can catch them away from tankier champions.
-You are untargettable while you are in this ultimate use it when the enemies look like they are going to focus you or when you can gib a squishy.
- you end up on the person who you target.
- If a champion goes stealth and there are no other targets around your ultimate is canceled.
-When getting dove under tower let the enemy champion hit you then ult, they will take damage from tower shots and your ult.


Q-E-Q (W whenever they hit you)
Your damage comes from auto attks mainly so there is no real skill combos.

(Ult after you do your initial harass combo if you wish to try and kill)


You win against most champions with oh hit effects but will lose to ranged poke champions (That are survivable).


Nasus (Block his Q and you are strong enough to deny him farm all day early on if you do not deny him he will grow stronger and wreck you.), Gangplank (Block his Q and destroy oranges dont make it K.), Garen (You wont kill him but you can farm and block all of his Qs and scare harder.), Irelia (Can block her Q and do more in an auto fight early, mid game she can beat you, but late you should be able to do your job in a team fight and win), Wukong (Block his Q beat his ***, note that you can ult when he does to negate his damage but he can decoy when you ult to cancel your ult.), Jarvan IV (Block his auto attk harassment and you are stronger in fights earlier on, zone him and avoid his skill shot harass and you win),and Riven (Block her Passive and you out trade her in Autos give her hell when her skills are on CD.)


Jax (He can block everything with his dodge even your ult.), Malphite (Atk speed and slow to hard, he wins trades and can poke you), Olaf (axe poke and true damage), Singed (All your moves force you to chase him -.-), Pantheon (Poke all day has a shield to block autos), Shen (hes shen), Yorick (Poke all day evry day), Teemo (pokes all day blind stops AAs),
and Poppy (Most poppys have massive armor and can out trade you, her Q is an on hit yes but it does magic damage meaning it wont be blocked)

Playing As/Vs

-Try and trade off frequently early on and last hit to sustain with your passive.
-Punish enemies who try and CS your passive will heal off the damage the minions will do.
-Play smart in teamfights, you are not the tank do not initiate go in when the ranged carry does.
-Learn to time your Ws that will be key in teamfights knowing which champions auto is coming and when to W to block it (Always want to block enemy AD carry autos)
-Do not use an ult that will put you in a bad spot( IE enemy flashes you under the turret and has CC)

-Get ninja tabi the 10% damage off all autos is a worth it investment.
-Lane as if your against an irelia, watch that she has nothing to double jump to you from, letting her last hit will result in sustain for her, and avoid her when her burst of speed is on
- If you deny her farm and prevent her from getting kills she wont scale into late game well.
-Try and bait her riposte and when its down hit her with your on hits typically the on next hit effect lasts longer then riposte does.

Big Item Choices:

- Bloodthirster- Works with your kit so well

- Last Whisper- Armor pen because with a fiora and an AD carry they will stack armor if their smart.

- Trinity Force- Good final item slow speed boost and an "artificial crit" after a skill.

- Maw of malmortious- Get this vs a team with more than 1 magic damage source save your ult until your about 20% then use it. Apocalypse.

- Infinity Edge- All your critting needs.

- Guardian Angel- 2 lives <3. good finisher if your high priority (fed or farmed)

Special case: Stacking Tiamats- This works if you have an AoE CC/bust team allowing fiora to be part of the AoE meta your ult will deal insane damage with this and make you rofl.

Solo Q:
Stomp you lane hard, carry to win the game. If you pick fiora, shes better picked later on as her role is very obvious. Vs squishy teams or teams that lack CC she will CLEAN HOUSE.

Ranked 5s:
Tell your team to play strong guard, buff, or lockdown champions. You can also tell you AD carry he does not need to be a late game AD he can be something like Urgot or Ezreal who win lane, and dont get typical builds.

This is My Top Facts Fiora, I hope this helped you to get a better understanding of a strong and underrated top laner if you have any tips, questions, or additions post in the comments below. I hope you found this helpful. Thank you and I hope you have Good luck in the Fields of Justice.

I plan on releasing these every day/other day until I get all of the top lane picks in the league if there are any requests leave in the comments below and ill work on them. I want to make this series for others to better understand the champions of top lane. Once I am done (Or once I have a few top facts out) I will release some Facts about top lane mechanics, eventually I will probably put everything into one generic top lane guide, however until I do that I will continue to watch and update my blogs as needed. Tips and tricks I missed under my Top Facts would be helpful if you put anything I don't have in the comments I will be sure to add it. Thank you and have a nice day:P