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OP/UP champs and who are they?

Creator: Lugignaf August 31, 2011 8:20am
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Nighthawk's Forum Avatar
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Dec 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 7, 2011 6:53pm | Report
atm rather then OP, i'll just say 'stupidly strong'.

And who is stupidly strong?


You'll notice all of those except Garen and Morde were used in pretty much every IEM game.

welshdrag's Forum Avatar
Mar 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 7, 2011 7:38pm | Report
singed is broken in normals, where you can't counter pick, and if you have no zoners in your lane, he gets insane farm then is disgustingly strong

Credits for my signature goes to Lazukin - Visit his thread here

Tanky is a prefix to DPS, don't **** with me about Jarvan tank.
JunSupport's Forum Avatar
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Oct 5th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 7, 2011 7:51pm | Report
Singed isn't OP. Just the most appealing tank at present due to the questionable viability of other tanks.

Amumu - Perpetually banned (Amumu not OP + Amumu banned more > Singed = Singed not OP)
Alistar - Occasionally banned, Ultimate nerfed, relies on allies to capitalize on his powerful cc.
Leona - Viable, but lacks farm, and relies on allies to proc her passive.
Taric - Questionable viability for monthes now.
Maokai - Ultimate is difficult to master, and his Q is extremely lackluster
Cho'Gath - Landing his Q isn't easy, and a lot of people don't know how to play Cho effectively.
Rammus - Seen as inferior in the jungle, and obsolete in lane
Galio - Niche pick only for heavy magic comps, highly ult dependent, can't do peels
Shen - Underpowered even since his passive + ult got nerfed.

Look at this logically. All other tanks are simply not viable, always banned, or more difficult to use.
Singed isn't OP. He just happened to be the easiest tank to each for.

Many people are usually playing Tanky-DPS forced into the tank role; like Jarvan IV, Nocturne, Lee Sin, Renekton, Malphite, Udyr, Warwick, etc..
Who can't really be true tanks as they lack the base damage or survivability to really cut it. Anyone Tanky DPS who still manage to pull it off are just broken in some way. Warwick and Udyr were broken due to their insane lane sustain powers; subsequently nerfed.

Singed actually has a very simple counter: Floor-based AoE slows that cannot be mitigated by Tenacity.

Kog'Maw - Void Ooze
Orianna - Command: Dissonance
Akali - Twilight Shroud
Anivia - Glacial Storm
Trundle - Pillar of Filth
Lux - Lucent Singularity
Miss Fortune - Make it Rain
Rumble - The Equalizer
Gangplank - Cannon Barrage
Vladimir - Sanguine Pool

All of these abilities stop Singed cold. Except for Vlad, his only works if you're defending someone else and not trying to flee.

The forums are just distraught because their first impression of Singed is - "Stay away from Singed" + "Don't chase Singed" = Singed cannot be defeated.
They don't bother looking at the situation seriously for answers.

I've posted this many times on the official forums. The only problem with this is, floor-based slows are tricky. If you fail the timing or positioning, you're screwed; and, newbies are so good at failing.

Trundle is an especially solid counter.
Why? Agony > Insanity Potion. You go go go insane? I troll troll troll your stats.

The future:

-Shen is about to get some buffs. A new shiny feature on Feint I hear.
-Taric is getting a reworked ultimate. Radiance will be better then ever.
-Leona might get some touches to her kit's quality-of-life

Singed won't look so amazing when there are other tanks to actually compete with him.

footnote 1: Taric is indeed a tank. He's a supportive aura tank. He's a hybrid similar to Alistar who can both heal and take on tons of damage. He used to be very viable, but he dropped off as his heal got repeatedly nerfed.

footnote 2: Malphite is not a true tank. He is a tank/tanky-dps hybrid. Yes, I know that's vague, but that's how Riot made him.
He has no way to peel, but he has great initation and half-decent damage output, while also having incentives to build tanky. Most people don't grasp what hybrids are and assume he's a tank, or bruiser. He's a little of both, but also neither.

footnote 3: Here's another way to hinder Singed's success. Control the lane.
Don't just sit and last-hit. Zone him out, and have your jungler gank him excessively. That's how you defeat a lot of bulky opponents like Jax, Mordekaiser, Irelia, etc.. You ruin their lane phase so they can't farm into immortal titans. Tis' a team effort!
~ Gentlemen Cho'Gath ~
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Temzilla's Forum Avatar
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Mar 28th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 7, 2011 8:08pm | Report
Metalsonic wrote:
Soraka / Sona / Taric nerfs have been the most ******ed nerfs Riot in my opinion has ever done . They made Alistar + Janna OP by nerfing all the other good supports !

I hate people like you.

Soraka? Yeah, she got HUGE BUFFS, she's always been a "heal and make that dude really tanky for 8 seconds" and now her armor buff is way better.

Sona has always been an aura bot, and they made her heal aura way better.

Taric has always just been the stun, and he is getting a new ultimate soon.

Those sustain champions were only "over" played because they had the heals as well as the utility.

A straight up heal bot, with no other utility wouldn't really get played.

Edit: About singed, Akali is a pretty hard counter, since she can survive his harass, and also she can just chase him down when he ults because of her extremely low cooldown on her dash ulti.
Tri lane for life.
JunSupport's Forum Avatar
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Oct 5th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 7, 2011 8:18pm | Report

Laning phase aside where you simply need to outplay Singed...

The only thing Akali can do against Singed is use her shroud to slow him.

Focusing any of your nuke damage on Singed is a silly idea. You're suppose to use Shadow Dance to get at his squishy allies, not him.
Akali only gets 3 charges on her ultimate, she needs kills or assists to receive more; wasting them on the tank makes a bad Akali.

And, no you do not have the survivability to survive his harass because one nice Fling can mean game-over for you. Just one is all it can take.
~ Gentlemen Cho'Gath ~
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Queso's Forum Avatar
Nov 10th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 7, 2011 11:53pm | Report
Akali isn't really a hard counter as much as she just has the capability to beat him and like jun said outside of laning phase she shouldn't be focusing on him.

At the moment Garen's early damage eats Singed alive in a 1v1 match up and he has easy regen in his passive. Singed simply cannot compete until he has a catalyst and is level 6. However, if Singed can survive without feeding and losing too much farm, then he will undoubtedly be a more tanky character late game than garen.

Really the best counter to singed I've ever seen was a well played Vayne. She was practically un-flingable. I also hate playing against any champ that can dash frequently as its harder to harass them.
Mazuran's Forum Avatar
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Aug 13th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 8, 2011 2:35am | Report
Queso wrote:

Really the best counter to singed I've ever seen was a well played Vayne. She was practically un-flingable. I also hate playing against any champ that can dash frequently as its harder to harass them.

Also Silver Bolts = More effective against Singed, who typically has a fair bit of HP.

(Vayne's Q can also be used to escape J4's Ulti... U Mad Bro?)
DuffTime's Forum Avatar
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Oct 31st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 8, 2011 8:11am | Report
... Akali is absolutely a hard counter to Singed.

Most players are just bad at Akali and therefore it doesn't seem like she is.

Akali is basically a counter to most melee hero's in the 1v1 lanes.
JunSupport's Forum Avatar
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Oct 5th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 8, 2011 10:34am | Report

Being a good choice in a lane does not make that champion a counter to the other champion.
To be a counter, you need to possess a mechanic that specifically breaks down the other's play style in all points of the game.


-Vayne hard counters tanks and tanky-dps with her bolts.
-Jax counters auto-attackers due to his counterstrike.
-Veigar counters casters by feeding off their AP with his ult.
-Morgana counters tons of low-damage CC with her black shield.

Akali does not mechanically affect Singed negatively in any way in mid and late game team fights because her Shroud must be reserved for protecting herself over hindering another. She does good damage, that's all; just about anyone can do that.
Akali is a counter to squishy-comps without knock-backs. She's an assassin built for bringing down squishies, not combating tanks.

You are wrong. Akali is not a counter to Singed.

If you disagree, actually explain why. Don't just throw out an opinion. Opinions don't matter in theorycrafting.
~ Gentlemen Cho'Gath ~
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DuffTime's Forum Avatar
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Oct 31st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 8, 2011 4:15pm | Report
No bro. You can tell me I'm wrong, but if you think it's just an opinion of mine, then why bother?

Here, let's just flip the switch.

You're wrong, because Akali crushes his face, denies him farm in lane, and that counters him.

A Singed with no farm is useless. He's probably the most farm dependent champ outside of AD carries. Denying him farm is in and of itself countering him.

You can talk about mechanics and yadiyadi and how you need to be a mechanical direct counter, but what it really boils down to is that yes, if you win lane hard enough to deny farm, you are a counter.

You can zooooooom into the tiniest detail and decide that your definition is king and all other interpretations of the word, "Counter" are incorrect, but that really doesn't affect me in any way, and I'm still going to tell people Akali counters Singed.

Because she does.
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