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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

State of Co-op vs. AI

I've gotten a few friends into LoL recently, and I played some bot games with them to try and teach them the basics in a stress-free environment. Last-hitting, pushing, jungle timers, harassing, building/counterbuilding, teamfighting, global objectives, etc.

Unfortunately, those matches proved to be far less educational than I assumed. In fact, I can conclude that playing bot games inevitably makes you worse at LoL, for a plethora of reasons that I will highlight below:

Lack of proper matchmaking discourages teamwork

Matchmaking for Co-op vs. AI depends not on any form of elo/MMR, only by summoner level. This means that even if you're in Diamond, queueing for Co-op vs. AI may as well match you with a Rumble who starts Mana Manipulator and feeds first blood in 2 minutes. Granted, this barely matters since you can carry 1v5 against bots, but it's not very conducive to establishing a teamwork environment; since you have zero confidence in the abilities of your teammates, every game t…

Soraka, One of the most Under rated champions ever?

Hello this is my first BLOG so bare with me as I may just ramble here

When I first started playing League of Legends I was told to start with an easy champion, One of the recommended one who were perfect for beginners so I decided on SORAKA because I liked the idea of supporting the team to victory, A very important role indeed.

Now what usually happens is after a while you get bored of the starting champion and you move up to a stronger and more difficult champion to play with but I seemingly stuck with Soraka because playing her I began to notice something special about her and that was the fact she is actually alot stronger and more OP than many people give her credit for.

First off I understand she was not a strong character on her stats but hear me out, I tend to notice that the harder the character is to play, the easier it is to make them OP...well Soraka is the opposite, she is by far the easiest character to get a grips off but you have to put in some effort to make her OP …

From Community to Business: MOBAFire

Alright, so a couple of things have happened lately, and then I'm not talking about this guy's blog (right -_-) but I'm talking, of course, about the way Yannis gave a definition to MOBAFire I did not hear before. Sure it might me being incredibly naive but there's something more serious going on in my opinion. Also, don't get me wrong, I'm just trying to understand what is happening to this community I'm part of just in the same way as mankind is trying to unveil the mysteries of the universe. I'm not hating in any way, okay maybe a little but still that shouldn't supress the actual message that much. If it does, apologies are made for the fact that you can't let anything go.

So pretty much what I'm trying to do here is starting a quest, and not one to retrieve the holy grail or to take an all-powerful ring to a volcano but merely a quest to discover what happened. What exactly do I mean? Well How did we go from this:

jhoijhoi wrote:


Garen is so OP why dont Riot nerf him! I just destroy the african ladders and there is nothing that can stop me. How can Riot let me demolish the african soil with my dirty hands.

I think i am in love with Garen. Everytime i get a pentakill with Garen i get so hard down there. I wish there was a way i could confess my feeligs for him. But he would never talk to me im just a no one.

#GarenOP #****Yes #smd

Evelynn: Do You Prefer AP, AD, or a Mixture of Both?

I'm learning Evelynn this week and I'm noticing some discrepancies in the mobafire builds between getting attack damage and ability power.

Should I focus on one or the other or just get items that have both?

Also I'm wondering how important life leach is to Evelynn? It would seem since a significant portion of her damage is supposed to come from basic attacks that you would want some to help survive in specific situations or is it better to just build defensively instead if you're worried about survival?

Meiyjhe Update (6)

Greetings ladies and gentlemen,

Today, I will try to make my blog more structured, have fun reading, since as always, I have a few things I want to announce :D

Table of Contents
1. NA (LoL-related)
2. Bandle City (Inhouse)
3. Wallgof the Leper Yordle (Idea)
4. Shingeki no Kyojin (Anime)
5. Bastion (Game)

1. Na
So I have seen NA people creating EUW accounts for funsies, and I thought, what if I made a NA account for funsies? :D Then I can see how dem Amuricuns r doing, which I thought would be interesting :P

However, there was a problem, I wanted to make a NA account (because else I cannot log in there), but each time I want to make a new account, I can only make it for EUW, not for NA. Can anyone help? :D

2. Bandle City! (EUW)
Soon, there will be the special inhouse where we will fight in a theme, where in EUW, it would be Bandle City vs Ionia. I am really looking forward to this, but there is only one problem, a kind of big one actually: Only 2 people have signed up so far …

Top Lane First Look: Aatrox


Aatrox is a close range melee carry that has a playstyle comparable to Jax or Xin Zhao. Aatrox has good AD scalings with a massive amount of sustain. Aatrox can play as an assassin or as a sustained bruiser. In lane Aatrox has a weak waveclear but a strong sustain. His Q is both his engage and disengage so that should be baited out when looking to gank him. He relies on AS for alot of his effects therefore a frozen heart or randuins is a good counterbuild item for him.


(Passive)Blood Well- Aatrox's abilities cost health to cast. When using an ability, Aatrox stores 70% of the health cost into a blood well. Upon taking fatal damage, Aatrox becomes invulnerable for 1.5 seconds as he recovers all the health in his blood well.
Aatrox's Blood Well has a base amount equal to 35% of the maximum. When out of combat, the well will deplete at a rate of 3% per second down to the base amount.
While Blood Well is on cooldown, Aatrox will not accumulate blood.

This passiv…

It's been rough these past few weeks

I didn't realize it's been a while since my last blog. Personal life is crazy. My best friend's brother passed away Saturday in motorcycle accident. I'm preparing to go to his viewing tomorrow. Plus,my bf and I have been fighting a lot lately(over League,ha.) I feel bad bc I know people are waiting on sigs. I hope all is well here...

Please drive safely...

Love always,

Good night.

Best Lissandra Build / Lissandra Roles Improperly...

I've been playing Lissandra this past week and she's listed as a mage / ranged but I really feel that her roles are mislabeled and misleading.

First off, none of her abilities are really single target orientated, frozen tomb hit's a single target but has an area of effect. Ice Shard, Glacial Path, and Ring of Frost all hit an Area.

I really feel that Lissandra should be changed to support or pusher. A lot of builds recommend getting a lot of ability power up front but I've found that it's relatively useless in unranked play. You're not going to hit someone for high damage and kill them.

What I have found out is that by starting off the game with a faerie charm and 5 mana potions that I'm really able to push the lanes like crazy. Ice Shards shatters through minions into champions, a lot of times even 1v2 the two champions end up going back to base via recall long before they want to.

Glacial Path and Ring of Frost are excellent at escaping chase or excellent at giving chase.


League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide