____ Heya, MobaFire :3 It's just me, giving you peeps an update of what I plan to do with my guides, how my journey to gold is going and just a general infodump of what's been happening in my life.

So onwards!

Season Three Guide Changes

Upon the release of the new Twisted Treeline map, I completely reworked my Summoner's Rift jungle Warwick guide. It is now a jungle TT WW guide. I have had mostly successes with Warwick in TT, with the odd lost game due to the enemy team having a superior team composition (Hecarim so broken in TT, PERMABAN). When the new masteries come out for S3, I will be updating the guide again. If there are any suggestions about my current set-up, I'm happy to discuss possible changes :)

I haven't updated my mid lane, Summoner's Rift Morgana guide in quite a while. Mainly because of two reasons: 1) Morgana herself hasn't changed much at all during Season 2, and 2) Morgana was mostly perma-banned in S2, so I didn't get a chance to play her often. With the S3 item/mastery roll-out, you'll see a complete rehaul of the guide. I'll be keeping Warlemming and Patch's comments, but I'll be rewriting a lot of it to be more consistent and coherent. Depending on the new items, and after play-testing, the build itself may be completely changed (though unlikely due to Morg's synergy with Zhonya's Hourglass).

About a month ago, I updated my Ashe guide to fit better with the current meta, dropping Heal from the cheat-sheet build in addition to adding back in a couple of Doran's Blades to accurately represent purchases in-game. With S3, I may or may not be altering the build to include some of the new items, such as the upgraded Manamune which will work with Ashe's toggle Frost Shot - it'll depend. I'll also be revising the Abilities section; upgrading it to my current manner of explanation.

:( Nasus, I love you so much. I loved you ever since I bought you as my second ever champion. Galactic Nasus was the first skin I ever bought, and I still adore the blue shine of it. However, I haven't played Nasus competitively since Season One, and halfway into Season Two. My guide was written literally... maybe 2 months before Dodge removal - dodge was pretty much the only reason Nasus could trade damage top lane. Since Dodge removal, my Nasus guide has faltered in popularity and that's because he's just not popular anymore. Once upon a time he used to be the most balanced champion in the game... Anyway, with the S3 roll-out, you may see this Top Lane Summoner's Rift Nasus guide turn into a Jungle Nasus guide. As Nasus is countered top lane by pretty much every champion, it's hard to play him anywhere but the jungle. I'll have to play test in the new jungle changes, but that's what I will probably be doing with my Nasus guide.

I've heard some really neat things about the upcoming item changes and new releases. One item in particular has caught my eye that could be viable on Vayne - the new Black Cleaver. I'll have to play-test it (they're removing the attack speed bonus, so is it still viable?) but you get the idea. The main item build may change. As I've only just recently updated the guide aesthetics and content, not much of my bottom lane ADC Vayne guide will change, besides items and masteries on the S3 patch.

My Guide to Making a Guide has helped thousands of MobaFire guide writers. I spent hours writing it, hours reading the comments, and hours responding to PMs about coding errors, trials and tribulations. I appreciate every single drop of praise and I bask in the radiance of the guides written with my coding templates. As such, I owe it to the MobaFire community to upgrade the guide. Yes, the coding hasn't changed. Yes, the information in it is still valid. Yes, I know I don't have to. But it needs an upgrade. With the S3 roll-out, I will update the guide to the current meta (ofc LifeSteal Karthus reigns supreme!), but you'll no longer see mentions of Fortify and such. This will be a HUGE under-taking, and it may take days to complete the overhaul. So please be patient, and I hope the rework will make the guide far easier to follow and utilise. Keep making guides, MobaFyrites!

My Ranked Journey

As most of you know, I've been trying to get Gold before the end of Season Two. LULS. It hasn't happened. There are a lot of excuses I can spout, both legitimate and illegitimate. Let's just say that, while I believe I deserve to be gold, perhaps that's not where my skill level lies. We'll see. I don't think I'll be able to get Gold before S3, but here's hoping.

Why do I want Gold? 3 reasons.
1) To get the Gold emblem on MobaFire (and thus have my guides featured as "High Elo").
2) There's been discussion in the Vet and Scout forums. With the arrival of S3, there may be a change to the Scout system here at MobaFire. It may be the case that Scouts can only be 1500 elo and above. We'll see.
3) Because. How can I be the only Vet at MobaFire without a Gold rating?! D: The shame of it :P (I know I'm not, but I'm definitely not going to wait around and be the last to get Gold!)

My Life, The Universe & Everything

So what have I been doing the last... few months? I've been uber busy with university, which means I haven't spent as much time on MobaFire as I used to...

Signature Store
For instance, my Signature Shop has suffered greatly - I haven't really tinkered with Photoshop in months. I'm not sure yet if I should revive the shop; whilst I enjoy making signatures and banners for people, I can take up to 10 minutes to 1 hour to make a signature, depending on how artist-blocked I am (similar to writers block). It's a time drain.

Guide Reviews
I haven't reviewed a guide in months either, and to those of you who have PM'd me asking for a review (in excess of 25+ since I stopped reviewing), I apologise for not being able to acquiescent to your request. Once my last exam for the year is over (luls, it's in two days, instead of studying, I've spent the last hour or so writing this blog 8D), I will be reviewing at least one guide a day. Most likely I will be reviewing the newly released guides to give the users some feedback :)

League of Legends Specific
Patch and Warlemming are still gaming (though getting tired of LoL), my dad is now level 30 and actually has the Honourable Opponent badge (go dad!), and my sister still adamantly refuses to play LoL unless coerced. I play LoL every now and then, but I think my skills are slipping due to less practice.

Personal Stuffs
I'm great. I've been a little tired lately, probably due to stress about this upcoming exam, but meh, I'll get over it. I've started reading the Wheel of Time series, and I'm up to book 7 - taking a break to study meant that I just stopped reading and procrastinated in other ways (like this blog, lol). I've been making a concious effort to drink 3L of water every day (hard to do), but still snack on stuff. Yesterday I baked some Milo cookies, which were delicious D:

But yeah. That's pretty much all I have to say :3 Thanks for reading if you did manage to sludge through all that :D

In conclusion...

Until next time, MobaFire. In the meantime got any comments, questions or queries? Surprised by the changes I'm going to be making to my guides? State your opinion in the comment section below :) Or if you're really bored, you could nominate the next champion I should write a guide for! ... or even review one of my guides 8D

- jhoijhoi <3