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Oct 5th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 3, 2011 11:05pm | Report

"Im jungling" -Karthus says and picks up smite/locks in.

Karthus has the fastest jungle clear time in the game.
~ Gentlemen Cho'Gath ~
< ಠ,....,ರೃ>
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May 23rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 5, 2011 6:08pm | Report
JunSupport wrote:

Karthus has the fastest jungle clear time in the game.

Nope, that's Olaf. (Karthus is second place though, yeah)

AP Sona is fun. ^_^

I think all Aura-Tank builds must burn in hell, personally. So boring and so much team reliance @_@

Fantastic artwork by Xiaowiriamu & TheNamelessBard!
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Oct 5th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 5, 2011 10:30pm | Report
Blydden wrote:

Nope, that's Olaf. (Karthus is second place though, yeah)

AP Sona is fun. ^_^

I think all Aura-Tank builds must burn in hell, personally. So boring and so much team reliance @_@

Actually, Karthus and Olaf are tied for first place.

You should study your jungle times better. Karthus is just less noticed because he's a lane-champion.
~ Gentlemen Cho'Gath ~
< ಠ,....,ರೃ>
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The_Nameless_Bard's Forum Avatar
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 5, 2011 10:46pm | Report
Blydden wrote:
I think all Aura-Tank builds must burn in hell, personally. So boring and so much team reliance @_@

Plus there is no champion who can actually do it decently...
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Mowen's Forum Avatar
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Nov 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 6, 2011 10:33am | Report

Plus there is no champion who can actually do it decently...

Oh I thought that was Sona...

Wait Sona is an AP nuke?

Wait Sona has 3 team-buffing auras, and when combined with other aura items she's a serious team buffer?

I guess it doesn't matter if your whole team has +32 armor and +35 magic resist in a team fight (That's just her W and Aegis). Nope... won't make a difference...

Supports want to make their team better in a team game... WHAT?!

You say Sona is boring when she doesn't deal damage, but you do the same things support Sona does. You hit QWE QWE QWE QWE instead of WQE WQE WQE WQE? Oh wow! Still save R for teamfights, still run around not targeting and spamming spells. If you want to think, think about when to use her W + passive to shut down the enemy carry / aoe nuker (oh, and you should do that whether you're AP or Support).

If aura tank builds didn't work, tanks would just build straight damage. In fact there would be no tanking role (the role that prevents incoming damage to your team). Supports can also fill this role, and aura buffing makes it so your carries can build more damage items than the would without your auras. Who needs to absorb damage / diffuse the enemy teams damage when I can just KILL THEM ALL?! *amumu dies*
Thanks to GrandMasterD for my sig!
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 6, 2011 11:26am | Report
She can only do it if her team can back her up...and my experience is that most people are unwilling to do that. a predominantly AP build (even if you're not nuke-y) will usually live longer than an aura stacking build from what I've tried.
SixSonatas's Forum Avatar
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Oct 10th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 6, 2011 11:33am | Report

She can only do it if her team can back her up...and my experience is that most people are unwilling to do that. a predominantly AP build (even if you're not nuke-y) will usually live longer than an aura stacking build from what I've tried.

You know you were talking to a team captain right? I thought I mentioned something about premade teams being able to use Aura Sona more effectively than AP Sona, but maybe I didn't. As I stated, AP is a carry build and other APs just do it a lot better than Sona. I think I said that AP can be somewhat effective in solo but in team games, if you're going to play Sona, you CAN'T go AP.

That is the reason I challenged your team with my team; AP Sona simply drags her team down. I'm still up for scrimming if you still don't think so, but I hope I got my point across.
Super old vet that almost never goes on Mobafire anymore. Contact me in game @ SixSonatas and Mobafire chat (NA).
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 6, 2011 11:36am | Report
Even in my normal premade 5 my allies don't back me up well enough for me to pull off a support build...which probably makes my team pathetic but there's the truth
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Oct 10th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 6, 2011 11:41am | Report

Even in my normal premade 5 my allies don't back me up well enough for me to pull off a support build...which probably makes my team pathetic but there's the truth

Well then, you've found your problem.
Super old vet that almost never goes on Mobafire anymore. Contact me in game @ SixSonatas and Mobafire chat (NA).
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 6, 2011 11:44am | Report
and I get so bored of out my skull with support builds...."look I aura'd again"...I s'pose that's why I haven't played Sona in forever
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