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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 11, 2016 8:19pm | Report

Match History

This one turned epic. 4 Barons and 6 Dragons. Done with ranked after that one. Maybe even time for bed. I farmed. I killed things. Had lots of trouble getting to Lucian since he can dash away all time when he has sufficient CDR from building crit with Essence Reaver. Thought for sure we could end it once we had the fifth dragon, but nope. Well, actually my team refused to wait the 30s it was going to take for Dragon to respawn so we could get the fifth one and they were able to fight us off that. It took getting another Baron and a catch on a I believe it was Nidalee to put the nail in this one.

Bought a Mercurial Scimitar because usually the way it goes when I am Shyvana against a Malzahar I dive into their team and then he ults me.

Definitely felt the dirth of attack speed/AoE wave clear that I get from going something like Titanic Hydra. And I kept thinking that I had Blade of the Ruined King or Titanic Hydra as I kept trying to use the Mercurial Scimitar active as part of my combo which meant it was frequently down. I need to put that on another key or something.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 12, 2016 7:46pm | Report

Match History

Went with Volibear because I felt that pick would be a better bodyguard for Kog'Maw than Shyvana given the rest of our team comp.

This one was a mix of the lanes getting crushed and a whole heap of classic silver mistakes. Riven kept trying to fight the Ekko. One death and "my lane, gg" whining starts coming out. Diana starts *****ing about why the rest of us are playing ranked and then proceeds to take every engage without consideration for who else might be available as backup. We won a team fight in our base and then ran up mid and took two towers, but we needed to back immediately as their team had respawned. I pinged my team back and Diana went in. GG from there basically. I did manage to get some help in protecting Kog'Maw after pointing out that we probably wanted to keep him alive. That is when we started doing better in team fights. Problem is Riven and Diana couldn’t stay our of our own jungle where we had no ward coverage and they kept getting picked off. So in short another comedy of errors.

I may have to listen to my intuition telling me I should dodge. When I saw the Riven pick and we didn’t ban out Ekko I had a feeling this one was donzo from the get go. Diana is another pick I don’t like that much at my ELO as they are all inclined to go in no matter the circumstances. Leona's are hit and miss in that department. Some of them are all ham all the time, which works for some of them, but when it doesn't...ewwwww.

Not sure what I could have done different other than maybe have picked a good early game counter jungler and killed Wukong in his jungle since he has a tendency for getting low.

I've enjoyed playing Ekko but thought he was in a decent spot before the buffs. His win rate in lane was a bit low, but with enough skill you could make him work. Now tank Ekko is unkillable, still does respectable damage, and can be a pest about diving your backline and being extremely hard to peel.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 12, 2016 10:15pm | Report

Match History

Our team was better individually than their team, but we tried to outplay ourselves. Fortunately, we got it together and beat them in a couple of team fights, one of which allowed us to push down their Nexus.

Lux wanted Mid, but Zed said no thanks, and you can tell because Lux bought no Sightstone even though their ADC requested they do so. Not sure how you can get to Silver and not understand the importance of vision as both an offensive and defensive tool. Fortunately their support didn't have a Sightstone either so they were about as lacking in vision as we were and they had no way to kill wards except with pinks.

Olaf really struggled against Darius. I had to bail his *** out a couple of times, which did net us some kills. But I would literally help him kill Darius and then Olaf would TP back to lane an immediately get chunked to 1/4 health and I would have to run back up. Darius did so much blanking damage just with a Black Cleaver. It is absurd. Even when I had Dead Man's Plate complete he still hurt like a SOB and managed to 2v2 Olaf and myself vs him and a tower we were trying to kill. Olaf and I figured surely both he and I could get the tower and then run away before the gap closer less Darius could do much. Not so. We didn't even get the last auto on the tower. :-(

Fortunately, Zed and Ezreal were crushing it. Ez was having one of those Ez games where every Trueshot Barrage managed to pick up a kill or two. Super fun when it happens, but often it doesn't happen, so it isn't something you can rely on. Zed was mopping the floor with Yasuo and made a couple of good roams to pick up more kills. Zed did have a few I can kill anyone any time moments and managed to get himself killed hence the fairly high number of deaths.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 13, 2016 9:42pm | Report

Match History

Finally had a solid Vel'Koz game with a good supporting cast. Did manage to cancel my ult once, which meant some targets didn’t go down as quickly as they should have, but other than that I think I played this game fairly well.

Note vs Azir - buy a Null-Magic Mantle before a 2nd Doran's Ring. That bird’s poke hurts. I almost killed Azir very early after tagging him with some poke and my combos, but he managed to get away by the skin of his teeth. I did solo kill him later in laning phase once I had my ultimate. My team did a good job of stacking their team up allowing me to rake them all with my ult in multiple fights, which often either won us the fight or took the heart out of them.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 13, 2016 9:44pm | Report

Match History

Teamed up with one of the peeps from my previous game who played well as Poppy. They also played fairly well as Pantheon. The bane and boon of this game was Leona as is common with Leona’s. If they and their team are on the same page then things tend to go well. However when they aren’t in sync with their team it usually gets ugly. This Leona was about 60-40. And that eventually cost us our lead in objectives. We turned it around when they starting sieging our Mid base turret. Our tower was about to go down to their pressure and Pantheon took that opportunity to man drop onto them. I jumped onto their backline and Miss Fortune let loose with her ult. After scattering their backline and killing Orianna, I doubled back to help my team kill Ryze. We then chased Ezreal and I believe Braum back to to their base where I killed Ezreal under a Nexus turret. We took down their Mid inhibitor and then Nexus turrets and finally the Nexus.

And I just noticed we didn't have a Locket of the Iron Solari on our team. I should probably have picked one of those up over Spirit Visage. Well, at least Leona bought a Sightstone / Eye of the Equinox. XD
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 14, 2016 8:25pm | Report

Match History

Mistakes were made. I roamed bot and picked up a kill on Draven yay me. Teleported Bot to try and help them, but was just a little too late on my Teleport so I didn’t get anything out of it. Brand was tricky to lane against, but he picked after me so I figured I wouldn’t enjoy whoever I went up against. Not sure about the itemization on my team. If I had known no one would by a Aegis of the Legion I would have opted for a Banner of Command. Not one bought any attack speed reduction items like Randuin's Omen or Frozen Heart though we had two tanks that could make decent use of it, especially Sejuani for the 20% CDR which would mean all her CC would be up more frequently.

I failed my Zhonya's Hourglass at least once by having it in the wrong slot. Super annoying that you can’t switch it while in the store.

Found some relatively recent higher level than me Morgana Mid game play Mids so I can am going to try and watch those this weekend to see what I can glean.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 16, 2016 12:18am | Report

Ups and downs.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 16, 2016 11:04pm | Report

Match History

The throws. We had the momentum then Sivir wanders up Mid by herself and farts around long enough that she eventually gets run down and killed. That was a big deal because we were barely winning team fights with her. And we had a chance to end the game at two points and failed to do so. On one, half the team goes to take their second open inhibitor and the other goes to take the Nexus turrets after which we would probably could have taken the Nexus. At another point our fairly strong Riven broke off from the rest of the team to go and take Dragon. Then we screwed around and got caught in a Rumble ult and all died and they were able to end the game. face palm.

My Explosive Cask placement ended up sucking. It seemed like every target I tried to use it on could either dash it, or flash it every blanking time. And once I had a good line on Caitlyn but the RNG gods were not kind to me as I was a hair off of straight behind her so instead of bouncing her directly to us, it bounced her into the nearest wall and the closing distance was too much so she was able to net away before we could finish her off.

Funny too because in the normals game I played with Graggie shortly before that my Explosive Cask placement was beautiful.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 17, 2016 8:00pm | Report

Match History

One of those games were Blitzcrank was AAaF in the early game while I was trying to do my early clear. Plus he roamed a bunch to make life difficult for other lanes. But Nautilus stomped Graves with only a little help from me so that meant one potential thorn wasn’t as dangerous as it could have been. Between that and Soraka and some decent Miss Fortune Bullet Times this one went well.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 17, 2016 9:03pm | Report

Match History

Their comp was pretty squishy. They had Ezreal who is rather slippery. And the amount of shields they have or people that were going to buy Zhonya's Hourglass was minimal. I was a little worried about Lamb's Respite but turned out I could just delete Kindred before he could use it if I focused him. I imagine I would have more problems with it against a better Kindred player.

So, Nocturne sounded like a good fit. I died a few times going in deep to keep Ezreal out of the fights. Need to make sure I do my combo correctly. I often reflexively hit Q and R so I don’t hit them with Q when I land giving which takes away a huge amount of burst and speed that I should have.

Died once when my duo partner, the Ekko, our Top laner, was doing I don't know what, but they were in the enemies' Bot side jungle running for their life on low health and signaling that they needed help. Yeah that got me killed when 3/4 of their team collapsed on me. Argh! We don't have voice com so I don't always know what they are trying to accomplish.

I do love one Paranoia one kill games or double or triple kills if it works out like that.

Our Bot lane was struggling hard early game. Vayne seemed to be a bit out of it. But our other lanes were doing well, so I was eventually able to get over and help Bot lane out.

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