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Now just for the slight chance that you are not joking (I hope not). SivHD is a successful youtuber but not a pro player. He creates troll guides which are meant for fun. That's exactly what I said. Movement speed builds on hecarim are for fun not efficiency. Ok?
Siv HD's Jungle Hecarim Guide
A pro player's guide to hecarim
I saw it only today but he actually goes for only attack damage and movement speed
So my game play is deffrent, but I think that if he builds movement speed, then maybe it isn't all that bad...
When I first wrote my Amumu guide I thought I could simply make a short guide on my items and one or two other things and people would love it. I was wrong! You should give all the info that you possibly can in the nicest way you can! That's how you get a good guide which people will enjoy. They want one guide that tells them what to do, not 10 guides with a bit of info on every single one!
Boots of Swiftness give you 15 more ms. This gives you 0.25*15=3.75 ad at lvl 18 (earlier it gives you even less!) so the ad isn't an arguing point! If you like them to chase someone down then you might aswell buy Mobility Boots to catch up and then use the slows from Iceborn Gauntlet once you're there. You can also just use normal boots like mercs and use your E to catch up. Seriously Hecarim has enough ways to catch someone with his E and R. After that you will stick with the gauntlet. If you even rush the gauntlet then there's no point in gettin the Boots of Swiftness since they don't give you any other good stats!
Youmuu's Ghostblade and Mercurial Scimitar I will take them as one since they both have about the same purpose: damage! I know that sometimes you need to carry your team and deal damage but you are still the initiator and the guy standing amidst the enemy team... I just don't see a hecarim with such an offensive build working out... Maybe if you're stomping and ahead but from my experience it's much safer and better to build him as a bruiser or offtank.
Spirit Visage What I'm saying with this item is that you can replace another item! You might not build the same things every time. This is the tanky equivilent to the Mercurial Scimitar.
Phage I meant this to be a way to build him more as a very damage heavy bruiser. If you buy the Iceborn Gauntlet then you'll spend 3400 gold on just that one item!!!! That's a huge heap of gold. If you want to get a The Brutalizer then you'll need to be a bit tanky with a focus on damage. That's what phage gives you. It replaces the gauntlet in a damage heavy build.
Sunfire Aegis doesn't seem like first choice on hecarim. You have no magic pen so any mr on the enemy will reduce your damage drastically and you have enough AoE without it. A warmog's is just an extremely cost efficient item at the moment for any bruiser or tank! It's almost to cheap! And randuins is the perfect item for an initiator since you can use it after initiating with your ult to bring their team to a weak state after forcing a team fight!
Also getting a Sheen early in jungle will buff your damage but it will make you susceptible to damage! If you start your gauntlet with a Glacial Shroud then you can get a Chain Vest to reduce jungle damage and any damage from mid game ad bruisers which are popular atm.
Oracle's Elixir isn't as good as it used to be in s2 and I would advise you to buy a few pink wards instead for dragon or any wards you need cleared. Get an Oracles late game if you need one.
Flash consider this over [Ghost. Ghost only gives you 6.75 ad at lvl 18 (2.7 ad lvl 1) and it doesn't synergise with your E or R as good as flash does. You can walk into a lane from your tower, activate E, flash, R and push the enemy back. This will give you a super strong element of surprise and the enemy will be dead pretty much for sure. Also flashing behind people with E or using flash as an escape is great! I found flash to be more helpful...
I'll say this again... Your hecarim build is really squishy!! Getting one single mr item and only having one more minor mr item in your alternative items is simply put silly. You will die before you get to do anything. If you want to build ad carry then play one of those and if you want to go big damage hecarim then call your guide that and tell us! If I go into a game and build this I'll get killed way to fast. That's just my experience ofc... Maybe your enemies tend to leave you alone while you kill them.
Maybe put some work into your Abilities section. It really doesn't look very nice. Go look at some other guides and see how they did it. Let some inspiration flow and try to make it look cool.
Your items section is pretty long and stale aswell. Try to maybe make sections with early, mid and late game and optional items. Maybe a damage build, tanky build and then certain tips for when you should use what?
The jungling section is the ultimative wall of text. There might be good information in it but not 2% of your readers will even bother.
I will change my vote when I feel that I could go into a game and be able to not only build one damage heavy item combination but actually have a chance to ajust to my enemy after reading your guide. Also you could try to make those walls of text in the guide a bit less repellent.
In the "comments" section you have a small typo: you wrote "bot" and meant "not"
in the "introduction" : "Sense" instead of "Since" and "I have try" instead of "I have tried" and "tho" should be "though"
I know that this is not an english guide but I think that a certain degree of correctness can be expected if you expect people to read and enjoy your guide. This is not a reason to down vote but a reason not to up vote.
If I helped then consider taking a look at my amumu guide and maybe droping a comment
Cortez Cardinal
Laggermeister, Downvoting a guide for spelling mistakes is lame and actually reflects badly on you.
My guide is about Playing Hecarim, not aboout how to speak correct English.
If you wanna learn good English, I am sure that there are a lot of fine sites for that.
Cortez Cardinal, Thanks for you building comments, I agree on some of them, and I took them into account and even updated the guide.
I disagree on some and it's a shame that you downvoted before asking why I made my choices.
I will answer some of your comments.
Mercurial Scimitar aren't just for ad, they complete Hecarim in many ways. Youmuu's Ghostblade
Mercurial Scimitar is an awsome MR item with nice AD boost. The small movement bonus is not the why I take it.
Youmuu's Ghostblade gives some Armor Pen which as you stated, my Hecarim lacks,That's why I like to take it. It's active also synergizes well because it alows me to Chase down any enemy in the game and kill him. It also makes Heaarims E ganks much much stronger.
Boots of Swiftness I rarly take them on any other champ, but on Hecarim, they'r just awesome. He doesn't just gain AD on speed, he also needs speed to be an effective ganker. Mobility Boots Just loose their effect after 1 hit and it costs in a lot of total AD increase in the end.
Spirit Visage is viable, only thing is I don't need that extra CDR, I might consider the item tho.
Phage isn't needed you get the same effect using Hecarim's Q along with Iceborn Gauntlet
Randuin's Omen Warmog's Armor Are both good items but I think that Sunfire Aegis along with the other Armor and MR items makes for a tanky enough champ.
Im general, I do agree that my initial Jungle build was a bit to weak on defence so I ajusted that a bit, but for the rest, I have to disagree on most of what you said, I hope that you will change your mind after reading my answer and change your vote accordinglly.
Thanks for the comment again.
This guide is filled with spelling mistakes. I actually notice it as a problem because there are so many of them.
Damn y u so fast? Wanted first comment ;)
I'll wait with the vote for now since it doesn't really seem all that finished and thought through. I'll check back.
All the best with your guide and feel free to drop me a +rep if I helped
Cortez Cardinal